4 Mistakes

1778 Words
Morris POV I roll over and stare at my beautiful wife. She is truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I'm a lucky ba**ard that she chose me. "You're being a creeper again, husband," she says. I pull her body close to mine intending to bury myself deep inside her when Emmy calls out to me on the monitor. My wife chuckles and I give a groan of frustration. "When did our daughter become such a c**kblock." "The minute she was born, but I promise that tonight there won't be any interruptions. I'm going to ask my mom to keep her and make your favorite dinner. I expect the works tonight" she says with a seductive smile. I groan again. "Love, you're doing nothing to help my raging er*ction." She chuckles again as I slide out of bed and slip into the sleeping pants I wore to bed last night. I usually sleep in nothing, but I make sure they are easily accessible in case I need to get Emmy. I press a firm kiss on my wife's lips before I head across the hall. I open the door to my daughter's room and Emmy is on the floor playing with her dolls. "Daddy" she squeals, running to me, so I can scoop her up. "Good morning little miss," I say and she giggles. "Morning daddy, can I have pancakes with chocolate" she asks in her sweet voice. "I think daddy can manage that before I have to leave for work." I take her to the kitchen hoping to give my wife a few more minutes of sleep. Once the pancakes are finished, I set Emmy up at her little table and go to wake up Elise. I smile when she meets me in the hallway. Her eyes barely open. My wife is by no means a morning person. I pull her into my arms and slam my lips down on hers. She starts to protest before she melts into the kiss. When I finally release her lips, she smiles up at me. "Morris, you big brute. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet," she says. "I wouldn't care if you had the worst morning breath, love. I love these lips" I say running my finger over her bottom lip. I can feel myself hardening, but my hot little wife squirms away from me. "That's not happening, handsome. You need to get to work so you can be home on time." She blows me a kiss and heads toward the kitchen. I wish I could just stay home and spend the day with my girls. As soon as this f**king Lincoln Corp deal is done, I'm taking my girls to some place warm for at least a week. In fact, as soon as I get to work, that will be the first thing I have my new assistant Loreli handle. The woman was a godsend after I lost Kirk. He decided to go back to school and will be returning to the company after he is finished. I never thought I would find some as efficient as he was, but Loreli seems to be even better. Not that I would ever say that to Kirk. Loreli anticipates what I need before I even ask, and she refuses to leave before I do, just in case I need her. I've insisted I can handle things, but she says that we're a team. I appreciate her dedication. I've even had to remind her that she shouldn't be working after hours when she texts and calls me at home. I don't want her to get burned out. Once I'm showered and dressed in my navy-blue suit, I head back out to the kitchen. Elise is drinking her coffee while Emmy talks animatedly about going to her Nana's today. I go over and kiss Emmy on the forehead before I softly kiss my wife. I lean my mouth close to her ear. "You better try to take a nap with Emmy because you won't get much sleep tonight." Her breath hitches before our eyes meet. "I'm looking forward to it Mr. McNair" she says, and my c**k twitches. I give her one last peck and head for the door before I lose control and call my sister to come get Emmy. It takes me twenty-five minutes to reach the office. When I make my way up to my floor, I say good morning to the receptionists who man the company phones. I make my way toward my office and as soon as Loreli sees me, she's on her feet handing me my coffee. Her smile is wide, and I can't help but return it. "Good morning, Mr. McNair." "Good morning, Loreli, thank you for the coffee." "You don't have to thank me. We've been over this. It's my job to do whatever you need." "Well, unlike my late father, I want people to know I appreciate them. Now can you grab the agenda for the day and the final draft of the contract with Lincoln Corp. I promised my beautiful wife I'd be home on time today." A strange expression passes over her face before she smiles again. "Of course, I'll be right in" she says, turning away from me. I head into my office and power up my computer. When Loreli comes into my office to review my day, I notice how she's dressed for the first time. She is pretty woman, but she can't hold a candle to my wife. I chastise myself for even noticing that her dress is shorter and tighter than normal. I enjoy working with her. I don't know why noticing her makes me feel like I've done something wrong, but it does. Maybe it's because we work together every day and thinking about her in any way other than as an employee is wrong. I would never betray my wife. She is the love of my life. Unlike my father, I would never touch another woman. I watched as his wh*rish ways tore my mother apart. I push these stupid thoughts away because noticing a pretty woman doesn't make me my father. At four o'clock I'm just finishing up when there is a frantic knock on my door. The door opens and Loreli looks panic-stricken. "Morris, I'm so sorry, but I screwed up." I'm taken back by her calling me Morris, but I'm more concerned about what has her panicked. "What happened Loreli?" She explains there is an issue with the contract. Once I look it over, I realize that I won't get out of here on time despite my promise. I can't let my employees' mistakes affect the jobs that could be affected if the contract signing doesn't go smoothly." I immediately call my wife. I can hear the disappointment in her voice and it guts me. "Fine, I understand" she says, but I can hear the hurt in her voice. "Elise, I swear I'll make it up to you. You know I would never break a promise to you if it wasn't important." Loreli made the arrangements for us to go to Maldives, so I'm hoping that will get me back in my wife's good graces after this f**k up. When I hang up, I feel like a total a**hole. I broke a promise to my wife. "Morris, I'm so sorry. I screwed up. It's all my fault your wife is upset with you," she says and starts to cry. "Loreli, it will be alright. We can get it fixed before it's a problem." "I can't believe I did this. I'm so sorry. My boyfriend and I broke up a few days ago and its messing with my head. I thought he was the one," she says on a sob. I'm at a loss. My first instinct is to pull her into my arms and comfort her. I don't want to see her hurting. I stop myself from crossing that line because she is an employee and not my wife. I was aware she had a boyfriend because she brought him up when I talked about Elise. I love to talk about my wife and daughter to anyone who will listen. "Loreli, I'm sorry you're going through a rough time. Obviously, he's an i***t. You are a smart, beautiful woman. I'm sure you'll find someone even better. Now we just need to fix this mistake and move forward. You are an amazing assistant and one mistake doesn't change that." Her crying slows and she smiles up at me. "Thank you, Morris. That means a lot to me." I want to tell her she needs to call me Mr. McNair, but at this moment I'm not sure if she will burst into tears again. I need to focus on getting the contract fixed, so I can get home to my wife. "I'm going to order dinner for us. It's on me for my screw-up. It's the least I can do," she says, leaving my office before I can tell her it isn't necessary. I'm not sure how much time passes when Loreli walks back in with two bags from my favorite Italian restaurant. "Come on over and take a break, Morris. I know you have to be starving." Before I can tell her, I'll eat with my wife when I get home, my stomach growls. I give in and head over to the small table in the corner of my office. She sets a container in front of me with my favorite penne pasta dish. I try to think back about whether I've ever ordered this for lunch, but before I can focus on it, she takes the seat closest to me. I notice she has taken off her shoes and has her legs tucked underneath her. Her dress is riding high up on her toned thigh. I immediately look away and focus on the food in front of me. What the hell is wrong with me? We eat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Loreli leans toward me. She places her hand on my forearm and I stiffen. "I just want to thank you for what you said earlier. I think you're very handsome." I'm just about to pull my arm away from her touch and put a stop to whatever she thinks is happening, when I hear the office door open. My head whips in the direction of the sound. When my eyes meet my wife's, I see hurt and anger clearly directed at me. I look between her and Loreli, who has a grin on her face that I've never seen before. What the f**k?
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