Chapter 7

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Pearl's POV "Alright alright! Now the same move! Do it again" I scream and watch the kids punch the opponent. "Now, the opponents. The same move" I scream and the opponent kids team punches too. I ask them to practice those five moves in a row for a while and I sit on the chair. I sigh staring at nothing. I heard nothing from Conrad. It's been almost week. Tomorrow, we are leaving for The Silver Salt Pack. Ryan says it's the first time he is ever looking at the pack. "Alright. That's enough for today, kids. Tomorrow Gamma Edward is going to teach you Archery. Remember, that every skill is important and you will all learn it with attention" I say and they all nod and then bow. "Thank you so much. Have a nice day" I smile at them and they all squeal before running to their houses. I sigh again. "Up for a run, Mist?" I ask her. "You don't have to ask" she says making me smile. Recently, she has grown silent too. I know it's because she misses Alan. Missing Trevor is different and missing Alan is different. Mist and Alan share deep connection. Because the whole matebond is associated with the wolf side. The human side can survive without a mate honestly. But everyone now a days are taking the wrong impression about it. They are now a days fancying being imprinted and caring little to nothing about the matebond. See Maxwell, he has a Mistress. My father had one too. My first mate rejected me because his human side found love with someone else. And then Trevor, he had a mate but still came to me for a pup. Of all these people, I think Ryan and Edward are the only ones with succesful mate stories. "Excited for tomorrow?" Nova asks me and I just roll my eyes with a smile. "You bet" I whisper making her chuckle. I place my hand on Nova's belly and feel the baby move inside. She smiles at that and the baby kicks at the same moment. "I cannot wait to meet you" I talk gibberish and kiss her belly. I feel the baby kick again and I smile wide. "Oh! Shane is here to take Ryan and you. For tomorrow" she says. "Okay. Tell me this. When did you and Ryan meet?" I ask her. "Two and half years ago. When his pack and my pack single wolves gathered" she shrugs. "So how is this the first time Silver Salt Pack is hosting then? Since you already met there? I remember Ryan and Trevor both tell me they were visiting your pack. I remember it very well because that was the first time ever that Selena almost caught me" I smirk recalling that time when I was so scared of Selena. But now we are best friends. "Yeah. Well. It was a party. Silver Salt organised. But wasn't at our pack. A little far from there there is three acre land that Conrad owns. He was not ready to let people in his pack back then" she says and I nod. Makes sense. "Since Conrad owns that, we often call it our land. The pack's land" she says again. "So now why is he interested in hosting the party in his pack for the first time? Isn't he scared of pack secrets then?" I ask her and she looks at me like I am the biggest dumbass in this whole wide world. "Because of you? Maybe?" She shrugs. I don't say anything. I sit in complete silence until I feel an arm around me. I am about to turn around to see who it is, but I see Shane's face beside mine and his other arm around Nova. Okay. His face is in the middle. I smile at him. He is still a very nice friend. Ryan says otherwise. He is all, he still likes you. I am going to chop his finger if he lays it on you. "Hi Shane" I smile at him. "Hello. Please tell me you packed your bags" he says and I nod. But as a matter of fact, I didn't. What packing bags for three days visit? I am just going to shove whatever clothes I can find just an hour before we are ready to go. Nova and Shane talk about The Silver Salt Pack and I silently walk away. Mist needs her run. Once I reach the clearing, I look around and strip naked before Mist takes the control. And after so long, I feel the shift to be a little painful. "Why is it painful? Just a little bit, but still there" I say. "Because of my mental health. I'm sorry" Mist says and starts her run. I sink back to the back of my head and close my eyes. But I can feel the directions Mist is running. I know that she took a stop at the lake. And I know that she took few breathes of fresh air. But when I open my eyes, I see we are back at clearing again. And Mist gives me back the control. I try finding some clothes. Any clothes but I don't know why there aren't any. Just as I saw few clothes and running towards those, I feel someone's presence behind me. I turn around to see it's Shane. "Oh s**t! Sorry" Shane says and turns around giving me some privacy. I quickly grab the clothes and slip into them. Finally asking Shane to turn around again. He first looks at me just a little, and when he notices that I am completely dressed, he turns around and sighs. "I am really sorry. I didn't know" he whispers. "It's fine. It's werewolf world, what do you expect?" I smile and he nods with a smile too. "Where are you heading to?" I ask him. "To the lake. Nova told me that it's beautiful. I cannot shift on foreign land, so I am just taking a walk" he shrugs. "Lake. Yeah, it's indeed beautiful. And you need to walk that way. Not this side" I smile,"I'll accompany you. I don't have anything to do anyway" We both start walking towards the lake and it is filled with silence. I know half the weight of silence is because of Shane looking at me naked. I think of something that could possibly initiate a conversation. "Why cannot you shift on foreign land?" I ask him. "It's the Alpha's rule. We are members of The Silver Salt Pack. We have more rules than any other pack. It's not easy being the member of a strongest pack, you see" he says and I nod. "What does that rule even imply?" I ask him again and he chuckles. "And someone said women can easily jump from one topic to another" he mutters under his breath and I smile just a little. "Okay. Since you are our Alpha's mate.. I guess I can tell you. The members of The Silver Salt Pack, including the Omegas are not allowed to shift on foreign land. Because we share a connection very mutual. If one wolf gets captured, then we can expect the whole connection and pack's secrets in jeopardy" he says. It makes sense but it doesn't make sense at the same time and I wonder how is that even possible. But I let it slide and we walk in comfortable silence this time. "I am your Alpha's mate, true. But I don't think we can hit it off together" I shrug. "What? Why??" He asks in pure shock. "Why? The same reason I told you that you and I cannot happen too" I say and he scoffs. "Firstly, let us leave the past in the past! There is no you and I! And that is different from what it is now. He is your mate. The one Moon Goddess chose. Maybe you should really give it a shot" he says. And I go silent. Because I remember Ryan saying Shane still got feelings for me. And now, he wants the past in the past. There is something I cannot grasp somehow. Some link that I am not aware of. "You're afraid of him, aren't you?" I ask him. "Seriously? You are asking me this? Pearl, who are not afraid of him? Maybe you saw an entire different side of him but just a stare from him can make grown ups s**t in their pants. Be it his own pack members or another Alpha" Shane says. "Wow" I whisper and thank God for this full sleeve tee shirt and my hair let down. Because I have goosebumps right now. On my hands. At the back of my neck. I don't know if it is because Shane described him that way or because he is my mate, I feel emotional rush right now. We reach the lake and I just stand there watching Shane walk forward and take in the envelope of our pack. He turns around to look at me and we exchange smiles. "Do you remember the way back?" I ask him and he nods. "I don't like to leave you alone like this, but I have a son" I say making him chuckle and wave his hand at me. I walk fast to the pack and Selena mindlinks me that Vincent is with her. Since Vincent is the first kid of his generation, everyone keeps on pampering him. Ryan and Nova pamper him with toys and everything he asks for. Selena cooks everything Vincent likes. Edward and Valerie's daughter Jessica is just months old. So the time is already running for them. We all rarely see them anyway. "Mommyyyy" Vincent screams as he runs to me and hugs my legs. "My handsome boy" I say and lift him up in my arms kissing him on both his cheeks. "Breakfast?" I ask him. "Selena give pancakes" he says and I understand that Selena fed him some pancakes. "Thank you so so much, Selena. You are a life saver" I say and she only chuckles before kissing Vincent's cheek. "He is a replica of Trevor. It's slowly starting to get scary actually" she says and I look at Vincent again. That's what I think so too. He looks so much like Trevor. I just smile at Selena and walk back home with Vincent humming to the rhymes he must have heard at Selena's house. It feels surreal to even think that soon Vincent will leave to school everyday. Being a Beta is not easy. Of course he will need something more than a normal school. I hope there is a school for all these kids. You know like they show in Tv shows and movies.. like The Salvatore School for the young and gifted. I really wish it was an actual thing. I spend the rest of my day playing with Vincent. And telling him that he is going to stay at Selena's house for three days. He is nodding for everything and I don't understand if he will be fine or not. I cannot take him with me. I don't know how far is The Silver Salt Pack. I don't know what threats we might face while we are on our way. And if anything happens to my son, I would forever regret that. Moreover Nova, Selena, Edward and Valerie are all going to be here. He is safer here than with me and Ryan. I cook some pasta for Vincent for lunch and risotto for dinner because he loves it. And I just add more spices to mine. He screams and tells me all the rhymes and jingles he learnt today. He is also fascinated about animal sounds and he adores the guess the animal game. By the end of the day, when he is asleep I kiss both his cheeks and take him to Selena's house. She is already waiting and I kiss Vincent again before walking out. The first thing in the morning, we are leaving to The Silver Salt Pack. I really hope Conrad and I would start fresh as friends and not like some stupid teenage pranksters. . . . . Conrad's POV I stir and throw my legs here and there trying to find a best position to just sleep. I don't know if it the anxiety that I am going to see her tomorrow morning or if I genuinely cannot sleep.. but I just cannot! Alan is already asleep. And sometimes, I am just jealous of him. He is that big bad wolf you typically see in movies and hear about everywhere else. He feels he deserves it and if I am honest, he actually does. Nova and I fought in both wolf form and human form to determine the worthy one of the title and I won. But Goddess! My sister was strong. It was a really really tough fight. You see in werewolf world, worth is by strength. Not by gender. And Pea amazes me in so many ways. She got rejected. She got used for a pregnancy. She delivered a child and killed the child's father. Became a Beta. That s**t is mad crazy! "Shut up and sleep! You are just so noisy. They will be here tomorrow anyways" Alan shuts me up. "I thought you were asleep" "I was! But you are so noisy. You love her so much, and why do you always act so weird around her? All the pranks, sarcasm, careless and all" he asks. "Maybe it is because I love her. You cannot see me pranking everyone do you? Because they are different. And this is me with her. I don't know, Alan. I love her even when she is irritated too" "Good night. You sound like you have a sickness" "And it's love" I say but he already blocked me. This is not just because of the matebond. I genuinely love her. When Nova told me everything about Pea, I thought it must have not been so serious but when I talked to her, I felt how afraid she was. I felt her pain. I felt her fears. Her heartbreaks. I felt every emotion of hers. And I did not find love anywhere. I was determined to make her mine. I know after how I left her pack, she must be hating me right now. But soon, I really hope that I am free around her only because I trust her. Ugh! Why isn't this stupid clock moving?
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