Upgrade to level 3!

1721 Words
Lin Chuan didn't show any panic on his face. Instead, he asked a question that seemed inconsequential to Ayiya: "What time is it now?" "Huh??" Ayiya was confused and glanced at her watch subconsciously, "Ten, ten forty-eight..." "There's still more than an hour..." Lin Chuan looked at the sky. This weird heavy rain has been falling since eight o'clock and has no intention of stopping at all. Ayiya didn't know why, and was about to say something else when she suddenly sensed something unusual in the dimensional rift not far away! When it was previously occupied by Takasaki and others, forty or fifty dimensional insects would emerge from that dimensional rift every minute. But ever since Lin Chuan threw seven bottles of blood poisonous insects into the dimensional rift, for more than half an hour, not a single dimensional insect has crawled out of the dimensional rift again! It wasn't until now that the rift in the universe erupted again with strange phenomena! The color of that mass of red became deeper and deeper, and seemed to be accompanied by slight vibrations and flickers. This scene is indeed a bit strange. However, Lin Chuan laughed when he saw this scene. As he stepped forward, he said to Ayiya: "You should hide behind the water tank first. The battle should be over soon." "Fight?" Ayiya was alert and immediately hid behind the water tank. She already knew very well in her heart that Lin Chuan's battle was not something that a little trash like her could participate in. Therefore, hiding obediently and not causing trouble to him is the only thing I can do. Shortly after Ayiya hid in the water tank, she heard shaking and roaring sounds! From her perspective, she only saw a burst of strange red light! Then, the roar that was originally a bit nihilistic suddenly became louder and soared into the sky! Ayiya felt that the ground beneath her feet was shaking! She was so scared that she hugged her head tightly and didn't dare to look anymore! And Lin Chuan, looking at the big blood-red man, felt an unmatched sense of crisis in his heart. Of course, he knows with rich experience that this feeling actually comes from class suppression! His current attributes, abilities, and combat effectiveness are enough to crush level 3 dimensional insects! However, his level is only level 0! Facing a level 3 dimensional insect, although level suppression will not reduce his attributes, it will affect his mind! Ordinary people, under the influence of this kind of hierarchical suppression, may be scared out of their wits or run away directly. But Lin Chuan is well-informed, and he can easily resolve this level of intimidation and pressure! After resolving the psychological pressure, it will be much easier to fight these level 3 dimensional insects! Lin Chuan controlled the iron wire with his right hand to wrap around the tentacles of the dimensional insect, and used his left hand to shoot the Sky-Netherworld Splitting Blade! Compared with level 0, level 3 dimensional insects not only become larger in size and red in color, they also have three more abilities! They are blood-sucking, parasitism, and self-healing! The first two abilities, like strangulation, the most instinctive skill of level 0 dimensional insects, are all exerted by the tentacles! Lin Chuan used wire to imprison its tentacles, which was equivalent to suffocating the dimensional insect's attack! However, the ability to heal yourself is a bit troublesome! A level 0 dimensional insect will die if it is hit in the head by a sharp blade! As for the level 3 dimensional insect, if Takasaki fired the Sky-Netherworld Splitting Blade at it, it would probably take a dozen times to exhaust the self-healing energy of the dimensional insect! However, Lin Chuan's four-dimensional attribute values all reached 100! In terms of level, the level 3 dimensional insect crushed him. So in terms of attributes, this level 3 dimensional insect is simply vulnerable to Lin Chuan! With a "bang" sound, this level 3 dimensional insect exploded, blood splattering everywhere! Lin Chuan wiped the smelly blood from his face and had no regrets about not being able to burn the body. Anyway, all his attributes have reached their upper limit. He walked to the center of the explosion and picked up a crystal blue crystal core. This was a level 3 crystal core, and he did not absorb it immediately. Instead, he looked at the dimensional rift and waited for the next bug to come out! In this way, Lin Chuan killed seven level 3 dimensional insects, and the dimensional rift finally stopped shaking! He picked up a level 3 crystal core and absorbed it silently. 【Ding! Congratulations to the player for absorbing the level 3 crystal core, the experience value is +1000! 】 【Ding! Congratulations to the player for upgrading! Get free attribute points +1! 】 【Ding! Congratulations to the player for upgrading! Get free attribute points +1! 】 【Ding! Congratulations to the player for upgrading! Get free attribute points +1! 】 A full thousand experience points allowed Lin Chuan to reach level 3 in one breath! At the same time, the system prompt sounded again—— 【Ding! Congratulations to player Lin Chuan for becoming the first player in the world to upgrade to level 3! Reward all attributes +3! 】 [Will there be a global announcement? whether】 yes! Lin Chuan had no hidden thoughts. In other words, it cannot be hidden at all. Once he reaches level 3, he will become number one on the level list! The ranking on the level list cannot be hidden! In an instant, three consecutive global announcements once again rang in the minds of everyone around the world! Ayiya, who was hiding behind the water tank, was suddenly stunned. Qi Feng, who was hiding in the smelly sewer, was also stunned. Lei Ming, who was evading the pursuit of the special police, was also stunned. Luan Yuling and others who returned to Luan's house were also stunned! Lin Chuan? Level 3? How did he do it? ! No no no! Is Lin Chuan, the world's number one, really the Lin Chuan they know? Could it be someone else with the same name? People who have had contact with Lin Chuan have thoughts racing in their minds! The regional chat channel that was still madly condemning Lin Chuan suddenly fell into strange silence! Before, they established Yuan Feng, the former number one on the list, as a hero who brought glory to the country! Lin Chuan's killing of the hero was a heinous crime and deserved death! But now, Lin Chuan has become the number one on the list? So what should they do? Continue to denounce Lin Chuan? But this is tantamount to denying the high-sounding reasons they established before, and it is tantamount to slapping themselves in the face! Are you not going to denounce Lin Chuan? But the heaven-defying props in his hands are really eye-catching! For a moment, those who had previously criticized him did not know how to react. Until a message suddenly came out—— [I just confirmed it on the World Channel, it seems to be true...killing the strong ones on the kill list will really explode the treasure chest! And it is said that the higher the level ranking, the more precious and rare the treasure chest that explodes...] After this message was sent out, there was still an abrupt silence. Until suddenly another message came out: [Hahaha, I was laughing so hard! I wanted Boss Lin’s props before, so what’s the reason to avenge Yuan Feng! Now Boss Lin has become the number one on the list, and he can explode the treasure chest by killing the number one on the list! You guys really made me laugh! 】 These words instantly aroused the anger of many people, and a scolding war started again—— [Is that Lin Chuan’s dog upstairs? Isn't it just that he became the first in the level list? Are you changing your name to "big boss"? I said you are too unprincipled, right? 】 【that is! Is a murderer like Lin Chuan worthy of the word "big boss"? ! 】 [As far as I know, Yuan Feng has never killed anyone before! So what if a despicable guy like Lin Chuan becomes number one on the ranking list? Is he worthy of being compared with Boss Yuan Feng? 】 Ye Haiming looked at the information in the chat channel and was shaking with anger! He had posted news in the chat channel about how Gao Qi was indiscriminate of human life, but it was all said to be Lin Chuan's dog maliciously spreading rumors! Now that Mr. Lin has become number one on the level list, those people still don’t know how to restrain themselves! Really! What a rabble! Ye Haiming remembered what was said in "The Crowd"—— "They indulge in their own world all day long and never allow others to have any objections. No matter what dirty things they do, they are right, because there is strength in numbers." He was still hesitant about whether to send the reminder that Lin Chuan gave him to the chat channel to remind others. But now it seems that it is really not necessary! Liu Bohao followed Ye Haiming and whispered: "Brother Ye, don't be too angry. This is how anonymous chats are meant to be. You don't need to be responsible for what you say! They will be punished sooner or later!" Ye Haiming shook his head slightly and no longer paid attention to what was happening in the chat channel. He looked at the time and saw that it was less than an hour until midnight! "Let's hurry up!" "Okay." Liu Bohao was very lucky that he had been more careful after getting out of the rooftop! He was not sure whether what Lin Chuan said was true before. But now, as Lin Chuan has been promoted to level 3, he has become the first in the world level list. He is more and more convinced of Lin Chuan! Ye Haiming got the news from Lin Chuan. If he followed Ye Haiming, he might be able to escape death!
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