9. Sachiko-1

2007 Words

Sachiko stormed to the front yard like a sentinel on duty. His little black and white paws soared tremendously until he reached the silver, but rusting steel chain-linked fence that outlined the front of the Mendoza property. His loud yelps echoed repeatedly at the male stranger who continued to walk listlessly along the sidewalk as if Sachiko was not there. That did not matter to Sachiko. It was his solemn duty to protect the Mendoza family and he carried it out day in and day out regardless of the number of strangers passing by or the time of day. Striding back and forth the entire length of the front fence that abutted Chambers Lane, Sachiko would run and run, around the red rose bush with its prickly thorns and then straight until he reached the end of the driveway at the northwest cor

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