Ranking leader

1541 Words
She followed Lin Chuan, and her little mouth started babbling again: "I, I can go back to the dormitory to spend the night..." "My roommates are very nice, and the dormitory is very safe..." Lin Chuan suddenly turned around and raised his eyebrows: "You mean, I'm not a good person?" "No, I didn't mean that..." Ayiya instantly turned on the survival mode again. "what does that mean?" "It means..." Ayiya's face stiffened, and finally she swallowed pitifully and asked in a low voice, "Where should we spend the night?" "Go find a bomb shelter." The so-called air-raid shelters were used to avoid sudden wars before the end of the world. On the first day of the end of the world, different people have different choices. Some people go out everywhere to maintain order and protect the people because of their morality. Some people kill monsters crazily in order to upgrade and become strong in troubled times. Some people just want to live, hoarding supplies crazily and even building shelters. There are also more ordinary people who have no idea in their hearts and just want to wait for rescue. Lin Chuan remembered that there was an old bungalow north of Beijing University that was built very long ago. The old bungalow has a hidden air-raid shelter with strong defense! When Lin Chuan went to the air-raid shelter in his previous life, he only saw rotting corpses on the ground. They must have been brutally murdered by their compatriots on the most desperate night of the last days. When Lin Chuan went there to spend the night in this life, he didn't necessarily have to save people. But that air-raid shelter really allowed him to rest peacefully and spend the most crazy and chaotic night of the apocalypse. Lin Chuan made some mistakes in calculating time. When we just arrived at the old bungalow, the time had already reached 12 midnight! As soon as 12 o'clock came, it rained strangely and heavily for four hours and finally stopped! At the same time, a terrifying scene also appeared! The air after the rain suddenly became foggy. And the fog was not only a weird red color, but also had a sticky and heavy feeling that made people feel sick and uncomfortable. Apart from the changes in the environment, the most difficult thing to accept is—— For those who had been exposed to heavy rain, their attributes that had skyrocketed after the heavy rain suddenly dropped below 0.5 in an instant! With such attributes, most people become completely weak, and in severe cases, they may even be directly paralyzed! Even in peaceful times, paralysis symbolizes the inability to take care of oneself and inconvenience everywhere! And in this end of the world, sudden and unexpected paralysis will directly put many people in danger! The most obvious ones are those who guard the dimensional rifts and fight monsters... Before 12 o'clock, they were the ones fighting monsters! After 12 o'clock, the monsters beat them! They will be so weak that they cannot even defeat the lowest level dimensional insect! What’s even more frightening is that after 12 o’clock, more dimensional rifts are opened in the world, and there is no longer a single type of level 0 dimensional insect! Various varieties of dimensional monsters, ranging from level 0 to level 5! They are in the red mist, trampling on the human city crazily! Dimensional monsters from level 0 to level 5! Even if the human attribute has not plummeted, it will still be difficult to deal with, and life will be in danger at all times! Not to mention, many people have experienced heavy rain! This night, the world really turned into purgatory! Those who said before that this end of the world is too simple, those who despise people more than monsters, will eventually shed tears of regret! Lin Chuan also came here that night. Even if he had experienced it once, his heart would inevitably feel a little heavy. At the same time, his chest also felt "heavy". Ayiya suddenly fell into his arms. Her face was slightly red, she was breathing slightly, and carefully explained: "I don't know why, but I suddenly feel so tired... I can't walk..." She herself felt ashamed even when she said these words. She was worried that Lin Chuan would misunderstand her. Of course Lin Chuan knew what was going on with her. He looked down at her and asked calmly: "Look at your attribute panel." "I...I!" Ayiya's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief, "Why are all my attributes suddenly only a few points below 0! The weakest mental attribute is even only 0.1?!" Lin Chuan was not surprised and held Ayiya in his arms. Without knowing what he thought of, he suddenly put her down again and handed her a level 3 crystal core. After 12 o'clock, the limit of ten times for each person to absorb crystal nuclei will also be refreshed. Lin Chuan had killed 7 level 3 dimensional insects before. Because of the leapfrog killing monsters, the crystal core explosion rate was 100%, and he obtained 7 level 3 crystal cores! I used one myself, and now I have 6 left! He handed one to Ayiya and ordered: "Absorb it first." Aiya did as she was told. She absorbs level 3 crystal nuclei at level 1 and gains +100 experience points, which is just enough to upgrade to level 2! After reaching level 2, you will naturally gain another free attribute point! At the same time, the words "Level Ranking No. 3" appeared above her head! Lin Chuan was not surprised, and then ordered: "Add the free attributes obtained by upgrading to your physique." Ayiya obeyed again. After adding 1 point of constitution, her constitution attribute returned to 1.3. To this extent, she could barely stand, but she was still very weak, her whole body was weak, and she walked very slowly. Lin Chuan didn't care, so he took Ayiya, who could walk upright, and broke open the old bungalow. It was an almost abandoned old bungalow. They broke down the door and found almost no one. It wasn't until he reached the basement that he was suddenly stopped by two old men. The two old men, a man and a woman, seemed to be a couple. They looked kind and well-dressed, but their faces were a little pale and frightened. Looking at the sudden arrival of Lin and Chuan, they shrank and asked: "Who are you? How did you find this place..." Lin Chuan's attitude was quite mild, and he said calmly: "We heard that there is an air-raid shelter here, and we would like to come here for temporary refuge." The old lady shrank behind, and the old man looked ugly, but still mustered up the courage to refuse: "There are already many people here, there is no extra space..." Lin Chuan glanced at the closed iron door behind the two old men and smiled lightly: "Are there so many people that you two masters have been driven out?" The old man's face changed, and he spoke tremblingly: "You, how do you know..." Lin Chuan's attitude was still gentle, and he continued: "Let us in, and I will help drive away some people." The old man looked hesitant, but shook his head and whispered: "No, my grandchildren are also in there..." Lin Chuan sighed lightly. Suddenly, the blade was clamped between two fingers, and it was instantly pressed against the old lady's neck! The old lady was so frightened that her legs went weak, and her back instantly pressed against the iron door! The old man was so frightened that he exclaimed: "Yu Lan!" With a puff, he knelt down in front of Lin Chuan, choked with sobs and begged for mercy: "Please let my wife go, she, she has Alzheimer's disease, she doesn't understand anything..." Lin Chuan didn't mean to hurt anyone, he just used this as a threat: "Go and open the door, and I will make sure that your wife and grandchildren are fine, otherwise -" The old man was in tears and kept wiping his tears. His wife is indeed suffering from Alzheimer's disease, but she seems to have not forgotten her feelings for him. Even though he was being pressed against his neck, he suddenly shouted to him: "Patriot...patriot..." When the old man heard his lover calling his name, a look of determination suddenly flashed in his eyes. However, Lin Chuan didn't give him a chance to act. He took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Look at the person behind me. She is the third strongest person on the level list." "Do you know the level list? She has the ability to ensure that your grandchildren will not be harmed." "And you are locked outside now and don't know what's going on inside. What if the people inside don't keep their promises and hurt your grandchildren?" The determination in the old man's eyes slowly faded, and he suddenly looked at Ayiya behind Lin Chuan. Ayiya was still weak at the moment, just barely able to stand. There was a hint of embarrassment on her face—— she? Ranking leader? Hahaha……

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