9. Sachiko-2

1116 Words

“It"s not for nothing. I am afraid of him.” “I am afraid of him too,” Maria said. “Did he ever bite you?” Daniel inquired. “No, but he growls at me, snaps at me like he is going to bite me. Something is wrong with him.” Maria surprisingly sided with her mother on this rare occasion. “He has never bitten me or tried to bite me.” In all the years prior to this, Daniel had never heard anyone in the family complain that Sachiko was mean or tried to bite them. Nor did Daniel ever see Sachiko try to bite anyone. The dog had a loving temperament and kept to himself. It was strange for Daniel to hear this from his mother and older sister now. Daniel wondered why they were saying these things. His mind fixated on that they no longer wanted anymore pets. This started after the family"s second d

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