
1897 Words
Damon POV continues . . “ who the hell Is Nora”. She yelled breaking the kiss I stared at her without saying anything “ I am asking you a question Damon, who is Nora?”. She repeated “ She is a friend”. I replied “ your date right”. She said smirking “ I am not in the mood for argument”. I replied “ sorry”. She apologised “ what for?”. I asked her “ for not being there for you”. She replied “ it is alright Bella”. I replied and I immediately felt her lips on my mouth as she kisses me hungrily “Damn, I felt my d**k hardened and I kissed her back hungrily “ I love you Damon”.she said as she tried to loosen my trousers I touched her breast and began to squeeze her n*****s when the image of Nora flashed through my mind ,stop”.I barked and she looked at me in surprise “ what is wrong Damon?”. She asked “ Nothing”. I replied “ Damon, I really need you”. She said whining “I am tired”. I lied “ I saw the way you looked at me, you really wanted me so why all this?”.she asked “ you won’t understand”. I replied “ is it because of that b***h?”.she asked “ which b***h?”. I replied giving her a deadly glare “ Nora”. She called I scoffed “Don’t say that again”. I warned “ why?”. She asked “ don’t you dare call Nora a b***h”. I yelled She looked at me and was obviously scared “ I am sorry”. She muttered “ whatever”. I replied, she was beginning to annoy me “ who am I to you?”. She suddenly asked “ I don’t have an answer to that”. I replied “ I still love you Damon”.she said sobbing “ your tears won’t move me Bella”. I replied, “ really Damon, remember the way we used to play, remember your promises to me, remember what we shared”. She said breaking down In tears “ where were you when I was down?, where were you when I lost it?”. I asked her “ I lost my memory Damon”. She replied in tears “ can we talk about this tomorrow?”. I asked her She nodded “ Good!”. I exclaimed, Good night ..... . . I woke up the next morning and smirked when I saw Bella already awake “ Good morning Damon”. She greeted moving closer to me “ Good morning”. I replied her I walked over to the bathroom to freshen up and returned to the room putting on my trousers only “ you drew another tattoo”. She said staring at my chest I nodded and went over to the wardrobe for a change of clothing “ Are you going out?”. She asked I nodded “Today is Sunday, I thought you will stay at home with me”. She whined “ I have got important things to do”. I said “ oh!”. She exclaimed “ Aren’t you hungry?”. I asked her when I was done dressing “ I am”. She replied “ Good”. I said , let us go downstairs for breakfast . . We headed downstairs together and I saw my dad already having dinner with Petra “ what is going on with this two”. I wondered “ Good morning dad”. I greeted “ Good morning..............”. he froze immediately he saw Bella “ what is going on here Damon?”. He asked “ dad she is not dead”.i tried explaining to him “ I don’t want to see her here”. He said as he went to his room in anger “ what is wrong with him?”. I asked Petra who was quiet all through “ I don’t know”.she replied with a shrug I turned to look at Bella and she gave me a small smile . . We sat down eating out breakfast in the dinning and I noticed she was picking on her food “ what is wrong?”. I asked her “ your dad does not like me”.she replied “ he is probably in a bad mood”. I assured her “ can I go out with you?”.she asked “I will be back very soon”. I replied her “ what if your dad sees me?”. She asked “ just stay up In my room until I am back”. I replied her She nodded “ I will take my leave now”. I said standing up, just do as I say “ don’t be long “.she said smiling and I nodded....... . I drove my car heading to Mikel home, I was really confused and I needed advice I met him in his sitting room and he looked surprised to see me “ Buddy”. He greeted “ Mikel”. I called , I am confused “ what is wrong?”. he asked “ It is about Bella”. I replied “ oh, what happened to her?”. He asked “ are you kidding me”. I replied him “Damon” he called, I will give you three advice and you can choose to follow it or not. Firstly , You have to be sure about what you want Secondly, you have to understand before you judge Thirdly , follow your heart I looked at him and scoffed “ is that all?”. I asked He nodded “You are really crazy”. I said and he smiled “ what happened between you and Nora?”.he asked “ she lied to me”. I replied “ She must have her reason”. he said defending Nora “ I gave her the chance to tell me truth but she didn’t”.i explained “ she must have learnt her lessons, go to her and listen to her, i am sure she will talk”. he advised “ sure,she promised to explain everything “. I said “ Then go to her and listen to what she have to say”. He suggested “ Thanks buddy . I appreciated He nodded, I love you both together........ . . . Bella POV . . The hours I spent with Damon made me realise how much I missed him, he used to be young and naive then but now he is totally different “ I really wanted him badly” . The door flung open and I smiled when Damon father walked in “ I knew you would come”. I said with a smile “ you b***h”. he cursed, what are you doing here?. He asked “ I came to see Damon”. I replied “ This is not out deal Bella, I paid you off to stay away from Damon”. He huffed , I even faked your accident so Damon can easily forget you “ I just want my Damon back”. I said “ you can’t have Damon”. he barked “ why?”. I asked “ I can’t have my soon marry a b***h like you”. he replied “ please, don’t take me away from your son, I love him”. I pleaded “Love?”. he asked scoffing, if you really loved my son, you could have stick with him. Why did you agree to be my s**t?”. He asked “ i em we because “. I stammered not knowing what to say “ because you are a gold digger”. he said laughing, you even agreed to f**k all my friends because of money “ That is all past “. I said “ A dog will always be a dog”. he said with a scoff I kept my end of the bargain, it is time for you to do yours also or else”. He threatened and stormed out of the room.. “ what will I do now?” I thought, I really want Damon back........... . . Nora PoV . . “ you have been like this since yesterday night”.Mum queried I looked at her as tears rolled down my eyes “ what exactly happened to you both?”.she asked “I lied to him”. I replied her “ lied about what?”.she asked “ Everything about me”. I replied She looked at me and sighed “he will come around if he really loves you”. My mom assured me “ I really doubt he will, he made it clear that I was nothing to him”. I said “ it is going to be alright”. She said and immediately a car drove into the compound “ I will go and confirm who is that”. Zara said as she ran outside the room “ Damon”. I heard her screamed “ did he really come, did Damon really come?”. I asked my mum in excitement “ I told you he will come around”. She replied squeezing my hands . . I gave a small smile when Damon walked in, he was looking handsome as usual “ Good morning ma”. he greeted my mum “ morning Damon”. My mum replied, please make sure you settle your differences , she has been like that since yesterday”. My mum told him He nodded as he stared at me “ I was about going to my shop, I will see you later”. My mom said as she left “ Hey”. Damon greeted “ Damon”. I called softly He dipped his hands into his pocket and handed Zara some money “ Go and get whatever you want” “ Thanks”. Zara smiled and ran out of the room excitedly “ I am ready to listen to you”. he said .. . Mr Parker was a regular at the bar I worked in.. Zara was seriously strong and needed an urgent kidney transplant. I paused and looked at him “Continue “. he said softly “my mother begged everyone she knew but none was ready to help, I decided to ask Mr Parker for help and he promised to assist me with all the money if i Satisfy him”. I explained breaking down in tears “That bastard “. I heard him cursed “ Did he hurt you?”. he asked “ No”. I replied shaking my head “ why did you lie you were a virgin?”. He asked “ I never lied ”. I replied “ Are you kidding me now?”. he asked with a frown “I won’t dare lie to you again”. I replied,Parker is impotent and all we had was an oral sex “ impotent”. he exclaimed I nodded “ That bastard doesn’t even have a d**k”.he said clenching his fist in anger “ Damon, I am very sorry for lying,hope you won’t judge me He held my hands “ I never planned on doing that, I just wanted you to tell me the truth “ I love you Damon”.i said softly He stared at me for a while and sighed “ I love you you Nora “ really?”. I asked in excitement he nodded.” I love you Nora, I really do”. he repeated . . . Awwwww he finally said it . . What will happen to Bella? . . Hmmmmh Damon father
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