Feelings 2

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Damon POV . . “ Thank you very much Damon”. Nora mum greeted me , I am really grateful “ it is nothing ma”. I replied “ when can she start?”. Nora mom asked in excitement “ she will start on Monday , i will come and pick her”. I assured her “ is it going to be a scholarship also?”. She asked “No, I will handle the bills”, I replied staring at Nora , she looked disturbed ..... “Thank you so much Damon”. Zara Said grinning “ you welcome baby”. I replied ruffling her hair “ I will take my leave now”. I said as I stood up “Alright”. Nora mum said . . I walked towards my car with Nora beside me, “Is there anything you want to tell me?”. I asked her “No””. She replied smiling “ Alright”.I said giving her a peck on her forehead and don’t forget this, I said handing her the two bags of clothes “Oh my bad! I almost forgot the clothes”. She said “ Bye”. She waved at me as I drove off . . “ what exactly is Nora hiding”. I thought, it was very obvious she lied to me “ did she lie to her family also, but why? I glanced at the time on my wristwatch, it was 3pm. “ Good”. The director will still be on seat. I drove into the school compound and headed to the director office . . “ Damon”. The director called in surprise as soon as I walked in “ Peter”. I called him by his first name, I need a favour from you “ anything for you Damon”. he said smiling “I need the info of a particular student”. I told him “Who?”. he asked “ Nora stark”. I replied I watched him search through some files “ here is it”. he said handing it over to me I opened the file and smiled when I saw her past results “ she is really smart” I turned to the next page and gasped in shock at what I saw , her guardian is Mr Parker. “ how is this possible ?”. I asked the director with shaky hands “Oh, Mr Parker paid her fees”. he replied “ which Mr Parker ?”. I asked still believing there might be a mixup somewhere “ The same Parker working as the Director in your company”. he replied “ how the hell did Nora know Mr Parker”. I thought I held my chest as I felt my heart raced and I immediately realised I was in love with Nora...... . . Noami POV . . “ The blue or the pink”. My sister asked “ I prefer the blue”. I replied “ The blue will be perfect then”.she said grinning “ is it a must you go to the party?”. I asked her “ yes, I have to go see Damon”. She replied “ it is a company party and not a disco party”. I said with an eye roll “ it doesn’t matter baby girl”. She said , a party is a party I watched as she kept on gushing on how she will be the prettiest , how Damon will stare at her ...... “ how did she know Damon”. I wondered, why is she so obsessed on getting Damon......... . . . Nora POV . . “ Are you sure you both are not dating?”. My mom asked as we checkout the clothes Damon bought “This gown is so pretty”. Zara said holding a pink gown “ really?”. I asked glaring at her “ did I do anything wrong?”. She asked “ No”. I replied My mom looked at both of us and asked “ are you sure she didn’t offend you because I noticed you were giving her angry stares since “ she talks too much”. I blurted out “ did I say anything I ought not to say?”. Zara asked innocently “ No”. I replied biting my lips “ I can’t wait to go to Adams middle school”. She said excitedly and I felt like squeezing her mouth “ yes, my baby will wear a pretty uniform and study in a beautiful classroom”.My mom replied happily I looked at them trying to wipe the tears rolling down my eyes . “ Damon made my family happy, he made me happy................... . . I sat down outside looking at the stars in the sky when Zara came to join me “ why are you not sleeping?”. I asked her “ I want to talk to you”. She replied “ what is it?”. I asked her “ what are you hiding?”. She suddenly asked I looked and her “ Nothing”. I replied “ I know you very well”. She replied smirking “ what do you mean,”. I asked “ You lied about the scholarship right?”. She asked “ how do you know?”. I asked in surprise “ you are my sister and I know you”.she replied I nodded “ why did you lie?”. She asked “ you are too young to know”. I replied “ Explain in a way I will understand”. She said “ A man promised to help me with your hospital bill if I date him”. I told her sobbing “ Mr Parker right?”. She asked “ how did you know?”. I asked her “ I suspected from the very day you made that call at the hospital”. She said “ oh!”. I exclaimed “ are you still dating him?”. She asked “ No, I severe all ties with him”. I replied “ Good , then tell Damon the truth”. She advised “ why?”. I asked “ because he is already suspecting you”. She replied “ why did you say so?”. I asked her “ are you dumb? didn’t you see the way he stared at you”. She replied “ really”. I asked “ don’t hurt Damon”. She advised “ how will I hurt him?, I can’t hurt him”. I replied “ you can because he loves you”. She said I looked at her and laughed “ how can Damon love someone like me?”. I asked “ I can see you are too dumb to notice”. She replied I looked at her wondering how she knows too much “ Good night Nora”.she said standing up “ Good night Zara”. I replied her She moved closer to me and hugged me “ I love you Nora and thanks for saving me”. She said and went into the room “ do Damon really love me”. I thought. I dialled his number and I was surprised he picked it up immediately “ Damon”. I called “ hey Nora, why are you not sleeping?”: he asked “Not feeling dizzy”. I replied “ what are you doing?”. He asked “ just outside looking at the stars”.I replied, what are you doing?”. I asked him “ surfing the internet”. he replied “ I just wanted to check on you”. I said “ okay”. make sure you don’t stay out long”. He warned “ Okay dear”.i said and ended the call “ Did he really love me? but why didn’t he say anything about love when I confessed my feelings to him........ “ Damon Adams what exactly are you doing to me”................ . . Who is this Noami sister sef . . Zara Thank you for the advice . . TBC
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