The real me

1222 Words
Nora POV . . . I woke up the next morning feeling elated. I went into the bathroom to freshen up but there was no water I hummed as I walk to the neighbour compound to fetch two buckets of water “ Good morning Mrs Peterson”. I greeted excitedly “Morning Nora, how was your night?”. She asked “ Fine ma”. I kept on humming and tapping my feet to its rhythm as I fetched the water . I glanced at Mrs Peterson and she was staring at me curiously “ Thank you ma”. I greeted her as I carried the buckets full of water out of her compound “She must be wondering why I am so happy today” . . I dropped one of the bucket in the kitchen and used the second one in bathing I returned to the room and walked over to the wardrobe I share with Zara to select a nice clothes I went through it looking for a good cloth, I really wanted to impress Damon “Why am I thinking of him again” . I stared at my reflection in the mirror , is this really me? I was putting on a tight skirt which brought out all my curves and a crop top.. I knew this wasn’t my usual way of dressing but I wanted to feel among... I plaited my hair into a loosed bun and applied lot of makeup which made me look like a barbie doll I pulled out a black boot from under the wardrobe,dusted it and put it on I am good to go............... . I stepped out of the house and met Anthony with some of his friends, they were obviously going to work Anthony opened his mouth in surprise when he saw me “Nora, why are you dressed like this?”. He asked “ do I look good?”. I asked flashing him a smile “You look beautiful but in a weird way”. He replied “ how?”. I asked him with a raised eyebrow “Nora, this is not your way of dressing. Don’t be like those rich spoilt kids”. He said “ I like the way I am”. I said “ really”. he asked “ bye Anthony, I will see you when I am back “. I said as I walked away “ will Damon be attracted to me if I dress like this ?”.i thought . . I got to the school and I noticed most of the boys were staring at me “She look so hot “ she got a killer shape, she those a*s”. I heard some say I ignored all of them and walked into the class “ oh my gawd”. Noami exclaimed as soon she saw me, you look like a model”. She remarked “ Thanks”. I replied blushing I sat down on a seat next to hers “ Noami”. I called her “ yes”. She replied looking at me “What does Damon major in”. I asked her “ I don’t know”. She replied shrugging her shoulders, why do you ask?”. She asked me “ nothing, just wondering if he goes to school here”. I lied “ of course he does, he is in year 3 and attends a special class with his two friends”. She replied “ special class?”. I asked encouraging her to continue “ yes”, he is the owner of this school, so he needs special treatment”. She replied grinning “ oh”. I nodded, where is this class?”. I asked “The third floor”. She replied, but why are you asking? she asked “ nothing, was just curious”. I replied “ look over there”. Noami nudged me I look at the entrance and saw Tonia walking into the class. She glared at me when our gaze met and I immediately looked away... She walked over to a chair at the corner of the class and sat down, she had this angry look on her face “ what is wrong with her?”. I asked Noami “I don’t know but I think something is eating her up”. Noami replied and we both laughed... . . . After the Lecturer left the class, I decided to go look for Damon and thank him for the drive yesterday “ I will use it as an excuse to see his cute face” “Noami”. I called , I need to use the bathroom “. I lied “ okay”, don’t be long “. she replied without looking up at me I smiled at her , she was getting used to studying.. . . “ how do I get to the third fall”. I muttered , There was an elevator at a corner of the building but I was scared to get on it since I have never ride on one before so I decided to make use of the stairs I climbed up the stairs and met only a few students on the way I got to the third floor and gasped in surprise, the classes were more beautiful “ how can I get to Damon class”. I asked a lady who was coming out from a class in front of me She eyed me and scoffed “ you must be either Mikel or Donald b***h” “ what!!!”. I exclaimed “ you don’t need to act all work up , take a walk down, the last class by your right”. She instructed “ Thanks”. I said to her “ whatever”. She said with an eye roll and left “ are all rich kids rude”. I thought . . . I walk down as instructed till I got to the last class “ This must be it”. I said when I read the inscription on the door “ out of bounds to all students” I pushed the door opened and peeked inside “ who are you?”. I heard a voice asked , come in properly if you have something to say I took a deep breathe before entering the class and I saw the surprised look on Damon friends face I looked around the class and saw Damon with his eyes close lying on a bed “ There is a bed in a class, amazing. “Wow look who we have here”. One of his friends said “ why are you here?”. the second one asked “ I am here to see Damon, I mean Sir Damon “. I replied They looked at me and scoffed “ what business do you have with him?”. The second friend asked “ I just wanted................ “ Let her be Mikel”. Damon said sitting up on the bed “ so he had been awake”. I thought “ come closer”. he said I nodded as i moved closer to him , I felt his eyes roamed all over me “ why are you here?”: he asked “ I just wanted to thank you for the drive yesterday”. I replied with my head down There was no response from him “ sir”. I called again There was still no response . I looked up to know the reason he was silent when I met his gaze “ was he staring at me the whole time “ “ sir”. I called but he kept on staring, this time directly at me face “ i must sound like a fool”. I turned to take my leave when he called “ Nora” I turned back looking at him in surprise “You are more beautiful without the makeup on” “ really”. I asked blushing He nodded.” And the outfit you putting on does not suit you, I prefer the real you” “what did he just say, he prefer the real me” . . . . Wow, I can feel the love in the air This Nora sef is funny . . TBC
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