Chapter 8

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Pearl's POV "It's fine. He will be safe, I promise" Selena says again and I nod. I kiss my son's cheek one more time before walking out. Shane and Ryan are both waiting for me. I cannot believe this is morning already. And I am all set to go to The Silver Salt Pack. We have approximately fifty seven unmated wolves and we have high hopes that will find mates today. Ryan throws his arm over my shoulder and we both walk to the borders where everyone is already waiting. I smile at them and wave but they all look like they are still sleepy. Shane told that it takes us four hours to reach The Silver Salt Pack if we shift in our wolf forms and run. But since the number is more than fifty and there are cameras in woods at the known area, we don't want to take risk. If human cops realise an unusual activity where fifty wolves are running to a particular direction, all the werewolf packs and their entire existence will be doomed. So in human form, with all the speed walking and taking two breaks it takes us till evening which is exactly why we must start now. Shane is walking in the front with a girl from our pack. She is almost of my age, Erica is her name. Ryan and I behind them and the rest following us. "So, it took Conrad finding his mate.. to let people in and see his pack" Ryan whispers and I just shrug. "I don't know. Or he just grew up and realised that just because someone entered his pack, doesn't mean they are there to steal the connection and pack secrets or whatever" I roll my eyes. "Connection?" Ryan asks again. "Yeah. Shane told me something about it. But except the word connection between pack members, nothing else I understood" I say again making him chuckle. "The Silver Salt is a complicated pack, Pearl. There is a reason why they are the strongest and most fierce one. Can you believe there are no Omegas there?" Ryan asks and this time, I am in for a shock. "No Omegas?" "Yes. No Omegas. Conrad's grand father believed that every wolf who is taught survival skills, war skills and belong to a pack are never Omegas. Omegas are those weak and alone wolves that have no reason to live. But a wolf with will power to live and their drive to survive makes them special. And when a wolf is ready to teach itself skills of war just to survive, they are already a step ahead in the warrior game" Ryan says. And to be honest, my mind is blown. "I remember Conrad telling me this once," Ryan pauses and looks at me,"Warriors are never Omegas" Wow. I am impressed. A place where there are no Omegas. That really is something. I wish all the packs are like that. Ryan and I then talk about his views on parenting because I know that Nova will end up taking care of two kids. One is hers and the other is Ryan. He is an Alpha, true but he is terrible around kids. I mean.. he says that he likes Vincent and as matter of fact love him so much. But who the f**k pinches a kid and then run saying that it is his way of expressing love? Almost at noon, we take our first break at a stream. Shane finally talks to me and I smirk at him. "No. Not my mate and she doesn't even see me that way" he says making me laugh. "I did not ask you that" I shake my head at him. "You don't have to ask. Your smirk says it louder than your words" Shane says and I laugh again. We both sit in comfortable silence again. "So? What do you feel about my Alpha? Not as a mate, but as a person" Shane asks again. "As a person he is fine. He is a handful, literally. But his pranks or jokes are not harmful in any way. It's just that.. I don't trust in all of this anymore. And I know that eventually, he would be fed up with me too. After all I already have a son and I am not pure in any way" I laugh. I am impure in all ways. Starting with my birth to giving birth to my own son. Maybe they all called me an abomination for a reason. "Are you f*****g kidding me?" Shane starts to shout and I look around to see eyes on me. He notices that and calms down but he is still glaring. Few minutes later, we start walking again and this time I walk beside Shane. "Okay sister. What was your problem back then?" I ask him with no smile or anything. "I am sorry. Sometimes I just cannot control my tongue. Especially around you" he whispers and I just stare at him. Still we keep walking. "Okay. Alpha Ryan, Nova and everyone else is right. I still have feelings for you okay? And do not ever talk about yourself like that. You are one of the most beautiful, strong, courageous, empathetic and graceful woman I ever came across. Do not degrade your own self, Pearl. Never do that" he says with such a serious face that I can feel my own heart beat and goosebumps all over my skin. I walk slowly until Ryan walks beside me. "Is everything okay?" Ryan asks. "Yes. Yeah. Everything is okay. I am just.. just.. ugh! Why is this pack so far from here?" I groan and Ryan just stares at me for a moment before looking at Ryan. "Did he lay a finger on you?" Ryan asks and I glare at him. "Stop with this. And no! He did not lay a finger on me. Why would he do that when he doesn't even have any feelings for me?" I ask him back. I know I just took Shane's side. And I don't know why I did that. But if I have to be sure, then Ryan would indeed chop Shane's finger off if he ever laid it on me. Ryan and I keep walking together. We did not stop until we finally reached the borders of The Silver Salt Pack. Once we reached there, Shane and I exchange a tension filled look before he walks forward and leads the way inside. . . . . . Conrad's POV "Not here. These are supposed to go there" I scream and throw a stone at Flynn. "And why is your brother late? Did he forget the way to this pack?" I shout at him again and he just stares at me. "Now don't stare at me. Do the f*****g job I gave you. These carton of drinks, go there. Not on the table where there is other food" I scream again. "You do know that you are over reacting right? She is your mate, I get it. But calm down" Flynn says. Oh! It is easy for anyone to say. Anyone who thinks she is ordinary, just did not spend time with her. She is the amazing woman that every man only wishes to have in one's life. I look around and I really hope she likes what I did. I know this might put my pack in danger, but for her I am ready to risk anything. If I need to gain her trust, then I should let her in. If I need to win her, then I should let her into my personal zone. It is a step by step process. I sent Shane because that lad is the only one who walks around the pack absolutely job less. He did not find his mate, but I don't blame it on him. I am twenty six and I found my mate just a week ago. Shane is also not very interested in doing things as chores, but he is always up for anything that involves The Sundown Pack. Recently it got me believing that he found some girl there and he likes her. What is taking her so long to come to me? I admit I am just being a puppy, but I just want to see her already. "Alpha! The Sundowners are here" The patrol mindlinks me. "Yyyyyyyyeeeeesssss!" I scream and everyone stops doing whatever they were doing. And I realise I just said that out loud and not in my head. I give them all a stern look and they bow before they carry on their assigned works again. I mindlink my patrol team to let them in. And I run my fingers through my hair twice to make it sit nice. Hair. I love how her hair is bright red. It sometimes looks like a Mane and I love it. Great. Now whatever I do and think of, I keep relating that with her. I look around and everyone is doing whatever they are doing. And I walk to the pack house. I look at myself in the mirror again. I breathe out some air through my mouth and smell it just to make sure I smell just fine. I look at my outfit and runs my hands over the fabric to smooth even the tiny wrinkles on it. "Now you are behaving like a puppy" Alan says but I just glare at him. "Where are you now? The people are here" Flynn mindlinks me. "On my way" I mindlink her and I walk out of the pack house. I see my mom. And we just smile at each other before I walk away again. I did not even tell her that I found my mate. She must have heard and she must have seen her. But I personally did not tell her. I don't know. My relationship with my mother is difficult to explain. When my father was alive, all she ever cared was for him. I didn't mind that, because I thought that was how the matebond worked. And no issues it is not wrong to love your significant other more than your children. But when my father died, and it was just mom, Nova and I... We did not have anything to talk anymore. Because we never had that bond that people describe when it comes to parents. I was the closest to my dad. My mom and I rarely talk and we just smile at each other whenever we see each other. Wishing each other for birthdays is the highest expression of adoration we both show. Also, maybe that is exactly why I cannot express love. I love Pearl so much, but it bothers me that I cannot tell her just how much she means to me. I did not grow up in a household where we are vocal. Maybe my mom and dad loved each other so much in the past, but that was all limited to their room. They never joked with each other, they never laughed together, they never asked Nova or I about what is happening in our lives. It was like, I have a home, I have a mom, I have a dad, I have a sister and that is it. I just have it. My sister, Nova. I don't know what kind of person would I be today if it is not for her. She was and is still my best friend. When you come from a home where parents are like mine, sibiling is everything! But again, Nova and I never told each other that we love each other too. I love my sister. She is the one I want to protect till the end of my life, but if the question is if I am going to tell her that? Absolutely no. I really hope that someday, I can talk to Pea about this. And maybe that someday, she will understand why I act that way around her. It is my defense mechanism for the loneliness inside me. I walk towards the arena where the party is being held. Everyone stops doing everything again and get down on one knee. I don't even have a smile, I am just walking. I don't usually smile around people too. I only stare, glare, order and command. Maybe except with the Beta family. I finally see her. Pearl. But I prefer Pea. It's cute. She is looking around with so much of curiosity and excitement. Ryan's hand is on her shoulder and even though I know that he is like a brother to her, I still cannot help the little bit of jealousy pooling in me. I see her smile at Shane. And I see a girl beside Shane. Maybe she is the one he likes. The girl is fine, but she is not Pea. Pea's eyes meet mine and at that moment, I realised again that I fell in love with her. Harder than before.
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