Meeting Damon Adams

1226 Words
“ is Damon always quiet”. I asked Noami as we walked towards the car park “I have never seen him interact with anyone except his two friends”.she replied “He is so proud”. I said “ why won’t he be proud?, he is the heir to all Adams corporations “. She replied “ oh”. I exclaimed “ I will see you tomorrow”. She said waving at me as he got into her car and drove off “ okay”. I waved back . . I walked towards the bus station and was about boarding a bus when my phone rang. I checked the caller, it was Mr Parker “ what does he want?”. I muttered “ hello”. I greeted immediately I picked the call “ come over to the place where we met last time “. he commanded completely ignoring my greetings “ I can’t come now sir, I need to....... “ come over here now”. he yelled and ended the call “ what the hell Is wrong with this man” . . I flagged a taxi and got in “ Adams hotel please”. I said as the taxi drove off I alighted from the taxi and paid the fare with the last money on me. I walked into the hotel and gave the painted face receptionist a weak smile “ He is waiting for you”.she said , or should I direct you again “I know my way”. I replied “ Guess he enjoyed you because he does not invite a girl twice”. She said grinning “Damn you”. I cursed her as I climbed up the stairs I pushed the door opened and met Parker on the bed reading some documents He eyes lit up immediately he saw me “ hello”. I greeted closing the door and leaning on it “ Move closer baby”. he gestured at me smiling I sighed and walked towards him “ sit”. he instructed “ what do you want?”. I asked him “ I said you should sit down “. He commanded “ fine”. I said and sat down on the bed “ I want you to be fully mine”. he blurted out I looked at him and laughed “ what is it?”. he asked, is it funny “ yes it is”.i replied still laughing “ how”. he asked “ let me make something clear to you”. I said pointing at him ,all we had then was a deal, you promised to give me money for my sister treatment if I satisfy you which I did. so what is all this trash you are talking about? “ you mean I said trash?”.he asked in surprised “ yes”. I nodded “ I paid your fees into Adams college”. he said “ which you chose to do”. I said in defence,I thought it was a scholarship, I never knew you would pay for it from your own purse “ you think you are smart?”. he asked scoffing “ how do you mean?”. I asked “ I paid only a year fees”. he said smiling, because I suspected something like this will happen I looked at him in surprise “ do you know a year fees at Adams college can buy a building?”. he asked “ how will I pay for the remaining years?”. I asked him “ good, that is where I come in. If you become fully mine , I will take care of it and buy your family a home”. he boasted I looked at the man in front of me and immediately hated his gut “ are you in or not”. he asked “ I am not interested”. I said standing up “ what!!!”. he exclaimed in surprise I smirked at him and was about to take my leave when he asked “ how will you pay the fees for the remaining years”. He asked I looked at him and smile “ I will see to that”. I replied “ you are a nothing but a proud b***h”. he cursed I looked and him and smiled “ thanks for everything”. I said and left the room . . I climbed down the stairs with a heavy heart knowing I will stop college after the first year “ what will happen after that”. I thought, “ what will I tell my mother , how will I tell her that the scholarship stuff was all a lie” I kept on thinking till I bumped into someone “ I am sorry” . I apologised and gasped in shock when I met the gaze of Damon “ I am rrreally sorry sir”. I stammered. He stared at me and walked past me like i never existed “ who does that? “ what is he even doing here?”. I asked my self, “ oh, his family owns it I checked my purse and there was no money in it “ how will I get home?”. I whined and going back to ask Parker is not an option “ I just have to walk home”............... . . I got home very late in the evening, I was really exhausted I was surprised to meet mum at home “ where are you coming from sweating like this?”. She asked me “ school”. I lied, I lost my bus fare so I had to walk “ sorry baby”.she said , there is food in the kitchen “ so you came home to cook?”. I asked her She nodded “ you couldn’t have done that, I can take care of myself”. I told her “ you will always be my baby”. She said chuckling “ Zara will be discharged on Sunday”. She said excitedly “ really, I can’t wait for her to be back home “ “Don’t forget to lock the door properly before you sleep”. She instructed as she headed to the hospital............. . . . Damon POV . . I went over to the hotel to pick up a friend who was drunk he called and asked for my help and I had to drive him home . I got home and walked into the sitting room . I saw my dad making out with one of his whores I ignored him and was about climbing the stairs when he called me I turned to look at him “ is that a way to behave to your father?”. He asked “ how should i behave?”. I asked scoffing “ you could have least greeted”. he said “ greet”. I huffed , you could have thought about that before f*****g your mistress in the sitting room”. I replied him he looked at me and scoffed “I do whatever i want in my house”. he said “ and I do whatever I want also”. I replied back ,can’t you at least respect my late mother”. I asked him “Your mother is dead Damon”. he said “ you are just impossible “. I shook my head as I headed to my room . . Did Nora make the right decision? Poor Damon
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