
1473 Words
Damon PoV continues . . I got to my room and went to the bathroom to freshen up, I returned to the room when I was done and laid on the bed... My phone suddenly rang , I checked the caller and scoffed “ why won’t this girl stop calling me” I bang the call but she kept on calling so I picked it up “ Tonia”. I called “You left without seeing me today at school”. She whined “ I had things to do”.I told her “ can we see tomorrow?”. She asked “ hopefully”. I said and ended the call “ can’t she just let me be? . . . I headed down the stairs and met my dad eating dinner I went over to the dinning and joined him “ son”. he called “ hi”. I grunted A maid immediately came forward and served my food “ how was school today?”. My dad asked trying to make a conversation “ boring “. I drawled “ you should try and have a little bit of fun”. He advised , your life is too boring “ I am okay this way”. He said “ are you still thinking about her?”. He suddenly asked I remained quiet “ you should try and forget about her”. he said “ can we not talk about it”. I said “ Damon you need to move on and quit this nonsense of loving a dead person”.He advised “ what do you know about love ?”. I yelled , don’t ever talk to me about love again”. I warned and stood up “ where are you going to?”. He asked “ to my room”. I replied “ but you have not touched your food”. He said “ I lost my appetite” . . I walked into my room and pick a picture from the stool beside my bed staring at beautiful lady in the picture “Why did you have to go Bella?”I muttered crying She was my first love , she died in an accident and I guess my heart also died with her . I heard a knock on the door “ come in”. I said and forced a small smile when Miss Petra walked in . “ Damon”.she called, she was the only maid who had the right to call me by my name . ... She consoled and held me when my mum died ten years ago and since then I treated her with respect “ hi”. I huffed “ I heard you arguing with your father”. She said “I did not argue with him, he argued with me”. I corrected “ what is the difference?”.she asked smiling I remained quiet Damon, you really have to move on”. She advised “ Can I? I asked She nodded “Fine”.i said, can you please leave now? She nodded and soon left I kept on staring at Bella picture till I fell asleep . .’ . I woke up the next morning and glanced at the time “ f**k”.i cursed , I never knew I slept this long I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and to bath, I returned to the room after I was done with a towel around my waist . I went over to the wardrobe and pulled out new clothes, I never repeat cloth twice I headed down the stairs and saw my dad laughing with a woman “Morning Dad”. I grunted without sparing the woman a glance “Son”. he called, how was your night?. he asked “ I am off to school”. I told him ignoring his question “ I want you to call at the company this morning and make a confirmation of the account”. he instructed “ why must I always be the one doing that?”.I asked “ because it belongs to you now”.he said “ oh really , then let me handle it my way”.I said “ I don’t fully trust Parker so you must monitor him”. he insisted “ oh right”.i said with an eye roll . . I headed straight to the office and as usual there were reporters around , they rushed to me immediately I stepped out of the car “ Damon Adams is there any latest gist going on in the company”. a fat ugly reporter asked I glared at her as the remaining kept on asking numerous questions “ why can’t this gossips just leave” . I walked into the company and was greeted respectfully by the staff and was not surprised when I caught some female staff drooling “ I scoffed and climbed up the stairs leading to Mr Parker office . I pushed the door to his office opened and met him flirting with a lady “Damon”. he stood up immediately he saw me, I never knew you were coming I stared at him and the lady and scoffed “ can you please wait for me outside”. He told the lady and I watched the lady as he walked out sheepishly “ I am sorry about that Damon”. He apologised “ it is none of my business “.I replied, you are truly a friend to my father “ what do you mean by that?”. he asked “ hand over the account book”. I commanded ignoring his questions He reluctantly gave it to me I scoffed as I went through it “ I can explain Damon”. He tried to explain “I warned you to fix the account the last time I came but you are still getting deeper in debt”. I yelled “ I am sorry”. he pleaded “ you are still here because you are a friend to my father but the next time I come here and see the account like this you will be out of here”. I warned him I turned to leave and soon stopped “ another thing, don’t bring your bitches to the office” I walked out of the office and glanced at the ugly looking girl sitting outside the office .... . . I got into my car and drove down to school, I was surprised to see a girl who alighted from a taxi walked into the gates of Adams college “ I thought all student who goes here comes to school with their car” I stared at her as I drove into the school compound trying to get a glimpse of her face but could not because she went through another direction I stared at her from behind and I must admit she got killer shape “ Damn, what am i thinking of” . . Nora PoV . . I walked into the class and I went over to a chair and sat down Noami was not yet in school so I decided to bring out my book and study “ hey”.Are you new here?”. Someone asked and when I looked up I met Tonia gaze She tilted her head and stared at me “ have we met before?”. She asked “ Yes, I was the one you.......... “ oh , the beggar”.she said cutting me short “ I am not a beggar”. I defended “ how did you get here?”. She asked , did you f**k your way in The whole class turned to look at me and I felt embarrassed “ She is a beggar and a w***e”. Tonia announced to the whole class “ I am not a w***e”. I yelled crying “ really, she asked moving closer to me. Avoid me the best way you can”. She warned . I bent my head on the table still sobbing when someone tapped me “ Noami”. I called when I looked up “ why are you crying?”. She asked “ it is nothing”. I replied “ did someone hurt you?”. She asked I gave her a weak smile “It is okay Nora”. She assured me . . . “ Go ahead to the cafe I will join you there”. Noami said “ where are you going?”. I asked her “ To the bathroom, I need to change “. She replied I nodded and headed to the cafe . . I walked into the cafe and sat down on the seat closest to the entrance I brought out my phone and decided to play a game when I saw Tonia walking towards me “ what does she want again”. I muttered to myself “ why are you seated on my seat?”. She asked I was speechless. I never knew she had a personal table in the cafe “ I am sorry”. I apologised and stood up “ really, i thought I warned you never to cross path with me”. She asked scoffing “ what have i done”. I asked her “ how dare you talk back at me”. She asked and before i knew it she pushed me hard I rolled back expecting to see myself on the floor but was surprised when i felt a strong hand around me I looked up and met the gaze of Damon ... . . This Tonia is really a case...... . TBC
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