Waxing Moon: Scared

1242 Words

Kai's POV: We prepared the dinner in silence, I could hear Cain and Connor joking around in the other room, there banter seemed familiar, but I couldn’t remember why. It was strange, my mind could remember normal things, everyday things but I couldn’t remember anyone before Joe. It was like my life started when I met her, sure they felt familiar but I couldn’t recall their faces. I watched Joe as she prepared the meal, I so wanted to hold her but I decided to give her some space, but not too much space. We finished cooking the meal of stew and bread and I placed everything on the table. Joe moved out of the room, and I heard her speak to the guys “Food’s ready” Connor was the first one through the door, he stormed towards the food “Thank the Goddess, I am starved” His brother Cain

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