
1054 Words
Nora PoV continues . . . I climbed down the stairs smiling sheepishly “ Damon complimented me, he told me I am beautiful. Oh, what a miracle!” I bumped into Noami at the entrance of the class “ Sorry”. I said laughing “ where have you been?”. She asked “I went to the bath.............” “ Liar”. She said cutting my short, I have been to all the bathrooms searching for you “ oh”. I replied not knowing what else to say “ where have you been Nora?”. She asked “ fine, I went to Damon class”. I told her “ Damon, are you one of his friends b***h?”. She asked “ what!!, I exclaimed in shock, I never expected her to say such “ why the hell will you go over to Damon’s class if not to see his friends?”. She asked “ I went to see Damon, not his friends”. I replied “ why”. She asked “ he helped me yesterday so I went to thank him”. I replied “ help you with what?”. She asked I looked at her wondering why she was so eager to know “ he drove me home yesterday”. I told her “Damon what!!!!”. She exclaimed ,are you sure it is him?” . She asked “Noami you are funny”. I replied laughing “Is that why you are dressed like a w***e?”. She asked out of a sudden “ w***e”. I muttered “ don’t get any funny ideas, Damon cannot look at a poor thing like you not to talk of f*****g or dating you “. She said giving me an icily glare “ Noami”. I called in surprise “ yuck”. She said and left in anger “ what did I do wrong?” . I asked myself I looked at myself and suddenly became ashamed of my dress, no one told me the truth except Anthony and Damon “ is that the reason why those guys were staring at me, they probably saw me as w***e” I walked into the class with my head bent in shame I looked at Noami and she still have that angry look on her face “ Noami “. I called but she didn’t answer “ what have I done?” . . Damon POV . . “You drove her home Damon, I can’t believe it”. Mikel huffed as soon as Nora left the class “ There is no big deal about it”. I replied “No man, there is a big deal”. Mikel said I looked at him and laughed “ how?”. I asked “ you have never glanced at any other girl after Bella died”. he replied “ don’t bring Bella into this “. I yelled “ I am sorry man”. He apologised “ but really Damon, you need to move on “.Donald adviced I looked at him and scoffed “ you are just too stubborn”. He remarked “If you are not interested in that girl, can you please hand her over”. Mikel said l*****g his lips “Damn you”. I cursed him “Do you like her”. He asked “ Hell no”. I replied, she is not even my type They both laughed “ you liar.Mikel said , she is your ideal type of girl. but since you don’t want her, give me permission to f**k her” “ you don’t need my permission, I don’t own her”.i replied “Good, I guess I am free to have her then”.he smacked his lips “ when you are done with her ,can pass her to me?”Donald asked grinning “ I am not promising you, I might want to keep her “. Mikel replied smiling I looked at both of them and I kind of felt jealous “ why am I getting this kind of feeling” . . . Nora POV . . I waited for everyone to leave the class before walking out “Noami refused to talk to me and even left without even sparing me a glance “ what did I do wrong” “ I came to school feeling like a queen and I am leaving feeling like a whore . I stepped out into the compound and was surprised to see Damon and his friends talking in front of Damon’s car What are they still doing in school by this time” I kept on walking towards the huge gate trying hard not to glance at Damon when one of his friends called me “Pretty girl, come over here”. He commanded” “ what?”. I asked looking back to be sure he was referring to me “ i am talking to you”.he replied I walked towards them trying not to look at Damon “ you are looking beautiful”. he said as soon I as got to them “ Thanks”. I replied “ I am Mikel”. He said grinning “ Nora”. I replied shyly “ can we hang out this evening?”. He asked “I em er m”. I stammered “ please baby”.he pleaded “ No”. I replied and he laughed “ why?”. he asked “ she does not want you man and that is final”. Damon said out of sudden We all looked at him in surprise “ why are you still here by this time?”. he asked “I just er we”.i stammered not knowing what to say “Get into the car”. he commanded really?”. I asked excitedly “ do you want to sleep here?”. he asked back I shook my head negatively “ then get in the car”. he replied I quickly sat down beside him as he drove off without even sparing a glance at his friends who just stood looking on in surprise.... . . “Thanks”.i said to him as he was driving me home “ what you sleeping in class?”.he asked “No”.I replied “ then what were you doing?”. he asked “ I em we er”. I stammered not knowing what to say he looked at me and smirked “ what exactly do you stay ?”. he asked “ you can drop me here “. I told him “ where exactly is your home?”. he asked again “ you won’t be able to go there”. I told him “ why?”. he asked “ you won’t like it”.I replied “ why won’t I?”. he asked “ I live in the slums”. I replied he looked at me and gave me a small smile “ it doesn’t mean” . . I watched him as he drove off, The rich heir to the Adams corporation brought me home “He dropped me in front of my tiny home , it is really hard to believe” I walked into my house and sat on the bed “ Damon what are you doing to me”. I said aloud as I felt my heart racing............... . . . awwww, I love this . What the hell is wrong with Noami?
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