
1406 Words
Damon POV continues . . “ Bella”. I gasped in shock “ Damon”: she called moving closer “ what is going on here”. I yelled “ Damon”. She called again, it is me your Bella “ Are you a ghost?”.i asked, your presence here is freaking me out “ it is me Bella”. She replied “ Bella”. I called touching her, it is really you She nodded “What happened?, how are you alive?”. I asked in confusion “I needed to survive to be with my love”. She replied “That doesn’t answer my question, how the hell are you alive?”. I barked “ Are you not happy to see me?”. She asked with puppy eyes “ I am just confused here”. I replied her “ I will explain everything to you”. She promised I just stared at her without replying. she was really Bella, she had the dimples, the same voice , everything...... “ Damon”. Mikel called running towards me “ I have been l................”. He stopped and stared at Bella “ what is happening here Damon?”. He asked, don’t tell me you now communicate with ghost “ Mikel”. Bella called, it is really me “ Damn she still has that innocent look” “ I don’t really understand what is going on here”. He yelled “ neither do I”. I replied “ what is happening? Why did you storm out of the hall like that?”. he asked “ it is none of your business”. I replied him “ you mean you left Nora inside because of a ghost?”. He asked with sarcasm “ I am not a ghost”. Bella shouted “ Then where have you been since?”. Mikel asked, The last thing we heard was that you died in a car accident and that was two years ago “ did you see my body?”. She asked “ No”. I replied calmly “ Then why are you insisting I am dead”. She said “Where have you been all this while?”. I asked her staring into her eyes and I watched her blink uneasily “ where?”.I repeated “ I lost my memory”. She replied and started sobbing “ really. I scoffed , and when did you recover it back?”. I asked “Just last week”. She replied, and I did everything possible to come back to you I looked at her and I sighed “ it is alright Bella”. I replied hugging her “ Damon. Please don’t leave me”. She said holding me tightly “ it is alright”. I replied “ promise me”. She said “ can we talk about this later”. I asked disengaging from the hug and she nodded “ Mikel”. I called “ yes”. He replied looking at me “ Please take her home “. I instructed “ you do that Damon”. He said obviously still scared of her “I need to take Nora back home”. I said “ fine”. he sighed, where is your home?”. He asked Bella “ I don’t have a home”. She replied, and who the hell is Nora?”. She asked “What do you mean you don’t have a home?”. I asked her “ I don’t have anywhere to stay”. She replied “ where have you been staying?”. I asked her “ in a hotel”. She replied “ Then let him drive you back to the hotel”. I told her “I don’t want to go there”. She whined, I want to go with you “That is not possible”. I replied “ Why? Damon why? Do I irritate you now?”: she asked with tears, I survived death and came to see you immediately and you rejecting me because you have found a new girl. Is this promise you made to me?”.She yelled “ I made the promise two years ago?”. I replied her “ should I just go and die?”. She asked and immediately I felt guilty “ fine. I will come back for you after i drop Nora”.I replied “ who is Nora?”. She asked “ A friend”. I replied and I saw her sighed in relief . . I walked into the hall with so many things running through my mind “I have always prayed for a miracle like this but why does my heart feels heavy?”. “ Son you did great”. My dad said as soon as he saw me I gave him a small smile looking around the hall for Nora.. “ where is Nora?”: I asked Donald who was sitting at a corner flirting with a girl “Guy, why did you leave the hall like that?. The party was all about you and you left at the middle of the celebration “ I played my part well”. I replied him so please answer my question “ I saw her with Petra”. he replied grinning . . I was about going to question Petra when I saw Nora coming out from a room. “ Damon”. She called walking towards me, her eyes were sore from crying “ Let us go”. I said not meeting her gaze “ where are we going?”. She asked “ your home”. I replied her “ Damon ,I ......... “ can we go now miss”.i said cutting her short, meet me in the car..... . . The drive to her house was a quiet one “What will do about Bella, do I still love her “. I thought, she was my first love and .......damn it, I am so confused “Damon”. Nora called distracting me from my thoughts “ what is it?”. I asked her “ I am sorry”. She replied “ what are you sorry about?”. I asked her “ I am sorry for lying “. She replied “ really?”. I asked , there is nothing to be sorry for “ what do you mean?”. She asked softly “ we are not into any relationship, we are just friends so anyhow you choose to live your life is none of my damn business”.i replied “ Damon I am so sorry”. She said crying , your are hurting me Damon I immediately felt my heart race “ what is wrong with me”.i thought I ignored her as she kept on pleading “ Damon, stop the damn car”. She suddenly yelled I looked at her in surprise “ stop the car”. She repeated and I stopped parking by the road side “ what is wrong with you ?”. I asked her “I lied because I was scared you would leave me, I lied because I was ashamed of me, I lied because I loved you.”.she said “ does that change anything?”. I asked “I am ready to tell you the whole truth if you are ready to listen “. She replied I just stared at her in surprise “ we can go now?”. She said I sighed as I started the car and continued driving . . “ Bye”. She waved as she got down from the car I nodded and drove off “ why didn’t she tell me the truth in the first place? I love her and still do but what of Bella? I still love her also “ . I parked in front of the hall and Bella ran towards me to hug me “ you were late” she queried Can we go home?”.she asked and I nodded I waved at Donald and Mikel who were obviously still shocked and drove off heading for home I walked into the sitting and sighed in relief when I met no one “ I was not in the mood for questions” I climbed up the stairs dragging Bella along . . We got the room and Bella immediately fell on the bed “ I love this bed”. She said in excitement I walk into the bathroom to freshen up and when I returned to the room I was surprised to see Bella in only her b*a and panties “ what are you doing?”. I asked her “Getting ready to shower”. She replied, what can I change into?”. She asked I walked over to me wardrobe and gave her one of my pyjamas “Thanks”.she said as she walked into the bathroom “ what will happen now”, I muttered as I laid on the bed She soon returned to the room putting on the over sized pyjamas smiling “ I miss you Damon”.she said moving closer to me I stared at the pointed boobs........” damn, what am I thinking of? “ Damon, I still love you so much “. She said as she placed her lips on mine , i held her tight as I kissed her hungrily “ I was really s*x starved, I kissed her neck giving her hickeys and immediately removed her shirt I grunted in pleasure “ I love you Nora”. I muttered “ who the hell Is Nora”.she yelled breaking the kiss . . . . Double Trouble . .do you think Bella is saying the truth? . . TBC
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