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-Blair With Alex at his father’s, I took my time getting ready on Friday. It had been a long time since I had bothered putting anything nice on. By the time Sierra arrived to pick me up for our girl’s night, I had just finished pulling on my favorite little black dress. Stepping into a pair of heels, I opened the front door and was greeted by Sierra whistling. “Damn, doc, you clean up nice.” I rolled my eyes at her, “Thanks.” We headed out, climbing into her car. Sierra had gotten three other nurses to come. All but one I liked, the other one I thought was too distracted with flirting with the guys and needed to pay more attention to her patients than she did. But we weren't at work, and we were here to have fun, so when she gave me a hug greeting me, I hugged her back and was nice. It didn't go unnoticed that the parking lot was full of motorcycles, and I definitely wasn't surprised when there were several bikers inside. In fact, I had noticed the town was filled with bikers. And after my experience with them at the hospital, the sight of their bikes didn’t bother me. All of them had been respectful, at least to me. So walking in and having the bar filled with several bikers didn’t bother me. We all found a booth and sat down, giving a waitress our drink orders. Sierra held up her end of the deal and paid for the first round of drinks. As we walked in, I noticed the one biker I had been checking out for the last few weeks and made sure I sat so I could look at him while laughing with the girls. As we got our drinks, I noticed the guy he was playing pool with picking up a pile of money off the side of the table as he laughed. I turned my attention back to the table, joining back into the conversation. A minute later, the waitress came over with more drinks, and the one member of our little group I didn't care much for got snotty with her. "We didn't order these." Smiling, the waitress continued to set them down, "no, the guy at the end of the bar there did." We all looked over, and the guy at the bar was Mr. hot biker guy. Snotty McSnotterson huffed, "Argh, I'm going to go return this. I don't want a drink from a guy that's going to expect repayment later." I rolled my eyes, "actually, you know what, consider that one on me. I'll go talk to him." Before she could respond, I slid out of the booth taking my drink with me. Sitting next to him at the bar, I couldn't help the smile or even the blush as he kissed my hand instead of shaking it when I offered it. He was a smooth talker, definitely one that knew how to charm the pants off the ladies. We sat and flirted a few minutes before the guy he had been playing pool with when I walked in leaned against the bar. "Gunner man, can you spot me twenty. Tiny is cheating, and I gotta win my money back." Standing over by the table, counting a stack of bills, was a guy that looked anything other than tiny. He was probably the biggest guy here. He had to be a good six foot five inches and well over two hundred pounds. Not all fat but not all muscles either. He tucked the bills in his back pocket as Gunner laughed. "Tiny's not cheating. You just suck at playing pool." The guy's mouth dropped open, and his eyes got big. "I am not. I beat you." Again Gunner laughed, "that's because I let you. And besides, you should know better than to play against Tiny." The big guy walked over, "come on, Army, let's let Gunner get back to flirting with the beautiful lady. I'll buy ya a drink before you have to go explain to your old lady how you lost all your play money for the month in one night." Army grumbled as he let Tiny lead him away. If you asked me, Army seemed like he had already had enough. But who was I to judge? Maybe he had a high tolerance level. As I watched them go, I noticed the table the girls had been at was empty now. I looked around the bar quickly, f**k they all left. I pulled my phone out to text Sierra what the f**k, but she had already left me a message. "Didn't want to interrupt. We all decided to call it a night. I'm sure Mr. hot stuff will give you a ride. '' I reread the message a couple of times. What the hell? She was my ride. Note to self next time, make sure we bring my car. "Everything alright?" Gunner asked with a raised eyebrow. I sighed, "yeah, my friend ditched me, though, and we drove in her car." A smile pulled at his lips, "I could give you a ride home. It might be a bit tricky with your dress on my bike, but it's doable." Nodding, I agreed, it wouldn't be the first time I had ridden on a bike with a dress or skirt. My high school sweetheart had a bike and would drive me to school on it every morning, and well being on the cheer team meant some days I had to wear a skirt or my cheer outfit. We finished our drinks and headed out. His bike was nothing like my high school sweethearts. Where his had been slightly rusted and kind of small, like it, had most likely not been made to have someone on the back of it. Gunner’s bike was black and silver and shiny, and you could tell he took great care of it. He had an obvious spot for someone to sit on the back of it as well. He handed me his helmet before climbing on. I strapped it on, and he helped me climb on behind him. I had to hike my dress up to just below my ass. I scooted as close to him as I could so I wouldn't be giving anyone a free show as we drove, as I gave him my address. He kicked his bike on, and I wrapped my arms around him, holding on tight. The feeling of the bike rumbling as we drove and being so close to Gunner didn't help my already wet panties from our flirting at the bar. I forgot how much of a turn-on it was to be on the back of a bike. By the time we pulled into my driveway, I was soaked and so turned on I felt like a dog in heat. He cut the engine before helping me off the back of the bike. I adjusted my dress as I climbed off then pulled the helmet off. Before I could think too much, I quickly asked, "want to come in? I can make coffee or something." Smiling, he kicked out the kickstand and climbed off the bike, "sure, some coffee or something sounds good." I couldn't help the blush I knew colored my face before I could turn and walk up the steps. I don't know why I offered coffee. I didn't have any. I wasn't a coffee drinker. Hell, I didn't even have tea. As I walked through the door, I set my keys and purse on a table I kept just inside and turned around, meaning to clarify, I didn't actually have coffee. But before I could say anything, he had backed me against the wall, and his mouth covered mine. My body reacted before my brain had even caught up, and my arms wrapped around his neck as my lips returned the kiss. The kiss didn't last long before he pulled away slightly. We were both already breathing heavily, and again my mouth moved before my brain was able to filter the words, "oh, good something because I don't actually have coffee." Laughing, he reached behind him and shut the front door. Then his lips were back on mine, our tongues pushing into each other's mouths as they fought for control. His hands moved down my sides to my hips and down to my thighs, finding the hem of my dress. His fingertips dug into my skin as he pulled my dress up over my ass, then gripping my ass, he lifted me. My legs wrapped around him automatically to help support myself. His fingers moved back to my side as he continued to push my dress up, breaking our kiss long enough to pull it over my head. He draped my dress on the railing to the stairs as his eyes ran down my body. A shiver ran down my spine from the hungry look in his eyes.
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