Nora in love

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Damon POV . . I got home feeling a little bit stressed, I met my father eating in the dinning and chose to ignore him. He has been moody ever since I told him he was the cause of mother death I Climbed up the stairs heading to my room "What is wrong with me". I asked myself as I laid on the bed, " My phone suddenly rang indicating an incoming call, I checked the caller and scoffed " why won't this Tonia of a girl leave me alone, I thought I made it clear to her father that I was not interested" She kept on calling and I had to switch off my phone . My mind drifted to Nora, why do I have a soft spot for her? She looked beautiful today but the cloth she wore was too revealing " if only she was with me alone I could have.......... dang it! I am really going crazy I stood up from the bed and went over to the table where I kept Bella picture, I picked it up and stared at it " Bella, I think it is time I move on". I said as I tore the picture and to my surprise, I felt relieved...... . . . I freshened up and headed downstairs. My dad was in the sitting room watching television so I went over to join him " Dad". I called He looked at me with a gloomy expression " what is wrong Dad?". I asked " I am just thinking of your mother". he replied " can we please forget about that?". I said " son can you ever forgive me?". he asked " for what?". I asked him " for hurting you and your mother". He replied I looked at him and smiled "I have long forgiven you".i replied He looked at me and signed in relief " I never knew your mom love me, I thought she was not happy with the arranged marriage ". he said I remained quiet as he continued " she always had a smile on her face , I never knew she was hurting. I was a bad husband, I dated lot of girls without even caring about her feeling....... " do you regret marrying her?". I asked him " no, the only thing I regret is not showing her enough love". he replied "It is alright dad". I said and he gave me a little smile I stood up and was about to heading to my room when he called I turned to look at him " There is going to be a company party". He said " why are you telling me ?". I asked him " you need to be present". he replied " why". I asked " I will be handing everything about Adams corporate to you, I want to introduce you to some major share holders". he explained " I am not ready now dad, I am too young". I said trying to confuse him " you are 21 Damon, it is time to take responsibility". he said I looked at him and sighed " when is the party?". I asked him " Next week Saturday". he replied " I will think about it". I said as I stood up He nodded " you also need a date". he teased winking at me " I don't need one dad". I huffed , Good night dad Good night son......... . . Noami PoV . . I went home wondering what Is between Damon and Nora . I wonder how my sister will react when I tell her.... She made me go to Adams college so I could spy on Damon . I really don't know the reason why she asked me to do that .. I met her in sitting room when I got home , her eyes was glued to the television..... " hi".I grunted as I joined her " hi". she replied " what is it?". She asked studying my face " it is Damon". I blurted out "What happened to him?". She asked in alarm "It seems he has eyes for another girl". I told her " it cannot happen, Damon belongs to me". She said I looked at her and scoffed " how will you get him when he does not know you exist?". I asked her " Then I will just let him notice me". She replied smirking " whatever ". I said as I walked upstairs " I wondered why she was so serious about Damon........ . Nora PoV . . The next morning . . I woke up early on a Saturday morning, I did the house chores and washed some clothes " Zara would be coming home today, I really can't wait... I went to the bathroom to freshen up after I was done with the house chores... I picked up the small one I recently bought and played a game on it.The phone suddenly rang , I was surprised when I saw the caller. It was Noami " I thought she was angry with me" "Helo baby". She said as soon as I picked it up "Noami". I called in surprise, I thought you were mad at me "How can I be mad at you?she replied " oh, I was really worried". I said " I am sorry for the way I behaved then, I was just not happy that you lied to me". She queried " it is alright, i won't do that again ". I promised " I am your friend and you should treat me like one". She said " I am sorry". I apologised again " it is alright girlfriend, I love you". She said " I love you too". I replied as the call ended " ThankGod I have gotten my friend back". I said smiling . . . I ran to hug Zara as soon as she alighted from the taxi with mother " I miss you Nora". She said as she hugged me tight " I miss you too sweetheart". I replied We all walked into the room and mum immediately went into the kitchen to start preparing lunch "How is Adams college?". Zara asked " fine". I replied grinning " did you see the cold- hearted Damon Adams". She asked I looked at her and laughed " he is not cold- hearted, he is very nice". I said with dreamy eyes " What is that look?". She asked looking at me weirdly " what look?". I asked her " wait a minute, don't tell me you like him". She said with an eye roll " I don't like him, I love him". I said whispering " what did you just say?": she asked " I said I am in love with Damon Adams...... "Oh my gawd Nora, you are crazy".she smirked . . . Who is Noami sister again ooooo . . Nora is in love.... TBC
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