Chapter 6

1036 Words

Paul held open the door of Marcello’s for Libby, welcoming the warmth that enveloped them. His breath misted in the icy air outside. Winter had arrived in full force, but tonight spring blossomed in his chest. “Your usual table’s free,” Marcello said. “Perfect, thanks, mate.” Paul helped Libby off with her coat, pulling out her chair. The aroma of garlic and herbs made his mouth water. Libby smiled across the red-checked tablecloth, soft candlelight casting a glow over her face. How had he gotten so lucky? After everything they’d weathered, here she was - his guiding light, his heart, his home. Paul’s hand strayed to his wallet in his pocket. The vintage-inspired sapphire ring tucked inside felt as heavy as a stone. Paul wanted to find a ring that perfectly captured Libby’s personali

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