chapter Five: He Owns Me

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Chapter Five: He Owns Me I stretched my arms and yawned, feeling a sense of freedom as I left the room I’d been cooped up in for two days. The sunlight streaming through the windows illuminated the beautiful, natural surroundings, and I felt a sense of peace wash over me as I walked down the halls. The soft rustle of my clothes and the creaking of the wooden floorboards beneath my feet were the only sounds breaking the silence. As I walked, I couldn’t help but admire the intricate carvings on the walls, depicting scenes of wolves and forests. The air was fresh and clean, filled with the scent of pine and earth. I breathed deeply, feeling invigorated and refreshed. My playful spirit took over, and I swung my hands and body as I walked, my long hair bouncing behind me. I twirled around, taking in the grandeur of the high ceilings and the sparkling chandeliers. The paintings on the walls seemed to come alive, telling stories of ancient battles and mythical creatures. As I approached a room, I heard voices raised in argument. My curiosity piqued, I slowed down, trying to eavesdrop. I recognized Lyraeus’ voice, Ryker’s, and a lady’s voice, her tone sharp and authoritative. I leaned in, trying to make out what they were saying. "...Can’t just keep her here, Lyraeus,” the lady said. “She’s a liability.” “She’s not going anywhere,” Lyraeus growled. I felt a shiver run down my spine at his possessive tone. Who was this lady, and why were they arguing over me? I leaned in closer, my ear pressed against the door. The lady’s voice rose, her words becoming clearer. “You can’t just keep her here without the consent of the pack, besides she’s a Blackwood, half of the pack would want to tear her apart judging the history.” “Consent?” Lyraeus snorted. “She’s a Blackwood. She should be ready for the anger of the pack members.” My eyes widened at his harsh words. Who was this lady, and why were they discussing me? Just as I was getting into the conversation, Lyraeus’ sarcastic tone cut through the air. “Ah, perfect timing, Aria. We were just discussing how to handle our little eavesdropper.” The doors swung open with a forceful creak, and I stumbled inside, pushed by some unseen force. I regained my balance, looking up to see Lyraeus’ piercing gaze, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. “Welcome to the meeting. Aria,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “We were just discussing your… accommodations.” I looked around, taking in the tense atmosphere. Ryker stood beside Lyraeus, a neutral expression on his face. The lady, a stunning beauty with piercing red eyes, glared at me from across the room. Her long, straight hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of gold, and her full lips were pursed in disapproval. The lady’s gaze was like a cold breeze, sending shivers down my spine. I felt a sense of unease, like I was an intruder in a private conversation. Lyraeus’ eyes never left mine, his expression unreadable. “Aria, this is Kaida Darkhunter, our rising star,” Ryker said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “And Kaida, this is Aria Blackwood, our… guest.” Kaida’s eyes narrowed, her gaze piercing through me like a dagger. “So, you’re the one who’s been causing all the trouble,” she said, her voice laced with venom. I stood tall, meeting her gaze head-on. “I’m not causing any trouble. He brought me here himself,” I added pointing at Lyraeus. Kaida snorted. “You really need to leave this place, Aria. You’re a member of Blood Moon pack and a Blackwood. You’re a threat to our pack.” I felt a surge of anger, but Lyraeus’ hand shot up, silencing me. “Enough, Kaida. We’ll discuss this later but for now I say she stays here with me.” Kaida’s eyes flashed with anger, but she nodded, her jaw clenched. “Fine, Lyraeus. But this isn’t over.” The tension in the room was palpable, like a living, breathing creature. I felt trapped, caught in a web of secrets and lies. Lyraeus’ eyes never left mine, his gaze burning with an intensity that made my skin prickle. “Ryker, show Aria to her new quarters,” Lyraeus said, his voice low and husky. “And Kaida, we’ll continue this discussion later.” Ryker nodded, his expression neutral. “Follow me, Aria.” I hesitated, unsure if I should stay back here. But Lyraeus’ gaze was like a command, forcing me to move. Later that night, I stood on the balcony, staring up at the starry sky. Tears streamed down my face as I remembered the happy moments when everyone wanted to be around me. I was the center of attention, the life of the party. But now, I was like a plague, avoided by all. I felt a presence behind me and knew Lyraeus was there, watching me. I didn’t need to turn around to know he was reading my mind, his telepathic powers allowing him to sense my thoughts. After a few moments, he walked towards me, his footsteps silent on the balcony floor. He stood beside me, his eyes fixed on mine. “What’s your plan, Aria?” he asked, his voice low and husky. I stared at him, my mind blank. I had no plan, no idea how to escape or fix the mess I was in. I just shook my head, tears continuing to fall. Lyraeus’ expression didn’t change, but his eyes seemed to bore deeper into mine, searching for answers. He stood there for a few moments, then turned and walked away, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I wondered what he was thinking, what he wanted from me. But I knew one thing— he owned me. He would never let me go but I couldn’t trust him. He was a Lycan, a creature I’d been taught to fear and hate. And yet, there was something about him that drew me in, something that made me want to believe he wasn’t like what I was told. But I knew better. I couldn’t trust anyone, not even myself.
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