The Curse

1467 Words
It's been seven f*****g years since that bloody witch cursed me. She killed my mother and I killed her which was only right. Before I could rip out her heart, she cursed me with blood lust. Every blood moon, I go on a rampage, killing people. I enjoy seeing them bleed to death, it gives me pleasure but I know that's not my doing, it's the curse taking effect. I have tried different ways to stop the demon which awakens every blood moon but all in vain. As a Lycan, I am powerful than ordinary werewolves. My relationship with my father went down the drain. He's to be blamed for everything that happened to my mother and me. If he had remained faithful to his mate, my mother, then that witch would not have seduced her way into our house. She messed everything up. The once peaceful family I had fell apart. I was only ten years old when she came to our house. Gradually, my mother started isolating herself. I didn't understand why but as I grew up, I often found her crying secretly in her chambers. My father moved out of the house and moved in with his new wife Adina. He started treating me with hostility, making me train harder than I should. I took it as a challenge and grew strong so that I could protect my mother. I came back from my training to take up the position of the Lycan King only to find out that my mother was dead. They made it look like she committed suicide but I knew her best. She will do anything with the exception of taking her life. My mother was not cowardly and taking one's life is considered cowardice. I did my investigation silently after taking over the pack and all evidence pointed to Adina. That witch. Not only did she bewitch my father, she murdered the only person who I held dear in my life. A life for a life, that's what I always believe in so on that bloody Moon, I killed her with my own hands. Now, it's been seven years and I dread blood moons. People call me a monster. I don't blame them, that's exactly what Adina turned me into; a bloodthirsty monster. I have consulted witches and wizards and they haven't been able to help me break the curse. They say that I will find someone who will help me break the curse and I have been in almost every Pack, searching for her. She comes into my dreams but I have not been able to see her face. I only get to see a silhouette of her beautiful body. I don't know for how long I'll continue searching. I feel like that said lady doesn't exist anymore. I am making my way to the Silvermoon Pack to try locating my saviour. The journey has been long and tiring not to mention I am thirsty. I approached the Sea that separates my land with the Silvermoon pack. I decided to rest and feed my horse. The blue water was tempting and before I knew it,I stripped to my boxers and plunged myself into the water. The cold water calmed my nerves, making me relax. I floated in the water, occasionally diving and coming up. I was about to swim to the shore when my eyes caught something floating not far away from me. I was about to ignore it but something in me made me swim to have a look. When I got close, I realised that it was a body. Maybe dead considering it was floating, either way I swam nearer to take a look. My eyes caught sight of a beautiful young woman. Her eyes were closed. I circled my arms around her body, dragging her back to the shores. I carried her in my arms, laying her by the sand before I felt her pulse. She was still breathing. I pressed her stomach making her vomit water and sand. She didn't open her eyes so I covered her with my cloak and carried her away. I wanted to leave her and continue with my journey but something stopped me. It was an alien feeling. I also noticed that every time our skin got into contact, I would feel a spark. I didn't think much of it because who didn't know that apart from the blood lust curse, I was cursed to never find a mate. I left her and searched for a cave, it was evening and soon darkness would take over the land. I managed to find one so I carried her to the cave, lit fire and removed her clothes. I am no pervert and even if I was, I would never take advantage of an unconscious lady. I noticed she had a silver chain binding one of her legs. She must have been a slave but even if she was, chaining her with silver was Inhumane. Slaves still exist in packs but this is a century of civilization and chains are no longer used on slaves. Her back was battered, scars of old wounds and new ones piling on her body. I could not help but wonder if whoever did this had a heart. Even though I am rumoured to be heartless, I would never do this to a lady. She went down with a fever for the whole night and I was forced to strip and cuddle her. Giving her my body warmth helped ease her fever. The following day, I decided to take the strange lady back to my pack. I could not leave her all by herself, especially when she's so vulnerable. It didn't help that Black, my wolf, was feeling possessive of her, making me question his actions. " What the hell is wrong with you? You are being weird." I commented and it took time for my beast to reply which to me felt like forever. " I like her." He said, making me huff. " She's not our mate." I stated as a matter of fact. " You don't know that," Black growled at me, making me c**k my brows. " We are cursed, remember?" I mocked and he glared at me. " Shut up human! I like her and you do too." He shot back, making me pause in my steps. We had already arrived at the castle and I was carrying the lady in my arms as I made my way inside. " I don't!" I snapped at Black. He liked her,so be it. He should stop instigating my mind with his own ideas. " Says who promised to protect her." Black mocked me and I said nothing. Yes, last night she had a nightmare, pleading with someone not to kill her. I was worried that it would worsen her condition so I hushed her, promising to protect her. Black should know better than anyone else that I was just calming her. " Since when did you start caring about others?" Black said sarcastically and I blocked him from my mind. He was right though. I have never cared about anyone else apart from myself. I made my way to the castle, bypassing my warriors who looked at me like I had grown two heads before their eyes fell on the woman in my arms. " What are you looking at? Scram!" I ordered, annoyed. Truth was I was embarrassed to be seen by my warriors carrying a woman in my arms. I kicked the door to my room and just when I had finished laying the woman down, my sister Aurora burst inside my room. " Is she the one?" My sister asked and I shook my head at her. I could see the disappointed look on her face. She is five years younger than me and after mom passed away, I raised her. " Who is she?" She asked, a frown marred on her face. " She's nobody Aurora. Go fetch the pack doctor to look after her. Stay with her, I'll check up on her later." I instructed and walked away. Something about her faint scent was messing with my mind and I had to fight the urge to kiss her pale lips. I needed to stay away from her, maybe just continue with my search for the chosen one to break my curse. I can't afford to be distracted at this point, not when in a few months the Blood moon will rise again. It rises up once every two years, turning me into a beast. My blood lust remains until the moon disappears. Everything comes accompanied by pain if I try to fight it. I walked to my office, slamming the door shut annoyed, by what? I can't tell.
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