Chapter 11

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Conrad's POV I cannot sleep with Alan going crazy in the back of my mind. Not just Alan but me too. I cannot believe Pea is here in half mile radius and I still cannot stay with her. I made sure to ask Nova all the products that Pea uses everyday. And Flynn helped me get them without anyone else knowing. So far it is just me, my mother, Flynn, Joanna and Shane who knows that Pea is my mate. If she is fine and is willing to give the mate bond a chance, I would scream and show off the entire world about how I am literally the luckiest man alive! If I have her, then that means I am the luckiest. I am up for debate on it and hey.. I can do that all day. "So what? Are you just going to stand at the side of the lane and watch her till she rejects your ass and moves on?" Alan screams at me. "Go to sleep, Alan! If we want to spend time with her tomorrow, then we need to sleep now and wake up real soon. The more time we spend with her, the sooner she might trust us" I say. "Says the one who is making no move!" He groans. But my move is having no move at all. I cannot pretend someone I am not if I want to win her over. I want to show her the real me. I want her to see for someone I am. Because the pretending game can only keep you moving until certain point of time. Once you both realise that you cannot pretend anymore, you will have nothing left behind. Including your true identity. I sigh and close my eyes when I see it is already three o clock. If I sleep now, I can at least have four hours of sleep. "Con. Hey .. con!!!" Alan calls for me again and I groan out loud. "What now?" I ask him. "Mist says they both cannot sleep too. Shall we pay them a visit?" He asks. As much as it is tempting, I know she would freak out. Moreover if any of my pack member notices that, they would not rest until they find out that their Alpha indeed found his mate. I want to take care of many more things before I officially announce Pea as my mate. First, I want to win her trust. Second, I want to tell Yasmyn that nothing is going to ever happen between us. Not like it ever happened. But I don't want her to keep hopes up either. I never really talked to her but I have heard so many people tell me that she is a sweet girl. And lastly, I need to build a strong connection with her. Not just as a mate but as a person too. But I just don't know how. I want to do so many things with her. I want to lay down on the daffodils and dandelions and watch Moon with her. I want to give her all the moon flowers in the clearing. I want to have a picnic along the pond. I want to take full moon runs with her. I want to live with her under one roof, where I can always feel her lavender scent around me. "You know what, Alan? Let's go" I say and I hear him squeal. I know which room she is staying in. After all, I selected that personally. The biggest room of the guest house. I personally chose everything there is, in that room. All for her and anything for her. I first walk out of my room. My room is downstairs while my mom lives upstairs. There is also another guest room upstairs that I rarely use. Sometimes, I feel suffocated in my own room. I look out and I don't see mom anywhere. I don't catch her honeydew scent too. So I just walk out carefully. The cool breeze hits me and I regret not taking any coat or jacket. I keep walking. And I hide behind any house or any bush, whenever I see a member of patrol coming my way. But thanks to the breeze that is blowing the opposite side, it did not give my scent to these people. I finally reach the guest house and I see every door closed. Perfect.! I silently walk and I hear lots of snores. Thanks to my werewolf hearing and a building with fifty nine people. Fifty seven unmated wolves and two other being Alpha and Beta. Finding my way to her room, I hear my own heart pounding so loud. She makes my calm heart jump for no reason and she makes me calm down whenever I am jumping. If I tell this to her, she would blame it on mate bond but I think it is her. I try opening her door but it is locked. Of course it is locked. I knock a little. I have a spare key. But I respect her privacy. She is not opening her door and if I bang it now, everyone else is going to wake up. I am about to ask Alan for help through Mist, but she opens it at the same time. She is clearly surprised to see me here and I just smile at her not knowing what to say. "What are you doing here?" She whispers. She looks around and before I answer her, she holds my hand and pulls me inside. I resist the urge to laugh because this is so out of Pea zone. "What are you doing here, Conrad?" She asks again. And did I tell you that hearing my name when she calls me by it.. is my current favourite sound? "I just wanted to see you" I whisper and she stands without moving and her face displays no emotion. Sometimes, she goes into these little zone out things that make me worry. Because those sometimes she zoned out, I want to see what runs on her mind. I wonder what she thinks about. I just wonder how many minutes she spends a day with me on her mind. Maybe seconds, at least? I wave my hand before her eyes and she finally comes back to reality. "Alan told me that Mist and you couldn't sleep either" I whisper and she nods. "Are you sleepy now?" I whisper again. "No. Why?" She asks "Because the pond I was talking about earlier, will you come and see? With tonight being one night before full moon, it is going to be picturesque. I promise you are going to like it" I whisper and pray to Moon Goddess that she would agree and come. "Is it far from here? Because we need to be back here in one hour and I need to wake up with everyone else" she whispers. "My promise! I am going to bring you back in an hour" I say with a wide smile on my face and she nods. She grabs her bag and pulls out a jacket. "Do you want one too?" She asks and I shake my head. I know it is freezing out there. But if I use her clothes, the scent itself would make me go crazy. I don't want to do anything that I will regret when I wake up tomorrow. She finally nods after putting her sneakers on. And we both take a walk. This time when the patrol notices me, I ask them not to send anyone including the patrol towards the pond. They did not understand what I was trying to say, but they still nodded. I bet they must be thinking what must Pea have to do with me that I am out here with her at night. That too at a pond with no security. I asked them not to send anyone for two hours, just in case. But I don't care at this point. I will tell them whatever excuse. If I have to be honest, I don't even have to come up with an excuse. They would not question me. "So, Mist told Alan that we were awake too? So you trust Alan and come all the way from pack house to the guest house knowing eyes are on you?" Pea asks and after few seconds of processing her two questions, I nod. "Pretty much it" I say. "And can I ask you why you took that risk? I would sleep anyway. It is just because this is a new place and it takes me two nights to properly adjust to my new surroundings. No offense" she says. "Yeah. But I was awake too" I say and Alan just wants to kick me if I shift right now. Because that was not what I had in my mind. I wanted to tell her that I was awake thinking of her. And when Alan told me that Mist and her are awake, I did not waste another second because she means more than sleep to me. And she means more than the risk of my people noticing us. But what did my mouth take all of that as? I f*****g said yeah, but I was awake too. Wow! No wonder she is still not accepting me. "The first time we talked, you were a sweet talker. So what happened now? You are struggling to find words" she says as we still keep walking. "That is exactly what I don't know" I say and she smiles with a nod. I know the reason. But I am afraid to tell her that. I just want to hold her and tell her that, when I first met her I thought that for the rest of my life she is going to be by my side. She is going to stay with me. She is going to be my Luna. But when I learnt that all she wants was rejection, I felt like every word I talk matters. Because if one word goes wrong and her impression on me changes, I don't think I am going to live with that fact. The fact that I was close to getting her but lost because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. We reach the pond and she spotted it before we reached there. Like I said, it is a picturesque. Few nights, we can actually see swans here. I wonder if they are here now. "This is indeed beautiful" she whispers and runs towards it. She takes her sneakers off and I noticed she likes to feel things. She likes to feel the grass or duffodils or dandelions under her feet. She want to touch the flowers. She want to touch the water in the pond and feel it. She pays attention to everything around her. And she notices every detail. Like, I don't know there is a squirrel nest and squirrel babies until she showed me. And yesterday night was the last time I came here. I just sit on the ground and watch her just move here and there and touch everything she thinks is mesmerizing. After a while, she runs to me and sits beside me. We both look at the moon and then smile at each other. I fall on the ground with my hands under my head, using them as a pillow. My tee shirt goes up a little flashing my bare torso. And I shiver a little because of this cold weather. "And someone denied when I offered a jacket" she scoffs. "I am not cold" I whisper even though it is, indeed cold out here. Why did not I recall that this is a week away from severe winters? "Oh really?" She asks and I nod. Pea places her hands on my bare torso and I shiver a little more. She laughs and presses her hands making me jolt and slap her hands away. "Not cold?" She asks again. "Yeah. Not cold. But your hands are cold and if I catch common cold tomorrow, you will be responsible" I say and she laughs at that. "Yeah. The Alpha of The Silver Salt Pack. The most frightening Alpha Conrad Werner would hold me responsible for his common cold?" She asks. "Yeah. If I catch it, then indeed. Because you placed your cold hands on my bare skin. I will even ignore the sparks. Because your cool hands dominated the mate sparks" I say again and she laughs again. She lays on the ground beside me too and we both just look at each other. She is right beside me. I can feel her deep lavender scent. I can smell the strawberry from her shampoo. Her skin is glowing and I bet it must be softer than whipped butter. Her red hair sprawled over green grass. Everything about her is so beautiful that it hurts I cannot feel it. "You really look like you need this" she says and places her jacket over me. It barely covers my upper half and she smiles sheepishly at that. "I appreciate your gesture, but I am fine. And this cold would do nothing to someone like me" I tell her. "Yeah. I am already imagining you scaring the common cold with your iconic glare. And trust me, it is entertaining" she says and I glare at her for making fun of me, to which she laughs. I usually don't like when someone comments on me, but if that makes her laugh.. then let her make fun of me as much as she wants. I notice her shiver a little. Wow this weather is really being cruel to us. "Shall we go back? It is only getting colder" I whisper. "Yes yes. Give me a few minutes to take in this view. Who knows when I am going to get a chance to see this again" she tells me. Be mine, and this is where our new home will be.. is what I wanted to say but I keep my mouth shut. She is already against the idea of us sharing lives as mates. Now if I throw dialogues like this at her, I am sure she is going to reject me before she leaves this pack. "I applaud for your resistance" Alan says and I block him out. He can talk to Mist all he wants. But my focus is on the woman beside me. I don't know if we are ever going to get moments like these. Where we both lay on ground together by the pond, and watch the moon shine brighter along with the stars. Where we both laugh and throw comments at each other. So I want to memorise every single second of tonight. I want to remember what it feels like to have her this close to me. Pea shivers once again, and before she protests I do something that I regret a second after doing it. I spread her jacket over me and pull her closer so she can feel my body warmth. Now her body and mine are pressed against each other. Sparks are making me go crazy. I can feel her breath on my neck. I know she is going to push me away but I want to memorise how it feels to hug her. But she doesn't move away. She doesn't say anything too. She is just looking at me. "Feels warm. You and I" she says in broken sentences but I understand what she is trying to say so I nod. I just want to kiss her but I resist that urge too. "How was your day?" I ask her because I want to keep the conversation going. The more we talk, the more we are going to stay like this. I know we should be going back in few minutes, but I want to hold her those few minutes too. "It was fun. Tiring but fun" she says and I nod. "Yours?" She whispers still looking into my eyes. "Fine. Because of you. I wouldn't have made the speech that way if it wasn't for you" I whisper and she smiles just a little and then she nods. Honestly, I have no idea what happened next. Because all I remember was how my eyes slowly got heavy. I remember closing my eyes with her before me. And at one point, I was convinced that it was all a dream. Until, I opened my eyes and the sun is shining bright. If it was a dream, then I should not be seeing clouds in my room. I feel the sparks and I see that Pea's head is on my chest and the jacket is still covering both her and me. We both fell asleep. Wow we actually planned this for an hour but look who slept- I stop thinking when I finally catch hundreds of scents. I turn around and I see everyone of my pack and her pack's unmated members just staring at the sight before us. "Pea?" I call her. "Just a minute" she whispers in her sleep. "Wake up" I whisper. She finally opens her eyes and looks at me. She smiles at me but then the reality sinks in to her as well. She looks like she is about to scream until she looked around to see so many familiar and unfamiliar faces. "f**k" we both whisper at the same time.
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