Chapter 3

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‘Was it a friendly hug or caring hug or love hug?’, Barrby was covering me with her questions as soon as I told her everything that happened there that night. I was having fun making her jealous about me and him. ‘I am warning you. d**k is mine’, she was repeating the same statement again and again. I made her promise to keep that a secret and I trusted her because she was the only one who was there for me every time since the beginning. She was my best friend. Next day I cheered up seeing Swarez at collage. I was relieved seeing him fine. I noticed his mark it was not sharp and distinguishable as before. It was fading away. Maybe it was just me but his mark really seemed to fade away. Even he was avoiding me, ‘seriously?’ was the reason for his bad condition was me for real? Even I was baffled. ‘It is better that he is ignoring you, at least he won’t be making any issue on you’, said Barrby who was standing next to me. d**k was with him, our eyes met his eyes were telling me to stay calm. Our friendship was secret so talking with each other at that time was not feasible. I had many questions to ask him about Swarez and for that, I had to wait for him till the evening. My attention was disrupted the whole first lecture on looking at Swarez. He was looking so different from before. He seemed more observative, calm, and wild. His aura was making me afraid. When the first lecture ended I noticed there was gum in my hair, a chewed gum. That gum was pulling my hair and most of it was already entangled. That wasn’t funny, that was a crime, the crime due to which I had to cut my hair. I thought I was going to let it grow until last and finally donate it to cancer patients but they took that wish from me. I never felt so helpless before, I was suspecting Danny and Swarez for it, after all, they were just as monstrous as before but it wasn’t their doing. It was the did of girls sitting behind me, taking revenge for hurting Swarez, I was punished for that crime that I didn’t even commit. Tears were flowing through my eyes, and that was just not the end of their bully. A girl threw me at the ground, ‘How dare you play with our prince. Using one and hurting others. Who are you to hurt our prince.’ she was pulling me by my hair. ‘Swarez, we can’t see this girl in our college after what she did to you. She must have some knowledge of black magic. It explains everything’ Seeing my condition even Barrby eyes were filled with tears, I have to say she did try but I in front of those catgirls she didn’t stand a chance. I looked at d**k with hope but he was also facing the other direction. All the persons with whom I had attached my hopes gave up on me then but one person with whom I had attached least expectation came forward for me it was Swarez he shouted at the girls ‘From now on no one is going to mess up with her, if anyone does it will be messing up with me’, he pulled me from the ground and went outside with his friend. I looked all around except Barrby there was an eclipse on every girl’s face. Barrby came toward and hugged me. I was crying desperately there, my hair was a mess and I used to love my hair. My momma always used to say I had the best hair in the world. The hair was not just a dead cell tissue for me it was the memory of my mom. I may be the first girl to be taken stand by Swarez, I was confused, I thought he hated me. Barby lifted me off the floor, Due to entanglement my head was in pain. There was no choice left other than cutting it. My hair used to cover my hip, it was so long. But after that it was shorter than my shoulder, it felt like a death to me. Tears were continuously falling from my eyes in parlor too. ‘You are looking great’, said the sister there but that didn’t matter. My dad was going to freak out seeing my new avatar what was I gonna tell him. I didn’t return to the college that day, I went home. Dad was still on his work. I was missing mom very much, it felt she was angry with me for cutting my hair. There was a portrait of her and my dad during their wedding in the living room. She was looking so beautiful in her white gown. Dad said they met each other in their uni, dad was a professor there and mom was an undergrad. She was the brightest student of my dad and he proposed her on the day of her graduation. Their love story was popular throughout the uni and they were an ideal couple for me too. Dad was so happy on the pic, that smile just faded away when mom suffered from cancer and left us alone. Tears were running down from my eyes while embracing my mom's sketch. Could I feel the love like my mom felt from my dad? There was a text from d**k. The person who just ignored what happened to me earlier despite calling me his friend. Was to hide our friendship was so important to him than me. ‘I am coming there’ My hair was gone already what his presence was gonna change. He reached there within 10 minutes. He came to my room, the tear was still dominant there when he came toward and hugged me. ‘I am sorry, I was confused about what to do? And what not to?’ I didn’t answer him I was hurt actually. The sound of horn came from outside, he was my dad. I freaked out what was I gonna tell him. d**k hugged me again and went outside the room before dad came inside. I hurried to the washroom to wash out my tears and remained there until my eyes were dry enough for him to not recognize my tears. ‘Ani’, he called for me ‘Yes dad’, I went downstairs toward him with a smile on my mouth. d**k was already gone ‘Are you freaking serious’, he shouted with my sudden change. He kept looking at me as if I had eloped with his enemy’s son He throws himself on the sofa and kept his hands in his head. ‘I am sorry dad, I have to do that’ ‘What in the world came to you that you have to cut that so short’ ‘Dad let me explain’ ‘Ani, you know I can never say no to you but this is too much.’ ‘Dad please calm down I can explain’ ‘Explain’ ‘On chemistry lab, my hair got stuck in sticky chemicals, so there was not any alternatives than cutting it’ ‘Are you serious. It’s not even a month since we got here and you lost your scooty and cut down your hair. Do you still think your idea of coming here was smart enough’ ‘Dad’ ‘Who was the supervisor at the lab, I will complain him how can anyone keeps those types of chemicals unprotected’ ‘Dad, it was my mistake please let it go, please dad’ I went toward and hugged him, he was a little calm but I knew he was not gonna let that slide. The next day while getting ready for college the mirror was mocking me, I felt so different, Barrby was saying I looked beautiful but I didn’t felt beautiful I felt like a tree whose leaves were falling leaving it bare. The girls who kept the gum the previous day were looking at me as if they had nothing to do with it some were even laughing at me. It was humiliating. ‘I wonder why Swarez was taking this b***h's side’, some were talking behind my back. The same question arose on my mind too, why Swarez took my side? Everyone was there in the lecture but this time no-one made me a victim. It was peaceful yet so unlikely. In the cafeteria, the monsters were behind us they didn’t even tried to come forward. Maybe it was because of d**k, maybe Swarez realized his mistakes but no that was unlikely too. After all the lectures, when we were about to go on the city bus Swarez stopped his car in front of me. ‘Not again’, my mind was shouting but maybe the reason wasn’t to bully again. ‘Get in the car’, he ordered as if I was his possession ‘I don’t want to’ ‘I said get in the car. Don’t create scene’ ‘Why should I get on ur car?’ ‘I burnt your scooty down, so until I buy u a new one I will drop you home’ He left me amazed, Barrby who was standing by my side clenched my fist in shock. ‘Why are you worried about that now?’ ‘I don’t know if I would have known that I had already crushed the reason. But for now get on my car’ He was persistently ordering me for that, but I don’t liked his attitude. ‘You don't have to worry about what you did to me, just leave us alone that would be a great help’ ‘Trust me, I don’t want to worry. I want to get away from you but I just can’t for the last time I am asking you please get on the car’ I pulled Barrby with me ahead, ignoring his prattle but he got out of his car, grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him rudely. ‘I said I don’t need your help’ I kept on shouting but he did what he wanted with me he also asked Barrby to get on and she did happily because his car was one of the luxurious car at that time and most of the girls in Uni dreamt of being on it. Forcing us on the back seat he went on the front and started driving us toward our home. ‘Your scooty will be ready by tomorrow’ ‘I don’t need any from you’ ‘It’s not from me, it’s one for your burnt scooty’ ‘I don’t care, I just don’t want any from you’ Swarez stopped his car and swarmed himself toward me grabbing my collar. His shiny blue eyes were even more penetrating in anger and his mark was visible again with red lining on it ‘Trust me, I don’t want to care, I don’t want to do anything for you, I just have to. So don’t prattle and do just as I said’, his aggressive sound hit us hard we were nodding yes even without realizing. It was more dangerous than a bully and more confusing than earlier. We just sat there in silence, neither he nor us spoke a word whole way. He directly stopped in front of my house and at the top of that, he also dropped Barrby there. ‘Why can’t you drop Barrby home?’, I shouted ‘I am obliged to do it for you not her’, said he and drove away. Barrby house was on 20 minutes walking distance from there, I felt bad for her she was suffering because of me but What? She was smiling after all of that ‘Why are you smiling?’ I asked her slightly knowing her answered ‘I was with Swarez on his car, let me be happy for that, don’t ruin it for me’ ‘Do you have a crush on all those monsters’ ‘No, only d**k but other three are princes too how can I deny that’ Prince, maybe he was one but of the country of evil. It was a hot day so I wasn’t going to let Barrby walk on the Sun, I took her inside, there was a jumbo ice cream box inside freeze. We sat on the dining and started enjoying it ‘Barrby’ ‘Yes’ ‘Was Swarez always like that?’ ‘Like what?’ ‘You know, bullying at first and again doing things as if he had a guilt’ ‘I am here in this college for 3 years and trust me he had never done something like that with anyone’ ‘Then why me? He is confusing me. Sometimes he behaves like he can’t see me ruined and next second he behaves monster again’ ‘Maybe he cares about d**k so much that he wants to make it up to you’ ‘Maybe’ We continued eating that. When the sun was down the hill, I let Barrby walk to her house she was insisting for me to come too, but thinking about returning alone I couldn’t do that either. I got a text from dad, ‘Miss Koirala is coming with me make something for her too’ There was no limit to my happiness seeing that, Lasanga she loved it that day I was going to make that again more delicious. I cleaned the whole house including the guest room and the kitchen then started making Lasanga for her. I was so excited that I was already making plans for their wedding what will d**k wear, what was I gonna wear everything. Big portrait of them hanging on the wall next to the wedding portrait of my mom. It would be great, I could die with relief. I was so deep in thinking that I didn’t even notice the terrible smell of lasagna coming from the oven. It was burnt already. Miss Koirala could be coming any minute and I had messed up. I had no time to make that again. Nothing came to my mind, until I called Dick ‘Hello’, he said picking up the call ‘d**k I need your help’ ‘What happened’ ‘Can you tell me an instant dish your mom like the most’ ‘why?’ ‘Just tell me I will explain you later’ ‘She likes spaghetti, but I don’t think it is instant’ ‘Don’t worry I have a packet of instant Spaghetti’ I really had one, it was my dad’s favorite too. I just had to boil the ingredients in the packet and mix everything in the packet with it. And within 10 minutes it was ready and looking delicious. Meanwhile, my dad was already on the gate on his car with miss Koirala. I couldn’t wait to talk to her. With cold drinks on two glasses, I went to the guest room where they had just sat on the sofa. ‘How are you Aniya?’ ‘I am fine and you miss Koirala’ ‘Finer’ My dad who was signing me to behave properly went to the restroom when Miss Koirala asked me about the bullies I had to tolerate ‘How did you know about that?’ ‘d**k told me, he also told me how brave you were to defend them’ ‘Please don’t talk about that with my dad’ ‘I won’t, don’t worry’ ‘thank you, ‘Can I ask you something, ms Koirala’ ‘don’t call me Ms. Koirala you can just call me Anu’ ‘Okay miss Koirala’ ‘Not again’ ‘Okay Anu’ ‘That seems to be right’, she smiled again ‘for how long have you known Swarez’ ‘From when he was 9 years old, he and d**k were friends. Swarez mom was my close relative she died from a wolf attack. From then he considers me his mom.’ ‘I don’t want to say but he seems spoiled’ ‘He is but not from excess love but from lack of love’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Swarez father is a famous businessman and he is mostly outside. He has been taken cared by his servent which keeps on changing each month so he hasn’t been loved just been taken cared of’ I know how much I have been loved by my father, he never made me miss my mom thinking that Swarez really was a victim. Meanwhile, dad came there and sit next to her. They were looking good just like a couple. I was thinking how was I going to make them feel for each other. I went to my bedroom and grabbed an album that had all the memories of me and my dad. I went toward them with it in my hand. Dad already knew my intension he was looking like I was carrying a head. ‘Would you like to take a look at how we were back in Baglung’, I said looking at miss Koirala so that she can’t deny ‘Why not? I would love too’ I opened the album, the first photo was of my dad teaching me to ride my small bicycle when I was 5. My mom must had been in bed as cancer laid her in bed for 2 years. ‘Aww you look so cute’, said miss Koirala and I again shook my smart brain ‘I have gone after my dad’ ‘Yeah, I can see that’ Mission accomplished. My dad was blushing when she was complimenting how great father and how cute he was. They keep on swapping the photos when I went to the kitchen to serve spaghetti. I knew miss Koirala was totally into my dad but my dad he was just stupid in this matter. How he got my mom? I was seriously questioning myself. With Spaghetti and chicken meatball, I went toward them. They were still looking through photos and at that moment they were close to each other. Was I distracting I thought but before I could do anything about that they saw me and moved a bit far from each other? With a silly smile in my face looking at my dad I went to them and placed spaghetti served in a couple plate there. ‘How did you knew I love spaghetti’, said miss Koirala her face was lit with smile ‘I just knew’, I lied, Dad was looking at me in suspicion I just ignored that. After she had the Spaghetti my dad went to drop her home. How romantic, isn’t it? I could see the spark in them. Maybe i was the first daughter who was setting up his dad with a girl. When dad returned home the evening, I didn’t let any chance go for mocking ‘So, should I select the ring’ ‘It’s nothing like that’ ‘dad, why don’t you understand she is totally on you. I could see the spark in her eye. Please dad don’t let her go. I saw you smile around her’ ‘listen to me. It’s not easy and I don’t think she is into me’ ‘why?’ ‘She has a very ugly past Aniya. I don’t think she is ready to jump out of that’ ‘It’s been 14 years since her husband left her. 14 year is a long time dad’ ‘Do you even know what happened?’ ‘No’ ‘She was sold to a s*x trafficker by her own husband. Whom she loved and trusted so much and that guy left d**k in an orphanage. d**k was there till 6. Thankfully some social institution rescued her from that hell. For 5 years she was there just think what she may have suffered’ A cold chill went down my heart. How can anyone be stone-hearted enough to sell his own wife? That was another ugly truth I came to know there. ‘So she works to rescue other from those hells now’ Dad nodded yes. How could anyone smile so beautiful even having such a dreadful past? Knowing her story made me like her more made me want to make her my dad’s wife more. ‘Dad that doesn’t change anything. You should be one who could make her forget her dreadful past, will you dad?’ ‘I will’, said he. ‘I am outside your house’, I got a text from d**k. I don’t know what happened to me I just ran downstairs and hugged him tightly. He was standing there in front of Scooty facing toward me. He hugged me back still confused about what I was up to. ‘What happened? Are you alright’ ‘Nothing, I just wanted to hug you Why were you here?’ ‘Let's have a night ride’, said he smiling his beautiful smile. What I needed more I said yes to him with great enthusiasm. ‘dad you have your dinner, I will be little late today’, I shouted from downstairs. Without hearing his reply I went on with d**k on pajama. ‘Don’t you have to change your clothes’, said he ‘Don’t I look beautiful in these?’ ‘you look beautiful in any clothes’ ‘Then’ ‘Nothing’, he smiled. I spread my hands as before and inhaled every bit of life out there in the air. ‘I heard Swarez dropped you home’ ‘yes, could you believe that. He was acting as if he was debited to me’ ‘He was never like that before. He is acting different lately. He was a night guy, loving parties but these days I haven’t seen him outside his house after dark’ ‘It has nothing to do with me. I don't know what is your friend up to’, I defend myself ‘I know’, he chuckled. d**k was taking an unknown route different from the previous one. There was a forest huge forest. d**k parked his Scooty in front of a shop and we started walking through it. The forest was so dense that barely a ray of light was penetrating it. The sound of leaves moving through with the air was moving as if it had been waiting for me for years. Everything there was like a deja-vu. d**k held my hand and pulled me with him, it was like I had moved the same way before too. My heartbeat began speeding and it was aching again. ‘Stop?’, I screamed ‘what happened? Are you alright?’ ‘I am tired, I can’t run now.’ ‘I am sorry, I forgot about your..’ ‘It’s okay. Do you think being in this forest after dark is safe’ ‘Trust me, I have been here many times after dark’ He went in front of me and kneel down. ‘Climb to my back’, said he I was amazed by his sudden offer. I had only had a piggyback ride with my father and for the first time someone else was offering it to me. Without any hesitation, I climbed on his back. When he lifted, there was a pressure between my leg it was tinkering making me laugh. He was running, jumping shaking me up making me feel life again. It was very nice to be on his back seeking the forest getting hit by fresh air, it was a fairy tale. I just wanted it to continue...
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