First Quarter: Changes

1441 Words

Kai’s POV: Two weeks later I fell onto one of Joe couches, very disappointed. I was still only able to recall small things, like flashes nothing more. I was able to mind link though, which meant that Bear was getting stronger. I looked out of the window and stared at the open space before me. The days were becoming warmer, and the snow was starting to melt. If we wanted to, we would be able to leave because the roads were basically open. I saw a car far in the distance, he had to be coming here as this was the only cabin in the area. I got up and walked to the window. I mind linked the guys to be on the lookout. Joe walked into the room “Did you see this” “What?” “A car is on its way here” She stopped next to me and strained her eyes to see. “Nope, I can’t see anything” She brushe

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