Secret Realm Admission Ticket

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Not only the Kyoto area, but the entire world is shocked that Lin Chuan has been promoted to level 3! Bakanov was previously the number one on the level list and the target of the Divine Punishment mission. His location is posted to everyone around the world in real time! No matter how he disguises himself, he will always have the words "No. 1 on the Level List" on his head! On the other side of the world, almost all major forces formed teams and frantically wanted to kill him! no way! The rewards from the God’s Punishment mission are so tempting! Point experience points! Orange treasure chest! Life skills! Although many people still don't know what the natal skills are, and they are not sure what rewards the orange treasure chest can unlock. But just 10,000 experience points are enough to make people jealous! Upgrading from level 1 to level 2 only costs 100 experience points! But because of the game settings, people on the first day of the apocalypse cannot even upgrade to level 2! Bakanov is hiding on a ferry, but his pursuers have already begun searching on the ferry! It was at such a critical moment that he suddenly heard the global announcement! Level 3? ! The person who agreed to trade with him really reached level 3? ! Lin Chuan? It sounds like a name from Southeast Asia. Bakanov immediately found the transaction again and sent a private message—— Customer: [Are you the Lin Chuan announced in the global announcement? 】 Lin Chuan, who was far away at the Nantian Terrace in Beijing, was not surprised to receive news from Bakanov as soon as possible. He calmly replied: [Can we trade? 】 Bakanov looked at this line of words, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. As his thoughts turned around, he actually went back on his word at this moment: [Logically speaking, I should complete the deal I promised you! But for me now, even the B-level talent blood crystal cannot avoid the crisis I have to face. 】 Lin Chuan's eyes turned cold: [So? Do you want me to go to the Atlantic Ocean to hunt you down like everyone else? 】 Bakanov's pupils shrank, and he felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart. This is a kind of intuition unique to desperadoes! Although it is not as good as Qifeng's intuitive talent, it still allows Bakanov to escape death time and time again. He realized that this guy named Lin Chuan was not someone he could offend now. After hesitating for a moment, he changed his tone: [Okay, the previous transaction still stands. However, I also want to attach a transaction. 】 Lin Chuan's eyes were cold and he did not reply immediately. Bakanov added: [I have a ticket to the secret realm here, and what I want to trade with you is my life. 】 Admission ticket to the secret place! A flash of surprise flashed across Lin Chuan's eyes. The killing game has many secret realms, some of which are unowned and require players to find the entrance to the secret realm before they can enter. The unowned secret realm is like a blind box, no one can predict what will happen inside. It could be a huge surprise that makes people stronger. It's also possible that you'll die as soon as you enter. As for the main secret realm, it is usually entered through the secret realm admission ticket. What Lin Chuan didn't expect was that on the first day of the apocalypse, someone would actually get a ticket to the secret realm! Moreover, since Bakanov cannot escape from the crisis through a secret realm ticket, it means that the secret realm must be a large-scale multiplayer secret realm! The secret realm will not be opened until the number of people who activate the tickets reaches the required level! Generally speaking, the rewards in large-scale multiplayer secret realms are so rich that even Lin Chuan would be greedy for them! However, the fighting and battles in large-scale multiplayer secret realms are also extremely brutal! Not to mention "narrow escapes", many secret places are so tragic that "no one survives"! However, large-scale multiplayer secret realms are a good thing for Lin Chuan! Because large-scale multiplayer secrets often represent a different world! In a different world, Lin Chuan will have the opportunity to break through the upper limit of attributes again! So, he quickly replied to Bakanov and asked: [Tell me first, what kind of secret realm is it? 】 Customer: [The name of the secret realm is "The Dragon and the Warrior". A total of 2,000 people need to activate the secret realm tickets before the secret realm will be opened. 】 It is because of such restrictions that Bakanov feels that the ticket to the secret realm is useless and he has no use for it at the moment! But Lin Chuan directly agreed: [Okay, you place the transaction, and I will give you three tips that can help you survive the ten days before the end of the world. 】 Bakanov's eyes lit up: [Deal! 】 Soon, the two reached two deals in one go. In the first transaction, Lin Chuan exchanged the B-level talent Blood Crystal for Moon God's Blessing and Qingling Fruit! The second transaction, with just a paragraph of text, was exchanged for a ticket to the secret realm of "Dragon and Warrior"! A trace of joy flashed through Lin Chuan's heart. After all, for him, the ticket to the secret realm was a free prostitution ticket! The three tips he gave Bakanov were - 1. Kill 10 God’s Favored Ones and become the Death Favored One! 2. Kill the professionals and obtain the scrolls of the professional missions. Through the scrolls, you can be transported to the special mission space! 3. Find the unowned secret realm and avoid being hunted in the unowned secret realm! These three points, without additional hints, are equivalent to three nonsense sentences. Therefore, Lin Chuan also gave additional tips! Just under the ferry where Bakanov is located, in the deep sea, there is a hidden, unclaimed secret! And the reason why Lin Chuan felt that he had used the ticket to the secret realm in vain... Because Bakanov in his previous life escaped the global hunt in the early days of the apocalypse in that unowned secret realm! In other words, Lin Chuan's reminder completely took advantage of Bakanov! But he can take advantage of this advantage and feel at ease! Seeing the "thank you" that Bakanov kept sending in surprise, Lin Chuan replied politely: [You’re welcome. If you have any good stuff in the future, remember to keep looking for me. 】 Bakanov immediately replied: [As long as I can survive, I will! 】 After completing the deal with Lin Chuan, Bakanov jumped decisively into the sea at night! It has to be said that this man, who was known as the God of Killing in his previous life, is quite decisive in his actions! Lin Chuan no longer paid attention to Bakanov. He activated the secret realm ticket of "Evil Dragon and Warrior" and displayed the number of people as "9/2000", indicating that before Lin Chuan, 8 people had activated the "Evil Dragon and Warrior" secret realm ticket. Tickets for "Dragons and Warriors"! Lin Chuan was not too surprised. After all, people from all worlds have the opportunity to obtain tickets to the secret realm! Worlds, full of wonders. In every world, there will be people who are blessed by chance. He put the ticket to the secret realm away, and then put the Moon God's Blessing around his neck. After that, the words "Level Ranking No. 1" above his head automatically disappeared! At this time, Ayiya recovered from the shock and came out from behind the fire water tank in a daze. She subconsciously said: "Linchuan, you have been promoted to 3..." Halfway through her words, she suddenly noticed that there was no golden text "No. 1 on the level list" above Lin Chuan's head! Doesn't it mean that everyone who is on the level list will have corresponding text displayed above their heads? Why is there no text above Lin Chuan's head? ! Ayiya stared blankly at the top of Lin Chuan's head. Lin Chuan said seriously: "Oh, you said Lin Chuan on the ranking list, maybe he has the same name." Same name? ! Ayiya almost believed it! But thinking about getting along with Lin Chuan, she still felt in her heart that the Lin Chuan in the global announcement should be the Lin Chuan in front of her! He must have used some special means to hide the text above his head! Ayiya didn't dare to ask any more questions. Lin Chuan looked at the time again. It was less than half an hour until midnight! "Come on, let's find a place to spend the night." "Spend... the night???" Ayiya's eyes were dark and moist, and the way they widened was particularly cute.
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