10. Sylvia-1

2017 Words

As she sat askew on the left side of the worn, tan sofa in her family room on the second floor of her rented condominium, Sylvia hushed her kids one last time to be quiet. She wanted her children to slow their raucous playing while she readied herself for the day to come. Her long flowing black hair was speckled with gray, which started, much like her father when she was only thirty years old. Her older siblings did not have any gray hair. This embarrassed Sylvia slightly. At first, Sylvia embraced her aging features because they reminded her of her father, Marcelo Robles. Everyone else on her father"s side of the family also prematurely grayed. It was apparently an Ecuadorian trait or so it seemed. Sylvia believed this because no one from the Puerto Rican side of her family grayed so earl

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