Caught up

1621 Words
Damon PoV . . I glanced at my wristwatch, it was 7am. I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up... I changed into my gym clothing and headed downstair “ Good morning son”. My dad greeted “ morning dad”. I greeted back “ Are you feeling nervous?”. he asked “Why will I?”. I replied “You just need to make a speech and..... “ dad, I know what to do”. I replied cutting him short “ That is my son”. he praised me.” I scoffed and headed to the gym....... . . I was surprised to see Donald and Mikel in the gym house “ really guys , when did you get here?”. I asked “6am”. Donald replied “ you mean you came over to my house without checking on me?”. I asked “ sorry man, we thought you were still sleeping”. Mikel replied I looked at them and smirk “ you guys are impossible “ “ are we all going together to the dinner party?”. Mikel asked “ No,I need to go pick my date”. I replied “ cool”. he replied I thought about Nora, I really missed her ......... . . Noami sis POV . . I really can’t wait to see Damon, I really can’t wait to feel his hands around me I glanced at the time and smiled, just few hours left to meet Damon . . Nora POV . I glanced at the time, it was already 5pm. I quickly jumped up from the bed and rushed into the bathroom to bath. I returned to the room with my towel wrapped around me, I walked towards the wardrobe and pulled out five beautiful gowns “ choose the most beautiful gown?”.I asked Zara who was quietly watching me all through “ The blue, no the red or should I say the pink”. She replied confusedly “ what are you saying?”. I asked her “ The gowns are all beautiful?”. She replied, I can’t choose I looked at the five gowns in front of me and sighed “ just put on the red one “.she said “ really?”. I asked “ yes, it will have give you a fitting when you wear it”. She replied “ Thanks sis”. I said flashing her a smile . I stared at myself in the mirror with my eyes widened in surprise “ wow, is this really me?”. I muttered “ you look like an angel”.Zara complimented “ Thanks”. I said The gown was just perfect, it gave me a close fitting and brought out my shape in a very attractive way I plaited my long hair is a loosed bun “ why can’t you let it fall”. Zara suggested “ My hair is too long “. I said “ that will make it perfect”. She said I looked at her and smiled “ how do you know so much about fashion?”. I asked her “ just do as I say”. She said ignoring my question “ fine”. I said as I let my hair fall “ perfect”. I heard her muttered I brought out my make up box and applied little “ is it okay?”. I asked facing her “Make use of a pink lipstick”. She suggested “ why?”. I asked “ your lip colour is pink , you don’t need to change it, you just need to make it brighter”. She explained Alright”. I nodded I cleaned off the red lipstick and applied a pink one... I stared at my reflection in the mirror and could not believe the lady staring at me was me . . . I heard the sound of a car driving into the compound “ I think Damon is around”. Zara said running out to confirm if it was Damon “ Damon”. I heard her screamed and I smiled “ Zara”. She called , Damon is here I stared at the beautiful shoes in front of me “ which one do I put on?how I wish Zara was here I settled for the black heels and grabbed a red purse Black goes with anything”. I thought . . I headed outside and gasped in surprise when I saw Damon “ he was looking like a demi- god in his all white outfit . His face lit up when he saw me “ Nora,you look beautiful “. he complimented staring at me, I never knew you hair was this long “ Thanks”. I replied blushing “ it looks good on you”. he remarked “ Thanks”. I muttered looking at Zara who gave me “ I told you” look “ what of your mother?”. he asked “ She went over to the shop”. Zara replied “ Good”. he nodded “ I want to go with you”. Zara said whining “ you can’t”. I said eyeing her and I looked on in surprise as Damon bent to her size and whispered something to her and immediately her face lit up “ Bye”. She waved at both of us , make sure you both have fun”. She said as she winked at me . . “ what did you whisper to her?”. I asked Damon on our way “ I just made a promise to her”. he replied “ what promise?”. I asked “ it is between Zara and I”. He replied with a smirk We remained silent throughout the drive . I stared at him and he appeared to be lost in thought He soon parked in front of the huge Adams hotel. I stared at the hotel and shivered as I thought about the short time I spent with Mr Parker “ Are you all alright?”. Damon asked “ I am fine”.i replied forcing a fake smile He got out of the car and quickly rushed to help me open the car door “Why did you open the door for me?”. I asked him “ you are my date”. He replied He took my hands into his and held it tightly and immediately the reporters rushed towards us “ who is the lady with you Mr Adams?”a woman asked “ how do you feel being the ceo of Adams corporate at a young age”. Another asked Damon ignored all of them as we walked inside “ i really need to make use of bodyguard”. he muttered I felt all eyes on us as we walked in “ Come this way sir”. a lady ushered us, I looked at her and immediately looked away when I recognised her as the painted Barbie receptionist “ ma’am you look very familiar”. She said smiling at me, have we met before?” “ No”. I lied “ but............ “ can you just let me be?”. I yelled at her “ I am sorry ma’am”. She apologised and immediately backed off I looked at Damon and met his gaze, it was a blank gaze . . I stared in awe as we got into the hall, it was really grand, spacious and beautiful We were ushered to the vip section and I gasped in surprise when I saw the president and some important persons in the country present “Are you alright?”. Damon asked as we sat down “ sure”. I nodded I saw Tonia walked in with her parent and she gave me an evil glare when her gaze met mine “ b***h”. I muttered . . . I watched Damon gave his speech brilliantly “ is this same guy who kissed me”. I thought staring at him proudly . “ Thanks to my dad and my friends that stayed by me despite odd times”, Thanks to my late mum that made me who I am today, Thanks to Petra for holding my hands when I was down, Thanks to Zara a little kid that gave me words of encouragement just this morning “.he paused and looked at me and Thanks to a special friend of mine that made me see reasons to move on when I met her “.he said appreciating and the whole guest clapped “I promise to do my best and make Adams corporate expand to the whole world, Thank you”. He said with a bow . . “ you did great”. I whispered to him as he sat down beside me “ Thanks” he muttered squeezing my hands I watched and smiled as most of the guest came over to greet him and gasped in shock when I saw a familiar face. Mr Parker “ Congratulations Damon”. he greeted “ Thanks Parker”. Damon said staring at me Why is he staring at me”. I thought Mr Parker looked at me and smiled “ Helo Nora”. he greeted, it has been long “ yes em re tr Parker”. I stammered “See you later”. he said to Damon and flashed me a smile before leaving. “ do you know him?”. Damon asked gazing intently at me “Not really”. I replied “Really, but he seems to know you well”. he said “ yes, em er he is kind of a stranger”.i replied “ A stranger that paid your fees”. He said “ what!!!!”. I exclaimed in shock he looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping “Did he f**k You?”. he asked “ Damon”. I called with tears flowing down my eyes “Did he f**k You?”. he asked again calmly “ I don’t know what you are talking about”. I tried acting confused “ really?”. he asked I nodded “Damn you and your lies”. He cursed and left the hall in anger “ Damon”. I called but it was already late......... . . . Damon POV . . I rushed outside in anger , I bit my lips trying to control the pain I felt betrayed. “ she even lied when the truth was in front of her “ I held my heart because it was hurting “ Nora what did you do to me”. I yelled and suddenly stopped when I heard someone called me name I turned to look back and gasp in shock “ Annabella”. I called “ Damon”. She called back “What the hell is going on here?”........ . . . Damn! What an episode? . . What will happen now? . Bella is alive . I am speechless . Let’s find out in the next episode . TBC
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