


“You’re pathetic, Aria, a weak and pathetic person like you is not worthy of being called an Alpha,” Kael sneered.Rejected by her pack and mate, Aria Blackwood is forced to confront the harsh reality of her destiny. With her heart shattered and her future uncertain, Aria must find a way to rise from the ashes and claim her rightful place as leader of the Blood Moon Pack, even if it means forming an alliance with the one person she fears and hates the most—the Lycan King!

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Chapter one :Rejected
Chapter One: Rejected “Silence!!!!” Elder Thorne’s booming voice echoed through the council chamber, calling the meeting to order. I stood before the esteemed elders, my heart racing with a mix of emotions. Today was the day I would officially announce my decision to hand over my position as the future alpha of the pack to my mate, Kael Darkhaven. The room fell silent, the weight of tradition and expectation palpable. I took a deep breath, my eyes scanning the faces of the elders, searching for any sign of dissent or disapproval. “Aria, daughter of the pack,” Elder Thorne began, his voice grave, “You have called this meeting to discuss your decision to relinquish your title as alpha. Tell us, why do you feel it is necessary to handover your inheritance to your mate?” I swallowed hard, my voice steady as I began to speak. “Elder Thorne, respected elders, my father had led this pack for many years before his death, and I am proud of his accomplishments. However, I don’t think I can continue in his legacy, I’m only but a young lady who isn’t really ready to take on this new role as alpha. Kael Darkhaven, my mate, is strong, capable, and worthy of leading our pack into a prosperous future.” The room remained silent, the elders’ faces unreadable. I braced myself for their reaction, knowing that not everyone would agree with my decision. Elder Oakley’s piercing gaze bore into me. “Aria, we understand your words, but we need to know - are you giving the title to Kael Darkhaven out of love and loyalty for him, or out of your own thoughts for the people and yourself?” I hesitated, my mind racing. How could I admit the truth—that I was torn between proving my love to Kael and my duty to the pack? That I was sacrificing my own power and position for what I thought was the greater good? I stuttered, trying to find the right words. “E-Elder Oakley, I-I believe Kael is the best choice for the pack. He’s strong, capable, and has the pack’s interests at heart.” Elder Oakley’s expression remained skeptical. “That may be true, Aria, but we need to know that your decision comes from a place of selflessness, not personal gain or bias.” I took a deep breath and forced myself to continue. “I understand, Elder Oakley. And I assure you all, my decision is for the good of the pack. I believe Kael will lead us into a prosperous future, and I am willing to step aside to ensure that happens. Besides, I will become his Luna and rule by his side.” The elders exchanged skeptical glances, but I could see the faintest glimmer of understanding in their eyes. I knew I had to convince them, no matter what my own fears and uncertainties were. For the sake of the pack and my love, I had to make this work. Elder Lyra, my aunt, spoke up, her voice gentle but firm. “Aria, remember that once your decision is approved by this court and the coronation is done, there’s no going back. You’ll be handing over the alpha title and becoming Kael’s luna. Are you certain you’re ready for this?” I nodded, trying to appear more confident than I felt. “I know, Aunt Lyra. I’ve thought this through. I’m ready to step aside and support Kael as alpha. I trust him to lead our pack well.” Elder Lyra’s eyes searched mine, as if looking for any sign of doubt or hesitation. After a moment, she nodded. “Very well, Aria. We’ll put it to a vote. Elders, let us decide.” The elders began to discuss and debate, their voices hushed but intense. I stood before them, my heart pounding in my chest, as they decided my fate and the fate of our pack. The elders voted, their faces solemn as they cast their decision. Elder Thorne spoke up, his voice firm. “Aria Blackwood, by a majority vote, your decision to step aside as alpha and appoint Kael Darkhaven as your successor is accepted.” I felt a mix of emotions: relief, anxiety, and a hint of sadness. I had expected this outcome, but it still felt surreal. Elder Lyra approached me, a small, intricately carved box in her hands. “Aria, as is tradition, we present you with this token of our appreciation for your act of courage and love for the pack. May it serve as a reminder of your strength and wisdom.” I accepted the box, opening it to reveal a beautiful silver pendant adorned with a small, glowing moonstone. I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked up at my aunt, my eyes prickling with tears. “Thank you, Elder Lyra. This means more to me than you know.” With that, the meeting concluded, and the elders began to disperse. Kael approached me, a hint of a smile on his face. “Well, mate, it’s official. I’m the new alpha.” I forced a smile, trying to hide my doubts. “Congratulations, but you can only assume the position after the coronation in two days.” Kael’s smile widened, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “Ah, right! The coronation! I can’t wait to officially take my place as alpha and have you by my side as my luna, Aria.” I nodded, trying to hide my reservations. “Yes, it’ll be a great day for our pack.” Two days passed, and the day of the coronation arrived. I stood in front of the mirror, my best friend Eliana helping me into my ceremonial gown. My mind wandered, and I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease. Eliana noticed my gaze and asked, “Hey, what’s wrong? You look a little down.” I forced a smile. “Just exhaustion, I think. It’s been a long few days.” Eliana chuckled. “Well, think of it this way - today’s not just Kael’s coronation, it’s also like your wedding! You’re becoming his luna, after all!” I smiled, trying to lighten up. “I guess you’re right. It’s just a big change, that’s all.” Eliana nodded understandingly. “I know, but you’ll be amazing, Aria. You and Kael will make a great team.” I took a deep breath, letting her words boost my mood. “Thanks, Eli. Let’s get ready to make this a day to remember!” “It will certainly be a day to be remembered, my luna!” Eliana responded. The grand hall of the castle was packed with pack members, all eager to witness the coronation ceremony. Elder Oakley, my father’s beta, stood at the podium, his voice booming as he pronounced Kael as the new alpha. “By the power vested in me, I declare Kael Darkhaven the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack!” The hall erupted in cheers and applause as Kael stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with triumph. I felt a mix of emotions: pride, anxiety, and a hint of uncertainty. Elder Oakley turned to me, his expression solemn. “Aria Blackwood, please kneel before your new alpha.” I descended into a graceful kneel, my heart pounding in my chest. This was it - the moment I would officially become Kael’s Luna. Elder Oakley asked the ritual question: “Aria Blackwood, do you take Alpha Kael Darkhaven as your alpha and mate?” I smiled, my voice clear and confident. “Yes, I do.” But as I looked up at Kael, expecting him to reciprocate, his expression changed. His eyes gleamed with mischief, and his smile twisted into a sneer. “I, Kael Darkhaven, alpha of the Blood Moon Pack, reject you, Aria Blackwood, as my mate and Luna,” he declared, his voice dripping with malice. The hall fell silent, stunned gasps echoing through the room. I felt like I’d been punched in the gut, my world crumbling around me.

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