The moon goddess

1543 Words
Tamia POV I opened my eyes, tried to blink but all I was met with was darkness and silence. Where am I ? I could not help but question internally. Just then, memories of what happened last resurfaced in my mind and I could not stop the chuckle that escaped my mouth. Yeah, I jumped off the cliff and must have died. The cliff was steep and hopes of surviving the fall were zero. It's not like I wanted to survive in the first place. I jumped to end my miserable life and it seems like I managed to do that. But wait? Why do I still remember what happened? I heard that when one dies, their souls leave their bodies and go back to their creator, in our case,we go back to the Moon Goddess. But why am I still having memories of my past self? Most importantly where is the Moon Goddess? Did she still discard me like she did in my past life? Things have already come to this, won't she even welcome me back? I chuckled bitterly. I guess even in this state, she doesn't want me. Am I in hell then? That could be the only possible explanation but then again, where is the Angel of death? Father always told me that the good people will go back to the moon Goddess and would be rewarded by reincarnation. The evil ones will be tormented in hell by the Angel of death and will not be given a chance to reincarnate. Amidst the darkness,I saw a flicker of light. It was dim but at least it was something. I dragged my tired body, heading to the direction of the light. I was about to reach the source of light when I staggered and fell. I felt myself fall at an impossibly fast speed. Memories of my childhood started to flash in my mind. How I met Alana on our fifth birthday, how we became friends. My life started playing in my mind like a broken tape while my body continued to fall to Goddess knows where. A splitting headache rammed my head and I found myself groaning. Alana's beautiful smile flashing in my mind, the image alternated with me waking up to a dead Alana while her blood was smeared all over my clothes and body. I wanted to scream for everything to stop but no sound came from my mind. I gripped my head tightly, the pain of torture from my mate and his beta coming in waves. I was made to relive every ugly experience I went through in that pack. My father's body lay limp in his own blood as they whipped and tortured me inside those four walls. " Stop!" I shouted, tears streaming my cheeks. The pain was unbearable and my head was throbbing painfully. I could not stop the pain and I wanted it to stop so badly. " Make it stop please!" I pleaded to no one. The pain was agonising, making me relive every bit of it. After what seemed like eternity,I finally landed softly on the ground. I curled myself into a ball, sobbing softly. Even in hell, she could not let me have Peace. A blinding light evaded my eyes, making me open them and look at it's way. Before me stood a beautiful woman. She had the most beautiful and soft midnight black hair I have ever seen. Her eyes mirrored mine, dark blue orbs which alternated colour to hazel,green then to blue again. She was dressed in a royal Blue dress, matching her crystalline blue crown. She had a beautiful smile on her face as she looked down at me. " My daughter." She called and I melted to her sweet and lovely motherly voice. " Who are you?" I was still guarded towards her. I have learnt the hard way that people are not as simple as they look. " It's me." She said, realisation hitting me almost instantly. " The Moon Goddess?" I asked to confirm and she nodded, a smile still plastered on her face. I got angry all of a sudden. " What do you want from me? Haven't you given me enough pain? I just want to take a break, is that too much to ask?" I asked, my anger coursing through my veins making my tears drop. Haven't I experienced enough pain when I was alive that she followed me all the way here to hell to give me more pain? " My child, you misunderstand me." She said softly. " I am here not to cause you any pain. I want you to be happy. You are not dead either, this is me invading your consciousness." She explained. " What?" I exclaimed, a sudden pain hitting my head making me clutch at it. " Relax, I will explain everything." " You tried to take your life which of course is an offence." She said, eyeing me and I looked away guiltily. I know it's an offence to take a life but I was at my end and living held no more sense. " It's easier to be dead than to live with misery." I shot back. My father always reminded me to pray to the Moon Goddess every night. He always said that she listens to her children and that she will never abandon them. She is our God and we worship her but at this point, I was so angry that I could not contain my rage. " You cannot die. Your purpose on earth is not over yet." She said and I could feel the seriousness in her words. " What do you mean?" I asked, confused what she meant by my purpose was yet to be over. Did she mean my purpose of bearing pain wasn't over? " You have a mission in your hands to save my people. I chose you and without you, my people will perish. They will suffer." She explained. I didn't say a word, just allowed her to keep talking because I could see she wasn't done. " You will have to go back and fulfil your mission. I can't alter your fate but I can help you change your fate." She said and one thing caught my attention. " What do you mean by you can't alter my fate?" She is our god, our creator and is responsible for our lives. " I am not the God of fate. My work is to pair my children and bless them with mates. What happens to them is decided by the god of fate." She explained. " But you cursed me with a mate." I argued. Logan had to be my curse and not a blessing. I pair my descendants fairly, what happened to you was triggered by fate and not my arrangement." She defended me and I did not say anything. I know for a fact that Logan would never have accepted me. " Don't jump to conclusions. People are not what we are then. Identities can be stolen but everybody will always find their way back home. That's a balance of nature." Her words confused me to no end but I was not planning to ask her to explain. She might use more puzzles to explain and I was not ready to stress my mind. " What mission do I have?" I asked. The Moon Goddess extended her hand, producing a bubble. I saw a man walking away on what seemed to be a sea shore. I only saw his back frame and I could swear he is handsome. " Find him, through him,you will be able to save my people. Truth must be uncovered and justice served to the innocent." " My time is limited and I am afraid I have to go. Find the purpose of your life and live your life like a descendant of the Moon." She added, a beam of light leaving her palm and striking straight to my heart. " That will help you in your mission, now go." She started to disappear until she was all gone. I felt a nagging urge to drink water so I struggled to open my eyes and sit up only to have gentle hands push me back. " Relax, you are still weak." A sweet soft voice said, making me look at her direction. Before me stood a beautiful woman with black orbs. She was looking at me tenderly, a sweet smile on her face. " Water." I croaked out the words, my voice coming out hoarse. She hurried to a table, bringing a glass of water and helping me take it. I gulped all the contents in the glass, my throat which was perched earlier feeling relaxed. " Who are you?" I asked. I have never seen a beautiful lady like her nor have I seen her around here. Wait… where is this place? " Where am I?" I asked, alarmed. This didn't look like anything like our pack. " Relax, I am Aurora, Alpha Killian's sister and you are in the Midnight Pack. Just then, the door opened and a sweet delectable scent hit my nose and Sasha cooed in my mind. " Mate." I whispered.
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