Discovering Moon: Denial

1042 Words
Joe’s POV: Since seeing him chopping the wood, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. All these thoughts bounced around in my head. The divorce with Mike had left me barely functioning, I was broken and if it wasn’t for this man literally spilling out of the river, I would still be hiding myself. I was comfortable hiding. I took a deep breath, and watched him diligently chop the vegetables. He gave me a side glance and caught me watching him. A small smile appeared on his face, and I wanted to touch his dimpled cheek. I mentally stopped myself and looked away when my heart gave an uneasy lurch. I immediately looked down and carried on with what I was doing. I felt this powerful attraction towards him, it was unexplainable and just so raw. I ignored it and just went on chopping and cutting. “If you don’t mind me asking Joe, what are you doing here this time of year” I stared down at the carrots I was chopping while I answered him “I just needed to get away for a while, you know” He gave a bark of laughter “NO actually I don’t, I’m Mr Amnesia here.” He scrunched his eyebrows together and I knew I wasn’t going to like the next question. “You said earlier you are divorced.” I chopped a little faster, annoyed at his question “Sorry I didn’t mean to pry” I stopped the chopping and turned to stare at him “No, not your fault, it’s just that every time I think of Mike, all those feelings rush back, and I haven’t really dealt with them yet. I came here to get away from him and to just gather myself.” He took my hand in his and held it lightly, trying to comfort me. but the more he touched me the more it felt like electricity running up and down my arm. “I’m sorry Joe. It must be hard when you still love someone to get over them?” I gave him a sad smile “No I don’t think I ever really did, love him that is.” He seemed confused and I went on to explain “My parents died when I was really young, and my grandfather took me in. He was great he really was, but I can remember always looking at the other kids and wishing I had that, you know the normal family unit a mommy and daddy. So when Mike came along I thought this was my chance to create that, I was obviously very wrong, and it took my grandfather dying for me to finally see how wrong I was. I came here to destress and to try and heal” He smiled and my heart jumped with joy “And then I happened” I smiled back at him “Yeah, you happened” He stared at me for a long time, he wanted to say something else, but I looked away not able to stand the intimate gaze. He finished chopping the veg and handed it to me. Our hands touched for just a second but it felt like a life time. The heat and electricity from that one touch had me ripping my hand back. He looked confused and I grabbed the vegetables from him. He cleared his throat behind me “I’ll just go and take a shower before we eat” I heard him leave the room and only then was I able to breath properly again. “What the hell is wrong with you Joe, he’s just a man. A man who will be out of you live in a month” but saying the words did nothing to discourage my heart and lust. I wanted him badly. Unknown Male POV: My body was boiling and rock hard by the time I got into the cold shower. She had some how made me forget that I have no memory and some one out there who wanted to kill me, but still, all I couldn’t think about is those swaying hips on top of me, making me beg for completion. I angrily dragged my hand through my hair. I stripped down when I reached the shower and got into it. Trying to wash this woman out of my system. I let the ice-cold water wash down my body and just stood there, wishing it was Joe’s fingers cascading down my back. I stood there for must have been half and hour. I finally got out when I smelled the food was almost ready. When I walked in, I was greeted by an empty room. I took the very ready food from the stove and placed the plates and cutlery on the table. When Joe came down, I could hear her heart beating really fast, when I looked up at her she was bright red in the face. I immediately felt concerned “You okay” “Yes, yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine no need to worry, I’m fine” her rambling set me a little on edge she clearly wasn’t fine, that’s when I smelled her arousal again and it had a very uncomfortable effect on my own body. I quickly sat down at the table as she started to dish. Which was my second mistake because now she had to bent in front of me to dish the food, which left me with a very clear view of her pearly skin and the mound of her breast. I whipped my head to the side, annoyed at my body and a little at Joe. When she finally sat down, I felt relieved. I tried to start a conversation with her but her one syllable answers proved that she was not in the mood and neither was I, but the alternative was absolutely not on the table. Did I have to think of the table now, now I have a whole new fantasy sitting right across from the object of my lustful mind. I gave myself a hard shake and continued eating. The rest of the meal was in complete silence, both of us obviously struggling with this growing thing between us.
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