Damon Adams

743 Words
I stared in awe as Noami showed me the class “ is this a class or a hotel hall?”. I asked Noami She looked at me and smirked “ This is a class”.she said smiling We walked into the class and I stared at the expensive chairs and tables “ I bet it all cost a fortune”. I thought “ you can sit here”. Noami said pointing to a seat beside her I dusted my gown before sitting on the black leather chair “ what did you just do?”. Noami asked “ I dusted my gown before sitting”. I told her “ isn’t it suppose to be the other way round?”. She asked I just feel........... I stopped short when the same lady who almost hit me walked in “ is she in taking the same class with us”. I asked Noami She nodded I stared at the girl and she was really beautiful “ if only I can be as beautiful as her”. I said aloud with knowing “ what do you mean?”. Noami asked , you are also beautiful, she said “ Thanks”. I said “ I did not compliment you , I just told you the truth”. She said rolling her eyes “who is she?”. I asked Noami “ Her name is Tonia and she is the daughter to a prominent minister”.Noami replied “ oh. I said nodding . . The lecturer walked into the class and I was surprised the class was still noisy The Lecturer continued teaching without minding the noise and I had difficulty hearing what she was saying “ wont this noise ever stop”. “ Get out of the class”. Tonia suddenly shouted at the Lecturer “ why?”. The Lecturer asked sheepishly “ The class is boring”. Tonia said and most of the student laughed “But........ “ Get out or I will make Sure you are sacked”. She said and the Lecturer ran out in shame “ what the hell just happen now?”. I asked Tonia “ The class was really boring and she deserved it”. Tonia replied nonchalantly “ how will it not be boring when no one cared to listen to her”. I said “ i don’t know”. Noami said shrugging her shoulders “ They are all the same , spoilt rich brats “. I muttered . . “Let’s go for lunch”. Noami whispered into my ears “ sure”. I said , I was really starving I stood up and we headed to the cafe . . We got to the cafe and I was speechless “ is this really a school or a hotel” I followed Noami to get some food and gasped in shock when I heard the price “ it was 10 times the normal price “ “ won’t you order for something?. Noami asked “ I am okay”. I lied She looked at me and laughed “ The Bill is on me”. She said “ really!. I exclaimed and she nodded I immediately ordered for a plate of rice and chicken and went over to the table she was seated “ I thought you were okay”. She teased “ it is just ttthat I”. I stammered “ it is alright I understand”.She said cutting me short The whole cafe soon because noisy “ What is happening?”. I asked Noami She was lost staring at something, I followed the direction of her eyes and gasped when I saw Damon standing at the entrance. “ is he a demi god”. I thought within He walked into the cafe with two guys and they sat down at the extreme edge “ he is so cute”. Noami said with dreamy eyes I noticed all ladies eyes were on him. I was not surprised, he was not only handsome, he was the heir to all Adams cooperation. The Adams were very wealthy and own lot of estates , properties including Adams college “We can only admire him from far”. Alicia whispered “ why?”. I asked also whispering “ he is not someone you can mess with”, he is cold- hearted”, she tried explaining “ oh! I exclaimed remembering the incident where he splashed water on me and did not even apologise I kept on staring at him, he kept a straight face even when his friend were laughing loudly “ is he always like this?”. I asked Noami She nodded “He is rich and still not happy while I am poor and also not happy “ what exactly is the key to happiness”. I asked myself . . . What exactly is the key to happiness? . . TBC
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