Chapter 7

1443 Words

Paul sat at his workbench, surrounded by the familiar smells of sawdust and freshly cut wood. But for once, the comforting scents did little to soothe him. Thoughts of Libby and her refusal of his proposal consumed his mind. He had been so sure she would say yes, that they would move forward together as a couple. Instead, he felt like he’d taken two steps back, all his hopes and dreams suddenly out of reach. He threw himself into his new business, trying to lose himself in the craftsmanship. He’d picked up an order for a custom made coffee table but the handyman work he’d assumed would be his bread and butter had remained elusive. He turned the tabletop upside down, held the first leg in place and lined up the cordless drill. Slow and steady, he pre-drilled the hole. Grabbing the other

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