1001 Words
SERAFINA'S POV : We kept on walking for close to thirty minutes. "I am tired of walking, I want to sit down", I whined. "We can't stop now, I need to get you to a safe place", he said as he carried me up. "Don't drop me like you did before". "I won't", he chuckled. After a while I could see a big house and a very large sign board which could not be ignored. "CASA DELLA SPERANZA ORPHANAGE" "What's an orphanage?", I thought to myself, should I ask him?, no he will just make fun of me. He entered inside the big gate carrying me in his arms. "Buongiorno signorina Caterina", he said in a language which is definitely Italian. I didn't know much about the language but I love the way it always sound when someone says it. I was brought back from my thoughts when I noticed the lady he was talking to. She was a tall, white skinned lady, with a short blonde hair, she looked like she was in her late forties. "Sono qui per abbandonare questa ragazzina, per favore proteggila. Sua madre è morta e non credo che sappia dov'è suo padre..." The calm man said and the white skinned lady listened intently. "My name is Miss Caterina" the white skinned lady said extending her hand to me. "My n-n-name is Serafina" I said, stammering. "Don't be afraid, this is going to be your new home from now henceforth", Miss Caterina said smiling widely. "I am leaving now, don't cause any trouble here", the calm man said dropping me down. "Let me take you to your room sweetie". "Only my mom calls me sweetie", I said with a sad face. "Oh I am sorry, but can I also call you sweetie", Miss Caterina asked smiling at me. "Yes you can", I said returning the smile. We have passed like five rooms and we still haven't gotten to mine, as I was about to ask why it's taking so long she turned to me and said, "This is your room sweetie, you will be sharing it with your three roommates". "Roommates? I thought I was going to be alone in my room". Miss Caterina chuckled and said, "This is an orphanage and there are lots of kids here so you will have to share and unfortunately we aren't that rich here, so you will have to manage". I saw a hint of sadness in her eyes when she talked about not being rich, so I nodded and entered my new room. Inside my room was painted with pink colors and there were cartoon stickers on the walls with four little beds, I am guessing one for each person, obviously, I thought to myself. The first 3 beds were occupied with three little girls who looks to be my age. The first one looked like a quiet person with a light brown long hair, the second girl had a black braided hair and she looked a little bit older than the rest of them, the third girl had a blonde long hair, she looked like a foodie because she was busy eating and didn't even notice me standing there, I chuckled when I saw how she munched on the crackers in her hands. "Hello girls", Miss Caterina said catching the attention of the three girls. "Meet your new roommate, her name is Serafina", she added drawing me closer to herself. "Serafina meet your new friends, Isabella, Valentina and Nadia, she said pointing at them one after the other. Nadia jumped up and came to give me a big hug. "Hey It's really mmh nice to meet you, Nadia said trying to talk while chewing her crackers. I smiled at her and said " it's nice to meet you too. Isabella looked shy and she just smiled at me which I returned back. But Valentina didn't look happy at all, but I also smiled at her, "she's probably in a bad mood", I thought to myself. "Serafina get some rest, I will send someone to bring clothes for you", Miss Caterina said while on her way out I nodded and went to my bed. I fell asleep almost immediately. "Serafina, Serafina", why isn't she waking up Nadia asked. "Maybe umm she's umm still tired" Isabella said shyly. "Just leave her alone, it's none of our business", Valentina said. Nadia ignored her and kept tapping me till I woke up. "Hey, how long was I asleep", I asked while yawning. "Two hours and some minutes", Nadia said. "We woke you up because it is time to eat dinner", she added "Okay let me", my eyes were busy scanning for any sign of clothes, I didn't see any so I asked. "Did anyone bring clothes for me u know Miss Caterina said someone would bring them for me but"...I didn't get to complete my sentence because Nadia interrupted me. "Yes, they are in the wardrobe", she said pointing towards the wardrobe and that was the first time I noticed there was even a wardrobe there. It was big and tall, brownish in color and there was a little stool by the corner incase you weren't tall enough to get your clothes. "Oh, okay thank u Nadia". I quickly bathed and got dressed then we left. The dinning hall was really big and it was filled with lots of children. Nadia dragged me with her until we got 4 empty seats opposite each other I and Nadia sat together while Isabella and Valentina sat opposite us. We quickly ate our food and went back to our rooms, Nadia told me a lot about the orphanage and also the meaning of an orphanage. "So I have no parents anymore" I thought to myself. We talked for a little while longer then Isabella fell asleep followed by Valentina and Nadia finally slept, but I couldn't sleep, I was missing my mom. Tears rolled down my eyes, after a few hours I slept off.
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