5.Tamia POV

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"Our mate," Sasha whispered again as the man walked towards the bed where I was lying. He walked in calculated steps as if he was royalty. "Mate." She said and this time I heard her well. "Shut up Sasha. Will every handsome wolf out there be our mate just because you say so?" I asked her in my mind because I wanted her to shut up. Logan had just driven us to death and here she was talking of another maten What audacity! Even if I was fated to the next King of all the wolves in the universe, I wouldn't want him. It was enough. "Mate," she repeated and I could feel her jumping up and down as she begged to be let out. "Sasha, you are testing my limits," I told her willing her to keep quiet. My eyes were trained on the man who just walked in. He was a walking god. If the goddess was married, then this man should have been her husband. He was gorgeous. And this is for the lack of a better adjective. He was tall. Very tall. Taller than Logan in fact, and he had these broad shoulders that made one imagine him shirtless. He was tall, handsome and his eyes seemed like they could make one spill all their secrets if he trained them on one. And they were pitch black. His hair was midnight black too and it seemed well tended. He had a haircut that accentuated his facial features very well. He looked... regal, I would say. He seemed like he was sad because I recognised a sad face. I had been sad since Alana died and I could tell if another person wasn't happy. The lines below the eyes and the bags were evident and he had a scowl on his brow. He looked at me and I saw him flinch and look away. I wondered whether I was so abhorrent that he wouldn't even spare me a glance. But then I remembered my battered appearance all thanks to Logan and Carter. He then talked to the girl who was seated next to where I was lying. "How is she?" He asked not sparing me even a glance. It was like I wasn't there. "She has just woken up but the doctor said she needs time to recover. There was a lot of wolf's bane in her system and the silver had cut into her bones and that made her wounds fester. I haven't even talked to her yet," the girl said and then man hummed a reply and walked out even without taking a look at me. "Mate, mate. Go after him," Sasha cooed in my mind and I swear I felt like killing her. "Sasha, you abandoned me when I needed you the most, remember? When you thought Logan and Carter would kill me, you left me. What makes you think you have the right to come out when you see a handsome man and ask me to follow him?" I asked her wishing that she was physical and that I could spank her. "He's our mate. So, you also saw that he is gorgeous?" She asked me and I sighed. "You are just impossible. I hate you Sasha," I said and I heard her laugh. "No you don't. You are happy that I didn't abandon your sorry ass. And how did you think you survived that fall?" She asked and now that she put it like that... "Who told you I wanted to be saved?" I growled and asked her. "And who told you I wanted to die?" She said and I shook my head and smiled. "Oh, I'm glad that you can show a little emotion on your face. What's making you smile?" The beautiful girl next to me asked and she brought me back. What was her name again? I tried to remember because I remember her telling me right before that gorgeous creature came in. "I'm Aurora. You didn't seem to have heard me the first time I told you. And that man that just came in and left is my elder brother Killian. He is the alpha and king of this pack. And oh, he is a lycan," she said that as if it was a secret and chuckled. "A Lycan huh? That means that he is stronger than that arse Logan?" Sasha said and I almost burst out laughing. I loved it when Sasha was with me because she tried to make me feel better and I guess she got angry when I gave up. She saw the fighting will leave me and she hid herself because she couldn't help it. I gave up fighting and... Oh, well. "Do you talk? Can you talk?" Aurora asked me when she saw that I wasn't saying anything. Should I tell her my real name? What if she knows Logan and I am taken back there? "Where are we?" I asked and my voice came out croaky. "We are in the Midnight Pack. We are on the west side of the sea. My brother said that he saw you on the Northern side and it is like you had either jumped or someone had thrown you from a cliff. It is even lucky that you are alive. He found you just in the nick of time," she said while smiling at me and that smile reminded me of Alana. That was the same way she used to smile at me. "I wish I had died," I said in an inaudible voice and the girl looked at me with surprise. "What?" She asked and I shook my head. "Nothing," I didn't want anyone pitying me for something that neither I nor they could not control. "What's your name?" Aurora asked me and I wondered what to tell her. Anyway, what worse could happen? I had been raped, tortured, starved, overworked, wrongly accused and mocked. What's worse could happen? "I am Tamia," I said and she smiled. Her smile was just like an aurora. Just beautiful. "Nice to meet you Tamia. The doctor said that there was an overdose of silver and wolf's bane in your system but with medication, you will get better. All you need is time and rest. He also said that you must want to get better. You must want to fight. And if you ask me, there is a lot to fight for in this life. Look at my brother for example. He has been fighting for... Oh, never mind. You hungry? Let me get you some food," she said and walked out and I could tell that she was trying to hide her sad fave from me. I wondered why. Was there someone in this world who had it worse than me? I doubted it. After aurora left, I started thinking of what the goddess meant. Who was that man she showed me? Did it mean that my bond with Logan was now severed since Sasha could recognise another mate? And what did the goddess mean by I was to be the saviour of her children? Me? A homeless, orphaned weak omega? Could she have made a mistake? Maybe she had. I had a lot of questions and I didn't know who to ask. But since I was out of that hell hole that I called home, it was time I got better. Maybe the goddess preserved me so as to prove that I didn't kill my best friend. "I am sorry dad, mom, Alana. I am sorry. Dad, I will prove that I didn't kill Alana and revenge your death. I am sorry," I said in a whisper as I shed tears. Hey, tell me, how much tears does one have in their tear glands? How come mine hadn't dried up yet? "Hey! Food is here," Aurora said as she walked inside followed by two servants who were carrying trays on their hands. They placed them on a small table that was by the side of the bed and then bowed and left. "Are you a princess," I asked though I felt like an i***t immediately the question was out. Of course she was. Was she not the ruling alpha's sister? "You could say so though I like to live a simple life. My father was the king, my brother is the king and so..." she left it hanging but I got the meaning. What was with me and princesses? Alana and now Aurora? I had to get better so that I could get out of here. The last thing I needed was for someone to accuse me of killing another princess or even bringing bad luck to Aurora. "Here is food. The doctor said that you have to be on a light diet till your body is strong enough to digest hard food. What's wrong with where you were staying? Didn't they gave you food? And what's with the silver chains? We're you a prisoner?" She asked and I wondered what to tell her. If only she knew. But now wasn't the time to tell her. I don't even think that I will ever tell her. This is because my plan is simple: get better, run out of here and go look for justice. I must find out who killed Alana and clear my name. "What's wrong? Your mind seems to wander a lot. Don't worry. Whatever it is, my brother can help you. For now, concentrate on eating and getting better, okay?" She asked me and I nod in agreement. 'Logan, it is not yet over until I say it is,' I thought as I took the first sip of the delicious porridge Aurora had delivered for me. I hoped the goddess was right. But I would do it even if I died trying.
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