Chapter 10

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Hazel's POV I clap and smile wide. When Mist told me that she and Alan can communicate as long as they are on the same pack grounds, it felt fascinating to me. I even thought that she was just bluffing and there is nothing like that. So she told me that she asked Alan, what Conrad cannot do. And that he answered it was stage fright. I asked Alan through Mist what is wrong and then he said that Conrad must talk today. The moment I saw how frozen he stood, I instantly understood that it wasn't just bluffing. Our wolves can indeed talk to each other and Conrad indeed has stage fright. I asked him to look at me and only me. And I asked him to talk to everyone like he would to me. And BOOM! He did so well. Later his beta talks for another minute and before I know, the party has already begun. I have also heard that this is the first time The Silver Salt Pack members are having a party so I hope they are all having fun too. I look around to see if I can find someone to talk to. Ryan and Conrad are in deep discussion again. What do these both even talk? They go on talking all day and all night and still never run out of topics. I see Shane talking to a group of boys. Very nice. Now I am running out of names and familiar faces. Why am I not at my pack with my son, reading him his favourite bed time stories? I like that way better than this. "Hey. I hope you are having fun" I hear a girl's voice and I turn my head. "Hello. Yeah, I am having so much fun" I say and she only laughs at that. "Wow I can see it. What is the other place you could be other than this?" She asks and I chuckle realising she caught my sarcasm even though I thought I hid it well. "Back at The Sundown Pack. With my son reading The Little Prince" I smile and she smiles wide than me. "Awe! You must be the badass Beta I have heard of!" She says and I am taken aback for a moment. "Alpha Conrad never tells us about anyone or anything he saw. But he told us about you. That he came across a Beta who is a mother, but can still break hearts and bones" she says and I awkwardly smile at that. Wow. What a way to introduce. Hey! I am Pearl. I am a mother but I can still break hearts and bones. "And you are?" I ask her. "I am Kimberly. The Gamma Female" she smiles and I smile at her. She looks young but not like eighteen and just found my mate young. She can be a couple years older than that. "You are one fast talker" I say and she chuckles. "Yeah. She can talk all day and all night but not before Alpha" I hear another voice and I see a familiar face. I have seen her. "Oh. Hey! Joanna, is it?" I ask her and she nods. "Yeah. I remember you were there on the evening of my title ceremony. Good to see you again" I smile wide and hug her. She hugs back and just by the hug I can understand that she is a nice woman to talk to. "I am sorry, but people here still don't know who you are. Alpha Conrad did not tell anyone about it" she whispers into my ear and I nod when we pull away from the hug. Of course she knows. I mean, that was the same evening he and I recognised each other as mates. So obviously his beta couple knows. Joanna, Kimberly and I take some fruit punch, because Joanna said Kimberly cannot have alcohol till she is twenty one. Which is ridiculous because I thought rules don't apply for werewolves. "So, is your Alpha Conrad the strict principal you see in human movies?" I ask to them both and they only chuckle in response. Okay, I might have said that I think these both are sweet .. but now I think not so much anymore. Everything I say or talk, they do nothing but chuckle. I look around anymore and slowly, I feel suffocated. So I decide to just walk around and see everything. I remember the way to the guest house and even if I lose my way, I can still mindlink Ryan. Or Mist can beat me to it and tell Alan. Who knows.? I excuse myself and walk out of the crowd first. I find Ryan and he is having beer. He is soo going to get drunk. For a werewolf and that too an Alpha, his Alcohol capacity is way too low. He gets drunk easily now a days. I shake my head and smile while walking away from the crowd. And not before five minutes passed, I can already feel his scent of pine and sandalwood around me. "You did not like the party?" He asks me. "Maybe I did not like the company" I shrug. "You did not like Joanna or Kim?" He asks and I just stare at him. "So you were watching me? Watching everything about me? Like, who I am talking to and who I am not?" I ask him and we stop walking for a second. This man is a question mark to me. He always asks for chances and that he can be a true and nice mate like he should be. But the next thing I know, he would not talk to me or talk about me. He is so confusing I wonder if I can read him well. "I was. Maybe" he shrugs and we both start walking again. I don't know where to, but as long the pack's Alpha is beside me I know that I am not going to get lost. "So, I now know so many new things about you" I say and he just nods. He is not even asking what is that or if I heard the truth or rumour about him. I don't know if it is this pack's air or whatever, but this is not the Conrad I know. "An Alpha like you should be on the supreme team, Conrad" I say and he just stares at me. He then smiles again and now is probably the first time I am seeing him smile after hours of me staring at each other today. "Now what are you smiling at?" I ask him and raise my eyebrow. "One, I like it when you call my name," he pauses and smiles again,"and two, thanks for acknowledging that I am a strong Alpha" I smile and shrug. How cannot one acknowledge that he is a strong Alpha? I mean, he is the Alpha of The Silver Salt Pack. The most strongest and ferocious pack that there is. So obviously when there is a team of The Supreme Alphas, one would definitely expect him to be there on the list. "But they need to have a Luna to be qualified. Bottom line, they feel like any Alpha can be taken down if they don't have a Luna or an heir. I don't have both of them so it is impossible for me to make it" he says. "I am sorry I couldn't be of much help" I say and he only nods. "We don't have a lake but there is a pond at the other side of the pack. This side we have a small clearing with moon flowers and dandelions. I hope you will like it" he says again and I smile at him. The moon is shining bright today and tomorrow is a full moon by the way. We would be witnessing people having their first shift on most full moons. Because now a days werewolves don't automatically shift when they turn eighteen. They turn on the next full moon after they turn eighteen. I wonder what they do here. Conrad and I, we both walk in silence. No one says a word. I labelled him as a sweet talker but when he is in this pack, I wonder if that is even apt for him. He has the most straight face I ever saw. "And I also heard of Yasmyn" I say and he just stares at me. "If you reject me, you can imprint on her. Maybe you can qualify for the Supreme Alpha team if you do that" I tell him and he stops walking. We just stare into each other's eyes. I know what he wants to say. That he doesn't want her or any other girl. I can see what he want to scream in his eyes, but I want to stay silent. I want to stay silent like he is right now. Once, I got my heart broken because I did not know anything. Be it their secret affair or the fact that I would get mated to my best friend's boyfriend. The second time I got my heart broken, I knew too much. About him. His mate. His will for pups. Everything. So this time, if I am ever left with no choice other than accepting him or anyone else... then I need someone vocal. Someone who could tell me what is running on their mind. Someone who could tell me that I am enough. Someone who could tell me that they are not going to judge me based on my past. Conrad takes a step closer to me. His scent is making me go crazy inside. Mate bond does so many tricks to make you fall in love with the person who is chosen for you. And I am experiencing it now. "I hope you like what you see" he whispers and I look at him confused. He holds my shoulders and the sparks are already making it hard for me to focus. I look into his eyes but he turns me around at the same time. And before me, is a soft bed with dandelions. The Moon Flowers look so beautiful and the moon shining bright only adds beauty to this. I smile wide and run towards it. I run across it and touch as many moon flowers as my hand reaches. I take my shoes off and feel the soft dandelions under my feet. Every step I take, the more I love this. I look behind and Conrad is smiling at me. I turn around again and I touch the Moon Flower. It started blooming the moment I touched it and it feels more than amazing. I turn around to see Conrad and ask him to join me, but I don't find him anywhere. I am a tad bit disappointed but this whole place is only making it much more better. After a couple minutes of running and feeling everything around me, I finally fall on the dandelions and look at the sky. The Moon is beautiful. The starts are beautiful. The night sky is magical. To us werewolves, nights are our strength. Because we are created by the Moon Goddess. And she did that on a full moon night. So the nights are great for us, and full moons are just blessings. I feel a familiar scent. I don't know what scent it is called but I can recognise the person bearing the scent. I look to my left and I see Shane laying right beside me. "This place is beautiful" I whisper. "I know. I come here whenever my mind is not at good place too" he says and we both stare at the moon for a while. "Where is he?" I ask Shane and he sighs. "He had to take care of your pack too. Apparently your Alpha is pretty much drunk" Shane says and I chuckle at that. "Yeah. Tell me more" I say sarcastically,"I don't understand how Ryan gets so drunk easily" "Not all werewolves are the same. Not everyone has high tolerance and capacity to alcohol" I hear Shane say and I sit up. I place both my hands on the dandelions behind me and use them to support my weight as I lean just a little. "So you say your alcohol capacity is better?" I ask and he shrugs, but then he nods. "Ahuh! How many drinks have you had tonight?" I ask him. "Four beers, six vodka shots and two margaritas" he says and I gasp. "Ryan probably had two beers and he is this way. Wow, you are pretty impressive in the alcohol game" I say making him chuckle. We both just lay there again in comfortable silence. At least someone is here with me. The alcohol, the loud music, lots and lots of people.. recently that is not my vibe. Calm nights, small friends circle, precious times with my son.. this is my vibe now a days. I don't know, I was so hell bent on power at one point. When Maxwell was being the mighty Alpha and I was a warrior, all I could think of was how we shared the same blood. And he was still an Alpha. Who still humiliated me every single day. But now.. I don't need power anymore. I am happy with my life. I am happy with the pack that has my back. I am happy with the title I own now. I am happy with my little family that is just me and my son. I am happy and grateful for every little thing in my life right now. "What are you thinking about?" Shane asks me and I jump back to reality. "Just.. old times. When I was basically considered useless" I whisper and fall back on the dandelions again. I can sense few daffodils too. "Why would anyone think that you are useless? You are single handedly the most amazing woman I know" Shane says and now, I am laying while he is sitting. "Of course not everyone thinks of me like that. Even Trevor too. We met the same way, like this. At a party. We both instantly clicked. But he was just being nice to me. I mistook his intentions at first. Before I know, I already came a long way" I whisper. "Hey!" Shane whispers and leans a little closer to me. "It's okay. It was all in your past anyway" he whispers. "But I feel so bad. Vincent doesn't have his father today because of it. I cannot trust Conrad because of it. I don't think I can ever look at someone and see someone I can spend the rest of my life with. I feel so bad for messing up my life with my own hands" I say and before I know, I am already ranting. "It's okay. It's okay, really. Because of that decision you made, you have Vincent now. And you are an amazing mom" he whispers and he pulls me closer to him. A brief hug later, we both pull away. And I look at him staring into my eyes. Then at my lips. He leans closer and I am frozen. I don't know what to do. Shane leans closer and closer and I know if I don't stop him now, he is going to kiss me. I should break this stupid cycle where I meet people on unmated parties, have a rant session, kiss and then ruin my life for the next few years. I clear my throat and lean back making him stop. He comes to his senses again and pulls back too. Phew! Just missed the danger. Wow. "I guess I should.. I should get back. Since Ryan is drunk" I whisper. "Yeah. Sure. Do you want me to lead the way?" Shane asks. "No. Just tell me which way. I'll eventually get there" I say and he points out towards his left. I nod and put my sneakers back on. "I am sorry. It was a moment. And I am over it. I feel such a s**t person for doing everything and apologising" Shane whispers. "It's okay. I wouldn't tell Conrad. But it would be better if we maintain some safe distance from now on" I say and Shane nods. "That is the first and last thing I will ever do with attention" he says and I walk away without turning back. I walk for few minutes until I hear the party music again. And a few more minutes later, I see the party being cleared off. I see just Conrad and Flynn talking to each other. There are few people who passed out after having too much alcohol too. "Oh! There you are" Conrad sighs. "What? I was right there. You sent Shane to give me company too" I shrug. "True. But I thought you both are going to pass out there" he says and shakes his head with.. again.. a very straight face. "Good night" I whisper and walk towards the guest house. "Cannot believe Shane is actually behaving like nice. He definitely likes someone from The Sundown Pack" I overhear Flynn say the moment I turn around and leave.
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