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Nora PoV continues . I waved at Damon as he drove off “Damon loves me, he really loves me “ what are you thinking about?”. Zara asked distracting my thoughts “ nothing”.I lied “ you are thinking about Damon right”. She asked grinning “ how did you know?”. I asked her “Your look tells it all”. She replied, he loves you and don’t dare lie to him again “ I won’t”. I muttered . . Damon POV I drove to the company to confront the bastard, i wanted him to pay for taking advantage of Nora I parked at the parking lot and immediately the clumsy reporters rushed towards me “Why are they always waiting here, are they jobless?”. I wondered I ignored them and walked inside “ Good afternoon Sir Damon”. the staffs greeted I nodded and climbed up the stairs to the bastard office “ Parker”. I called immediately I walked in He looked up in surprise “ Damon, what are you doing here?”.he asked “really, are you really asking me that?”. I asked him “ I am mm sorry”. He stammered, I asked because it is a Sunday “Can’t I come to my company on Sundays?”. I asked “You can”.he replied “ hand over the account book”. I commanded “Please Damon, I am still on it”. he pleaded “Hand it over now”. I barked he gave it to be and I scoffed as I went through it “You are fired Parker”.I said “ what, you can’t do this to me Damon”. he yelled “ I can Parker and I mean it”.i replied “ is this about Nora?”. he asked I looked at him and scoffed “ she is nothing but a gold digger”. he said “ really?”. I asked “She agreed to screw me because of my money”. he replied “Parker. I called in anger, you took advantage of her because she asked for your help, are you human?. I asked “ what!!”. he exclaimed in shock “ You are fired”. I barked “ Damon you are just angry that I screwed your b***h”. he replied back “ screwed ?”. I asked, with those tiny things in between your legs “ how dddid youu know”. he stammered “ She told me everything”. I replied him he looked at me in surprise “ I am sorry Damon”. he pleaded “ what are you sorry for?”. I asked him “For everything”. He replied “ oh Parker, that doesn’t change the fact that your are fired” “Damon, you cant do this to me”. he pleaded I looked at him and scoffed “Next time, don’t use the money that does not belong to you to take advantage of little girls. “ Damon please...... “ Get out of my company “. I roared . . I watched Mr Parker being dragged out of the company by the securities “Wretched bastard “. I cursed The whole staff stared at me in silence as I walked out .. The clumsy reporters immediately crowded me “What was the crime of Mr Parker?”. a man asked “Is he involved in money theft?”. another asked I ignored them and drove off heading for home ..... . . . Damon father PoV . . I sat down in the sitting room thinking about the recent happenings “Will Damon ever forgive me if he learnt I slept with his Bella” “Damn. I was such a flirt, i was attracted to her the first day Damon introduced her to me as his girlfriend. I was surprised because she was much older then Damon...... Damon was so young and naive and I decided to use that to an advantage, I started dating his girl She agreed to go out with me if I settled her bills and hated her the day I caught her having hot s*x with my friend..... I begged her to stay away from Damon and she agreed to do so if I give her a large amount of money which I did, I accompanied her to the airport and watch her leave the country..Damon went crazy searching for her , he grew pale and was loosing his mind. I confided in my friend Mr Parker and he advised me to fake her death so Damon will move on. I paid a reporter to publish a fake news about her death and that did the work. Damon immediately stop searching for her , I was expecting him to ask questions but he never did instead he became so cold- hearted .. I was so happy when me met a new girl and gradually began to change until this b***h appeared and decided to ruin everything “I can’t let Damon date her, never... . My phone rang as I checked the caller, it was Parker “ helo Parker”. I called as soon as I picked it “ Damien”. he called me by my first name “ what is wrong?”. I asked him “Damon just fired me”. he replied “ what!!”. I exclaimed “ do something about it fast or else I will tell Damon about everything you did”. he threatened and ended the call “ what did I get myself into”...... . . Damon POV . . I walked into the sitting room and met my dad looking worried “ what is wrong Dad?”. I asked “ nothing”. he replied “ Are you sure?”. I asked fixing my gaze on him He nodded “ Good”. I said and was about climbing the stairs when he called me “ yes”. I answered turning to look at him “Why did you fire Parker?”. he asked “ I can see he already called you”. I replied “ why?”. he asked “ he is stealing from the company”. I replied “ but...... “ no but father”. I replied , The company belongs to me and I have the right to fire whosoever I want”. I yelled “ Damon”. he called but I ignored him and headed upstairs to my room . . “ Damon”. Bella called immediately I walked in “ Bella, how are you?”. I greeted her “I was just missing you”. She replied moving closer to me “You are leaving today”. I told her “ To where?”.She asked “ I signed one of my pent house in your name and you will move in today”. I replied “ I don’t want to go”.she whined “ you don’t have a choice”. I said smirking “ I don’t have anything on me”. She said trying to convince me “ I will give you anything you want”. I said promising her “ can you give me your heart?”:she asked I paused and stared at her for a while “ No Bella”. I replied “ why Damon?”. She asked sobbing, I still love you, I really still do I looked away to avoid seeing her tears “ Damon”. She called going down on her knees “stand up Bella”. I commanded “ please tell me you love me”. She continued pleading “Stand up”. I commanded pulling her up “ please tell me you love me”. She repeated pleading “ I don’t love you Bella”. I said picking my words “ that is a blank lie”.she yelled “You will only hurt yourself by yelling”. I advised her “Who is your new girl?”.she asked I stared at her without saying anything “ Is it Nora?”. She asked “ Bella will you just stop this , you will only hurt yourself”. I advised “ Answer me”. She yelled “Yes She is the one”. I replied and I can’t let her go ................. . . . . Hmmmmmmmmmmh . . What advice will you give Damon father ? . . TBC

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