The kiss

1149 Words
Damon POV . . I woke up the next morning still feeling Unhappy “ why did Parker pay Nora fees”, I hope it is not what I am thinking. I was tempted to go over to the office to ask Parker directly but later changed my mind, I will give Nora a chance to tell me the truth herself....... . . “ Good morning Dad”. I greeted “ morning son, you look pale”. He observed, are you alright? “ sure”. I grunted “ is anything the matter?”. he asked “Nothing Dad”. I lied, just feeling a little bit stressed “ alright son”. I replied I smiled at Petra who was setting the dinning “ see you later dad”. I waved heading outside “ aren’t you going to wait for breakfast?”. He asked “ No”. I replied .” I just need to talk to Nora”.I thought . . I got to school and luckily I met Nora along the hallway laughing with her friends “Nora”. I called “Good morning Damon”. She greeted “Can I talk to you for a moment?”. I asked “ sure”. She replied I held her dragging her along with me ignoring the stares and whispering from other students “ where are we going?”.She asked “My class”. I replied . We got inside the class and luckily none of those crazy friends of mine were in class “Is there any problem Damon?”. She asked “ No”. I replied smiling and she sighed in relief “ I thought you were mad at me or something”. She said “ how can I be mad at you?”. I asked her smiling and I saw her blushed “ Nora, I need to see your uncle”. I said watching her expression “ what em er why?”. She stammered I studied her , she felt so uneasy “ why can’t she tell me the truth”. I thought “ I just want to thank him for his assistance”. I replied “ it does not matter”. She said “ it matters, I want to take over from where he stops”. I said caressing her cheeks “ really?”. She asked I nodded.” It won’t cost me anything “ Oh Damon, you have done enough for me”. She exclaimed sobbing “ it is nothing”. I replied wiping her tears “ I love you Damon”. She Said “ really?”. I asked She nodded “ how much do you love me?”. I asked her “Very much”. She replied I looked at the girl in front of me, I was really confused about her. If she really loves me very much as she claimed why can’t she tell me the truth? I am seriously going crazy about her and I must admit I really love her also but I am scared of her hurting me... “ do you love me Damon?”. She asked suddenly I kept on caressing her face without answering “ do you love me?”. She asked again I chuckled placing my lips on hers and kissed her, I felt her kissed me back and we stood there kissing each other hungrily........ The door suddenly flung open and my two friends walked in “ what the hell is going on here?”. Donald asked teasingly I broke the kiss ignoring his question “I won’t be able to drive you home Nora”. I told her “ why?”. She asked “ I need to do something important”. I lied “ it is alright, I will just used the taxi”. She said “ do you have enough money?”. I asked her “ I em yes No yes “. She stammered I dip hands into my pocket and brought out my wallet “ here, you can have everything”. I said giving her all the money “It is too much”. She said rejecting it “ you can buy anything you need”. I said forcing it inside her bag “ you have done enough for me Damon”, she said in appreciation “ it is nothing”. I replied “ will you come over for lunch?”. She asked I shook my head negatively “ why?”. She asked “ I will be busy”. I replied “ oh!”. She exclaimed nodding “ I will come pick you by 6pm tomorrow “. I said “ wow!, I can’t wait”. She said excitedly “Make sure you are ready before 6, I don’t like waiting for too long”. I warned “ sure”. She said “ you can go to your class now”.i told her She nodded and turned to leave I watched her as she left “ what did she really do to me”........ . . “do you love her?”. my friends asked moving closer to me immediately she left “ I don’t know”. I replied “ you liar”. Mikel accused “ i can’t believe Damon is finally in love again”.Donald teased “What important thing do you want to do?”. Mikel asked “ Nothing like that”, I replied “ Then why did you lie?”. he asked “ Nothing”. I replied “ You are just crazy”. he said “ Damn you”. I cursed him . I laid on the bed in class thinking about Nora “ what exactly does she have with Mr Parker .Mr Parker is a known flirt, was Nora one of his girls? but she told she she is still a virgin, I really need to understand what is going on.... I was scared of being around her for a long time before I do something crazy, I am damn attracted to her but I need to find out the truth before taking our relationship to the next level.......... “ I really love Nora, I really do..... . . . Nora POV . . I sat down in class thinking about the kiss,Damon kissed a poor girl like me “ why are you smiling?”. Noami asked sitting beside me “ was i smiling?”. I asked her “ you were smiling like a puppy”. She replied “ really”. I asked She nodded. Will you attend the company party?”. She asked “ sure, Damon asked me to be his date”.I replied “ wow, I am happy for you”. She said “ will you be attending?”.I asked her “ No “. She replied “ why?”. I asked “ I will be studying”. I replied “ cool”. I said , I looked around the class and met Tonia deadly gaze “ what a looser”. I muttered . . I headed to the car park with Noami “Bye”. I waved at her “ aren’t you waiting for Damon?”. She asked “ he told me not to wait”. I replied “ But his car is still here”. She said pointing to a white sport car with the name Damon customised on it “ he is busy”. I replied shrugging my shoulders “ alright dear, She waved, have fun at the party”. She cheered as she drove off I headed to the junction and flagged down a car “ Back of crescent block please”. I said as I got into the taxi “ how can a beauty like you live in the slums”. The driver asked eyeing me through the rear mirror “Just drive”. I yelled “ I am sorry”. He apologised I thought about Damon throughout the drive, I was already missing him . . . Hmmmmmh They finally kissed . . TBC
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