Chapter Four: Fate

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Chapter Four: Fate I felt a jolt of electricity run through me, my heart racing with excitement and trepidation. Mate? What does it mean? The handsome stranger’s eyes locked onto mine, a knowing glint in their depths. “It seems our wolves have already figured it out,” he said, a sly smile spreading across his face. But instead of excitement or joy, he let out a scoff. “Mate? Ha! I don’t believe in such superstitions. The moon goddess wouldn’t pair me with a mate, especially not after… everything.” What was he on about? Why did he have that sadness in his eyes just now? I was more lost than ever. “Well, I am Lyr—” His words were cut short by a rough voice. “Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Lyraeus’ favorite lap dog, and a pretty little girl to boot. Is this the reason why you’ve been out of reach for days now?” A short man probably in his thirties with a goatee sauntered into the room, a sly grin spreading across his face. He stood beside Lyraeus, grinning down at me like I was some kind of mystic birthday present. Lyraeus let out a sarcastic snort. “You know my type, she certainly doesn’t fit it.” The short man chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Last time I checked, you didn’t have a type, Lyraeus. This is the closest to a lady you’d ever been.” Lyraeus rolled his eyes, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “Ryker, shut up.” He turned to me, his expression serious. “I am Lyraeus Storm, the Lycan King and ruler of the Shadow Fang Pack. And this… annoying individual is Ryker Stormbringer, a friend.” Ryker gave a mocking bow, his grin still plastered on his face. “A friend that owes his life to you, At your service, my King.” I took a deep breath, trying to process the introductions and the dynamics between these two men. Lyraeus, the Lycan king, the most feared wolf in the territory. Why was I paired with him as my mate? My eyes narrowed, my voice laced with accusation. “So, you’re the Lycan King of the Shadow Fang Pack that’s been plotting an attack on my pack? Why would the moon goddess pair us up as mates?” Ryker’s eyes widened in surprise, his gaze darting to Lyraeus. “Wait, mate? You mean Aria here is your mate, Lyraeus? And Zephyr acknowledges it too?” Lyraeus snorted, his expression dismissive. “Don’t be ridiculous, Ryker. It’s just a prank by the moon goddess. A cruel joke. My eyes flashed with anger. “A prank? You think being mated to me is a prank?” Lyraeus turned to me, his voice cold. “Listen, Aria, the Shadow Fang Pack has never plotted against the Blood Moon Pack. We’ve never sent a spy to your territories. It’s the other way around. Your pack started this war against mine, against the Moonlight Pack. They killed my family, made me a rogue.” His eyes blazed with fury, flames dancing in their depths. “I wonder why the moon goddess would trouble me to save the daughter of my sworn enemy. What game is she playing?” Ryker stepped forward, his hands raised in a calming gesture. “Lyraeus, easy, brother. Don’t unleash.” But Lyraeus was beyond reason. With a snarl, his claws protruded and his face contorted like he was about to shift, but then he didn't. He walked out of the room and from the window, I could see him run towards the woods. I sat still, my mind reeling with questions. What did Lyraeus mean by my pack starting a war against his pack, the Moonlight Pack? The name sounded familiar, and I recalled my father mentioning it during a meeting. What were his dealings with the Moonlight Pack? And what did Lyraeus mean by the impossibility of him having a mate? What did he mean by a cruel joke? My thoughts swirled, trying to make sense of Lyraeus’ words. But they were like a puzzle, and I couldn’t quite fit the pieces together. I was so lost in the thought that I didn’t even notice Ryker walking towards me. “Aria, I know you’re confused. But let me tell you, Lyraeus really didn’t mean to say any of that. He was just angry.” “He sure meant everything he said. Why did he save me if he hated me and my pack?” I asked, feeling exhausted from my thoughts. Ryker looked at me as his lips curved into a smile. “He’s in the best position to answer that question, Aria Blackwood. And please don’t piss him off any further, I don’t know what he might do to you when you piss him off when I’m not around.” Ryker’s expression turned serious. “Aria, keep this between us for now, okay? Don’t mention the mate thing to anyone, especially not Lyraeus. He’s… complicated.” I nodded, still feeling exhausted from my thoughts. “I won’t say anything.” Ryker’s smile returned. “Good. Now, take a rest. You’ll be attended to soon. Someone will bring you food and water.” I shook my head, my curiosity getting the better of me. “Ryker, please don’t get mad at me, but I really want to know… where am I? What really happened?” Ryker chuckled. “You’re at Lyraeus’ hideout, Aria. And trust me, you’re in the middle of nowhere. No one knows the location except for us two.” He winked. “And don’t worry too much, you’re the only lady Lyraeus has brought here. You’re special.” I rolled my eyes, but his joke didn’t distract me from my questions. “Ryker, seriously… What happened? I don’t remember anything from that night.” Ryker’s expression turned somber. “Don’t worry, Aria. You’ll remember when the time is right. But for now… just rest.” ****** I drifted off to sleep, my mind began to wander, transporting me back to the forest. I stood on the same clearing where Kael and Eliana ambushed me, but this time, Lyraeus was by my side. His eyes blaze with a fierce intensity, and his muscles ripple beneath his skin as he faces off against my attackers. Kael and Eliana snarled and snapped, their eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. But Lyraeus didn’t flinch. With a swift and deadly precision, he took down Kael and Eliana, his movements a blur of power and grace. I watched in awe, my heart racing with excitement and fear. Lyraeus turned to me, his eyes burning with a possessive intensity. “You’re mine, Aria,” he growled, his voice low and husky. “No one touches what’s mine.” I felt a shiver run down my spine as he approached me, his eyes never leaving mine. He reached out and cupped my face, his touch sending sparks through my body. Suddenly, I woke up and realized that I was in my room. But the memory of Lyraeus’ touch lingered, leaving me feeling restless and unsatisfied. I tossed and turned, my mind racing with thoughts of Lyraeus and the strange, primal connection we shared. I stood up, gazing out of the window, I watched the moon and its beauty. The night wind played with my hair and I let my eyes dance around the surroundings hoping to catch a glimpse of Lyraeus or a movement but I saw nothing. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was there in the woods watching me, waiting for me to surrender to the primal call of the mate bond. I turned around and climbed back to bed with only one thought, "Will I be able to resist the pull of the powerful Lycan King?"
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