Disappearing Moon: Urges

1006 Words
Joe’s POV: When I turned and walked away from him, I could feel his eyes following me and for some reason I was thrilled, I wanted him to watch me. After my disastrous marriage I needed someone to look at me and want me, even if I was the only women around. I went into the kitchen and tried to busy myself. I took out some old recipe books and paged through them. I saw a recipe for beef casserole and baked bread. I was sure I could manage it. So, I started grabbing the ingredients from the shelves. My freezer was stored outside, so I grabbed my jacket and went in search of the beef. I had to pass the woodshed and knowing that already had my stomach in knots. The sight before me had me swallowing hard and wishing I never decided to cook the damn casserole. He was still shirtless, even in this freezing weather, but he didn’t look cold. He was still wearing the sweat-pants as well. I stopped dead in my tracks, and I could feel my mouth start to water. I had seen him naked before, but then I was concerned about his wounds and I had not really paid attention to his body, but now standing here looking at him, I felt my knees start to buckle. I carefully watched him. He was beautiful, really stunning. His eyes were dark blue and he was blond with honey streaks in them. I didn’t usually like the blond blue eyed men, but this one really had me drooling. I watched as he raised the axe over his head, every muscle screaming to be touched. He brought the axe down and I have never wished to be an axe so much, to be held by him. He almost immediately looked up and gave me a small smile. I quickly supressed my lust full body and walked to the freezer, I angrily grabbed the beef and walked back to the cabin. This time I made sure not to look at him. I was angry with myself, will I never learn. Unknown male’s: As she passed me, I swear, I could smell her pheromones, she wanted me and the smell of her lust sent a spasm to my groin. A passing thought of how I was able to smell her wafted through my mind, but it was immediately suppressed by my betraying body. I wouldn’t mind obliging her in that area. As she passed again she made sure not to look at me. I smiled to myself, she tried very hard to deny this feeling that existed between us. I shook my head and kept on chopping. A smell came to me, I could literally smell an animal, and I instinctively knew it was a deer. I stopped chopping and tried to focus on the smell. I could smell that it was female and not that far off. ‘Now how the f**k would I know that and for that matter how could I smell all these other things’. I shook my head thinking I had gone crazy. I started chopping again, when the smell drifted past me once more. I kept completly still and then I heard the deer moving, I heard and smelled another deer with her. “What the f**k?”. The wounds must have caused some mental damage because surely I wouldn’t be able to smell a deer. I started to move in that direction, I needed to prove to myself either I was crazy or something else, which I didn’t want to think of now. I stalked closer following their scent. I found them about a mile out. I hid behind a tree confused. ‘How would I know that?’. I noticed their ears going up and I knew that they were aware of my presence, they quickly turned around and sprinted away. I dropped against the tree trunk searching my memory, but there was nothing. ‘What am I? Who am I’ I looked at the evidence before me. I didn’t feel cold, I could hear over a mile and my sense of smell was near perfect. Then there was the healing, Joe said my wound was bad, and from everything I knew about her, she wasn’t prone to exaggeration. The thoughts hurled in my mind, but the answer was just out of reach. I shook my head got up and walked back to the cabin. I stacked some of the wood in the woodshed and then picked up the rest of the wood. I could smell the food she was making and my mouth watered. I stacked the wood in my arms next to the fire place and walked to the kitchen. She was standing at the sink peeling some vegetables “Mmmm that’s smells great” She turned around and gave me a funny look “Really I haven’t even started yet, nothing is cooking” I looked around and noticed that what she said was true. I shrugged it off and gave her a small smile. “Anything I can do to help” She smiled at herself and I could hear her heartbeat increase, she gave her head a small shake and then looked at me “You can peel the onions and garlic” “NO problem” I took a knife and the chopping block and started peeling the vegetables” I noticed that Joe was giving me a few side glances, it looked as though she had something to say. “Something on your mind” “No, why?” I could see she felt uncomfortable and her heart was now beating even faster, I wished I never said anything, because I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. “Oh nothing, I just got the feeling you wanted to say something” She cleared her throat before she answered “NO, there’s nothing” I nodded my head and kept chopping, determined not to put her on the spot again.
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