3 You're Late

1451 Words
Four Years Later Elise POV "I swear to God that if Morris tells me he is working one more late night this week I'm going to scream." My husband has been a bit of a workaholic since we started dating but it's gotten worse over the last two months. Before it might be one or two late nights but it's been more like four or five more recently. Don't get me wrong he is an amazing husband and father when he's home but it's not enough lately. "Well, you need to tell him. Men aren't mind readers sissy. We aren't exactly the brightest creatures when it comes to emotions and relationships," Connor says as he bounces my daughter on his knee. "I have told him that I felt like he is working to much several times. I don't want to be that naggy wife Connor. I don't want to have to beg my husband to see me and our daughter as a priority." "Elise, you have never had a problem speaking your mind to anyone. So don't give me that bullsh*t" he says. "Hey, language, little ears are listening." "Sorry, Collette said our son's first word is going to be damnit." I smile because I love my sister-in-law and nephew. "With you for a father she is probably right. Anyway, I just want Morris to want to be home. I feel like he wants to be at work more than he wants to be here." I don't voice my other fear that there might be a woman that has caught his attention. Nothing has changed about the way Morris makes me feel or how much he wants me every night but I can't help the seed of fear there is something more to him constantly working. "I know there is more floating around in that head of yours Elise. What aren't you saying" Connor asks. "Nothing" I say and thankfully he doesn't push. "Just talk to your husband. Morris is a good man despite the grief I give him" he says. He's right, when Morris gets home tonight, I'll talk to him about cutting back the late nights. I just finished Emmy's bath and am taking her to her room to get dressed for the night when I hear the front door opening. I try to tamp down the irritation I feel that Morris is arriving home well after seven again. "Well, little miss what pajamas should we wear." "Pink unicorns mama" she says and I smile. "Where's my girls" I hear from husband's deep voice from the hallway. "Daddy" she squeals jumping outing of my arms rushing toward the door. Morris scoops her up and despite how angry I am I smile to see him with our daughter. He truly is an amazing father. He takes a few more steps into the room and his eyes settle on me. "Hey beautiful, how was your day" he asks. "Fine, Emmy, come on sweetie it's time for bed. It's late." I see hurt flash in his eyes but I focus on our daughter. "Give me a kiss princess so mommy can read you your story." He kisses her all over her face before he sets her on her feet. He bends pressing a kiss on my forehead before he leaves the room. Emmy barely makes it through her story. I tuck her in and head to our bedroom. I hear the shower and before I wouldn't have thought twice about joining my husband but right now, we need to talk. A few minutes later, Morris steps out of the bathroom and the towel is hanging low on hips. It makes my brain stop working for a minute as I stare at the prominent V I love so much. When my eyes meet his the smirk, it lets me know he caught me ogling him. He starts to move toward me but I hold my hand up to stop him. The smile slips from his face. "Elise, what's going on? You seem upset with me but I haven't been home long enough to piss you off" he says. "You haven't been home enough lately at all." His face softens and he comes to kneel in front of me. "Is that with this is about Elise. You're upset I've been working so much. I'm so sorry beautiful. I know work has been a lot lately but it won't be for much longer. This deal with the Lincoln Company will be finished by next week and I promise I'll be home more." "You don't get it Morris. I know the company is important but so are we." "You and Emmy are the most important thing in my life and I'm sorry I made you feel like you weren't. I promise I'll do better." He slides his hand up my thighs as he licks his lip. "Now how about I start making it up to my beautiful wife." He lifts me resting me against his erection and my core starts to heat. "I think I'm going to like your idea of making it up to me." The Next Day "So how did your talk go with Morris" my mother asks. I roll my eyes because my brother has a big mouth. "Fine, he apologized" I say with a huge smile on my face. "Based on that smile I'd say it was one hell of an apology" she says. "It was, let's just say I'm lucky to be walking straight today." My mother laughs before I hear my father making a gagging noise behind me. "No, I do not want to hear such talk in my house little girl" he says. "Hush, Bradley, you've been known to make it hard for me to walk" she starts to say. "No, no, no" I start to chant before she can finish. My mother laughs as she sets a cup of coffee in front of my father. "Mom, would you mind watching Emmy tonight. I'm planning to make dinner for Morris since he promised he would be home tonight." "Of course, daddy and I love having our little princess. He promised he would take her fishing this afternoon." I'm just putting the finishing touches on dinner when my phone dings. I grab it off the counter and Morris's name flashes on the screen. I smile putting it to my ear. "Hey handsome, are you on your way home?" There is a moment of silence before Morris finally speaks. "I'm so sorry Elise but" he starts to say but I cut him off. "Morris, you promised." "I know and I hate myself for having to break it but the deal is on the line along with a lot of people's jobs." I want to be angry but when he says people could lose their jobs some of my anger fades. "Fine, I understand." "Elise, I swear I'll make it up to you. I love you." "I love you too. I'll see you when you get home." I hang up and plop down on the closest chair. I dial my mother needing to hear my daughter's voice. "Hi Elise, I didn't expect to hear from you tonight" mom says. "I didn't expect to be calling but Morris is going to be late again. Is Emmy around?" "Awe sweet girl you sound so disappointed. Emmy is out back with daddy. Elise if Morris can't come home to have dinner with you why don't you take dinner to your husband. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you and have something more than take out to eat," she says and I smile. "That's a great idea mom. Thank you, I love you." "Love you too sweet girl. Tell my son-in-law I said hello." I start to pack up the dinner before I head upstairs to throw on Morris's favorite black dress. When I pull into the parking garage the attendant waves at me. As I start to gather all the bags I brought, a voice from behind me startles me. "Hello Mrs. McNair, it's good to see you again. Can I help you carry anything" he asks. "Yes, that would be great. I'm bringing my husband some dinner." When we reach Morris's floor it's mostly empty. I haven't met his new assistant but the desk where Kirk used to sit is empty too. My husband seems to be the only working late based on the low lights on the floor. I feel guilty for being upset with him. I make my way to his office door and push it open. My heart stops beating when my eyes meet his. I guess I finally have the real reason he has been working late so much.
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