795 Words
-Gunner It didn't go unnoticed that the nursing staff spent a lot of time checking us guys out. It also didn't go unnoticed that Jay's doctor would join in with the nurses when she was on the floor. Not going to lie. She was good-looking, and the fact she didn't have a ring on her finger was promising. But there never seemed to be a good time to try and get her alone. I sure as s**t didn't want to distract her from her duties, and trying to catch her before or after her shift was proving difficult as well. And well, I didn't want to seem like a stalker. Then Jay was released from the hospital, removing my excuse to try and even get a glimpse of her. Not that I only went to the hospital to try and see the hot doctor. I was there to see Jay as well. She was a friend. But come Friday night, my luck seemed to change. A bunch of us guys decided to go down to the only bar in town. Which just so happened to be owned by Jay now that her father had passed away and left it to her. And well, the club helped her manage it since she had no interest really in it, but it had been in her family for a few generations now. And she didn't want to let it go just yet. I was over making a killing at the pool table when a handful of women walked in, and among them was none other than Dr. Walker. And well f**k me if I didn't already think she was hot in her scrubs, the tight little black dress she had on had my head thinking of so many dirty things. Her dress went down to the middle of her thighs and hugged her body so you could see every curve. From the looks of it, she took really good care of herself, and if I were to bet, I would say she had a nice little four-pack going on too. Her chest looked perfect, not too big but not so small, but it looked like you could get a good hand full. She had her curly honey brown hair down, so it hung just above her shoulders. All of the women walked over to one of the bigger booths and piled in. They gave their drink order to the waitress that was working tonight and went back to giggling as they all talked. Since I was distracted, Army took the opportunity to knock the eight ball in winning the game. Army was one of my brothers and not only in the MC, but we had served together in the military before we joined the MC. He was one of my best friends. I let him pick up the pile of money while I handed the pool stick to the next brother waiting to play. Going over to the bar, I got Gary, the bartender, attention. Knowing what I wanted, he grabbed a bottle of Budweiser and set it in front of me. "Hey, could you also send another round to the ladies there on me?" He glanced over to them, then back to me, "sure thing." Taking a seat at the bar, I watched as he put together another round of mixed drinks and a few beers, then sending them over. I watched as the waitress put the drinks in front of each of the ladies and had to smile slightly when one of the beers went to the doctor. She wasn't a fruity girly drink drinker, good to know. One of them must have asked who the drinks were from because the waitress turned around and pointed to me. I diverted my eyes quickly, so I didn't seem like a creeper. I could still see them from the corner of my eye, so when the doctor got up and headed my way, I had time to ready myself for either her to be a b***h outside of work or for her to come over to thank me. I was hoping it was the latter. To my surprise, she sat down on the stool next to me and smiled. f**k she was beautiful. Taking a drink from my beer, I looked over at her. "Doc." I let a small smile pull at my lips as I set my beer back down. "Blair, please. I'm not at work now." She held out a hand for me to shake. I took it and brought it to my lips, kissing her lightly. "Well, then Blair, a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Gunner." I released her hand, enjoying the nice rose color that filled her cheeks as she blushed.
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