Chapter 4

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After wonderful piggy back ride we reached to a stone, a huge stone in the middle of the jungle. The place seemed familier, ‘This is the point where me and Swarez became friend 8 years ago’ ‘Really’ ‘I once got lost in this jungle, Swarez was right here’, said he pointing at the place where I was sitting, ‘He told me calm down and took me outside the jungle. This was his favorite spot from his childhood, when he was off about something he used to come here’ ‘I never expected there could be something like this here’ ‘I also thought the same when I saw this place for the first time’ Dick sat next to me. The envionment there was chilling. Sound of birds and insects, from far away sound of stream flowing was heard. I just felt like closing my eyes and feel everything there. Since we an my pain wasn’t stopping. I wasn’t willing to disrupt d**k too with my problems. He was talking about various moment he shared with Swarez there but my ear went numb slowly and my sight was dark too. I couldn’t resist more I tried calling d**k but sound wasn’t coming from my throat what was going on I also had my medicine on time that day then null. When I opened my eyes, I was at Dr Subham clinic. I panicked ‘Whats the time now?’, I asked ‘it’s 12 am’, said d**k who was sitting next to my bed. ‘Horror’ ‘Dad most be waiting for me’, I shouted but I was given saline my hand felt heavy ‘What happened to me?’ ‘Your heart hole is increasing rapidly, in this rate you can’t even live for 2 years’ His words crushed me down again. What was happening to me since five years my heart hole was of same size but lately it was increasing. This time I wasn’t ready to die early. ‘Have you told about it to my dad?’, I asked hoping for negative reply ‘He called me 1 hour ago. I said you were sleeping on my shoulder at the park’ ‘thank god, you don’t know how my dad would had react’ ‘Ani, it will be better if you tell your dad about everything. Don’t give him false hope.’ ‘I don’t want to see worry about me the whole time. I will tell him everything about it but after his marraige’. Dick spread his hands and hugged me tightly coming nearer to my bed. He held my hand and convince me not to give up on life’ ‘For how long do I need to have saline’ ‘Until you are able to walk on your own feet’ ‘But I can, can’t I’, I tried to move my leg but it wasn’t moving, what was happening to me. The agony generating inside me was seen through my eyes ‘I have given you high dose of medicine, you will be okay after some time’, said Dr Subham I was devastated, was my decision to come there was really a silly move? I was questioning myself. d**k sat next to me, I felt my whole body numb doctor said it was because of medicine but who knew the reason of increase in hole size. After an hour, my body felt normal, my heart felt normal but my mind was still in dismay. d**k helped me up. Doctor increased my dose and he dropped me home ‘I still think there is something that could pull you from this problem’, said he hugging me. I was hurt and numb no words came from my mouth. I could feel his sorrow his pain and his tears which he was resisting so that It could not make me feel bad. Dad was already in his bed, I went toward him, he was smiling may be was dreaming a very beautiful dream but in reality there was horror going on. I slept next to him that day. I just wanted to be with him, my heart felt at ease with him. When I opened my eyes next morning dad was up already, he was looking at me sleep ‘Good morning princess’ ‘Good morning dad. For how long were you looking at me’ ‘Since 1 hour. You were smiling’ ‘was I?’ ‘Was previous night fun?’ ‘Yes, very much’, I lied but it wasn’t a complete lie, I enjoyed the air coming against me in scooty, that piggyback ride. It was a worthful night. ‘It’s already 8 , get ready for you college’, I looked at the watch it was really going to be late. I jumped out of the bed and hurried to the washroom to freshen up. Gobbling the breakfast dad had prepared for me I hurried downstairs but for my surprise Swarez was there with his car and an scooty just like mine on it’s roof. What was happening? I went toward him ‘I have got you your scooty, now please cast out the spell you have put on me so that I could be normal again’ ‘What are you talking about? What spell’ ‘Leave it’ ‘And who told you to bring this scooty I don’t want your favor please take it back’ ‘I am not here to take it back’ he came out of his car and thew a some papers on me ‘These are legal papers of Scooty on your name’. He climbed the roof of the car and undid the rope which was holding it there. ‘Help me, get it down’, he ordered I just ignored it and went ahead while he kept trying to get that down. I don’t know how but somehow he had accomplished it. When I was waiting for the city bus he again came in front to annoy ‘There is your scooty on your home, why are you waiting here for bus’ ‘Because it’s your’s and nothing your’s is mine’ He becomes annoyed again and get out of his car, what a temper? I was just thinking when he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him ‘Then why my heartbeat calls for your name. Why thinking of getting you trouble gives me pain, why seeing your tears breaks my heart’, I became speechless. I tried to speak but my voice disappeared. His face was so close to mine I couldn’t say anything but ‘I will come by Scooty’, that was the only thing that came out my throat. He released me and I an toward my house. To my Alas he was waiting there to see of I was really coming by scooty or not. What was that? Why was behaving like that? It was much pressure than a bully. The scooty of course resembled my last one but it was new and comfy, I felt good. Whole way Swarez was ahead of me. It was as if he was showing me the way. To check it I stopped for a while in a store to buy a choclate but what he also stopped his and waited for me. I felt locked up, chained up what was he doing to me. When we reached collage everyone were so involved in Swarez that nobody noticed my new Scooty not even Barrby. I went toward her she was looking at Swarez coming out of the car as if he was a god. ‘Barrby..’ I shouted going near her ear ‘What are you doing?, I am having my moment’ ‘Are you cheating on d**k. Should I tell him about this’ ‘No, I thought you are my friend’ ‘Yes, but d**k is my friend too’ ‘Okay, I am not watching him fine. Why weren’t you in bus today’ ‘I came on Scooty’ ‘You bought a new one’, she exclaimed ‘no, Swarez gave it to me’ ‘Holy f**k’, she shouted again, ‘Swarez again came to your home.’ ‘Yes’ ‘And gifted you a Scooty’ ‘Unlikely but yes’ ‘You are so lucky Aniya. I am so jealous of you’ ‘He forced me to take it. Now I am debted to him.’ ‘How romantic, you being debted to him, he giving you gifts’ ‘Just stop’ we went to the classroom when Barrby was still not sober of that news. I already told you I am not good in studies and doing assignment was never my piece of cake. That day teacher was asking for assignment and I had nothing to show. Back there in my home town teachers used praise me even after not doing any assignment. In sports meet to I was given gold medals for being an extra player not even touching the ball. Everyone treated me like a victim there as a goat who was going to be a meat. My life was really nothing like a life so it was necessary for me to migrate there. Mr jha out math teacher came on checking our assignment from the first column. I was realxed while Barrby was worried for me ‘He is very moody, you don’t know last time a student didn’t do his assignment on time, mr Jha suspended him for 5 days’ I was still unaffected. Teacher was almost in my desk when someone threw a notebook at me. I picked it up when Mr Jha grabbed it. From his smile it was clear that was assignment copy and was done nicely. ‘Very good’, he smiled at me before I could tell him that was not mine. ‘But sir..’, he was already gone. I was still confused who threw that, nobody took the ownership of it. The handwriting was so good and every problem was nicely done ‘do you know whose handwriting is this’ ‘I don’t. Seems like someone has helped you intensionally’ I looked behind everyone till then had done assignment beside Swarez. There was no notebook infront of him and Mr Jha also didn’t reacted much he was Swarez, no teacher would had ever reacted on his behaviour. ‘does he even do his assignments ever’, I whispered ‘Don’t go on his face. Despite not having fear of anyone they always finish their assignments on time. They are talented and always are top four of this class in any evaluation. I don’t know why he didn’t brought this time...’ and she became silence we both understood what was happening. ‘Are you freking kidding me. Why is he doing this to me?’, I shouted ‘No matter what I say, but it is creepy’, this time even Barrby was with me. I wanted to call out for teacher to confess the truth but before I could teacher was already out of the class. It was already out of limit I ran toward him and stopped him from getting outside with his friends. d**k was there next to him looking at me signing to stop but that time I have to say ‘What do you think of yourself? Who are you huh? What is all this. Is it a the other way of bullying?’ The whole class was looking at me it must be the first time they would had seen someone shouting at him. He didn’t even utter a word and walked ahead ignoring me completely. Danny was in rage and was almost pushing me when again Swarez stopped him grabbing his collar. Don’t touch her’, he shouted on his own friend and went outside. I fall on my knees of anger, it was just too much puzzle for me to solve. The whole class were staring at me , I could see the anger in those eyes, the will to crush me down. Barrby lifted me up and took me to the cafeteria until another class. My brain wasn’t working, ‘Lets go somewhere this evening’ ‘where’ ‘Shopping. I want to buy new dress as we are getting more attention from princes nowadays’ ‘I am worried about his behaviour and you here are talking about buying dresses’ ‘What is wrong with that. I know since you got here you hadn’t had shopping and at top of that newyear is near, and every new year our collage organize a party. ‘I don’t want to go there anyway but lets go shopping I can divert my mind a little’ ‘So it’s done’ After having our lunch we again went to the class and everyone except those four monsters were there. ‘thank god, I atleast feel at ease with them not around’ ‘You are wrong, it’s boring without them here’ ‘Barrby, they used to supress you I don’t know why you always take their side’ ‘Yes, they suppressed me but it used to feel good, they knew my name and my name from their mouth was holy’ ‘you are impossible’ After our class, I dropped Barrby on my new scooty and promised to meet at 5 pm. Dad wasn’t home then, the thought of Swarez changed attitude toward me was still freking me out. My decrease in life span, thing between father and miss koirala and Swarez all things were hiting on me together. May be the over thinking attitude of mine was inceasing the whole. I tried to calm down and jumped on the bed but again swarm of thought began coming. I found somewhere on the internet that allovera juice can sooth it a little. I went on the balcony, we had little allovera herb growing there o one of the pot. I broke 2 sticks of it, washed it and grind it. But when it was time to drink, it was smelling so gross and it tasted horrible. It was better to die than drinking those I kept it on the freeze thinking I might change my mind. It was already 4:30 I had to be ready for the shopping fast. I just grabbed the jumpsuit I wore earlier with d**k and went down for my Scooty to pick Barrby from her home. Barrby house was 3 minute in Scooty from mine. It always used to remind me of my grandfather’s house when I used to go during my childhood. Her mom was always happy to see me and always used to cook home made noodles for me. The way she used to treat Barrby was so overwhelming it always used to make me jealous. When some one mom is great cook and loves to feed her daughter it’s no surprise that she was 200 pounds. That time there was no time or me to eat her noodles, when I reached there Barby was already outside hugging her momma bye. She bid me from far away while Barrby ran toward me ‘I am so excited, it’s my first time am going with someone’, she screamed and jumped on the scooty. To ride it wasn’t fun as being ridden. Due to helmet no air used to hit my skin and spreading arm wasn’t possible but I bet Barrby was taking full advantage of being behind. We went to a shopping complex. I was there for the first time and that was a huge building nearly 30 storey. From bottom to top, all the shops were twinkling with lights and bulbs. For a minute I really forgot about all the problems. We went to the top floor on the moving stairs, there was a section for one-piece there. Gowns, bodycons were adding the beauty of the shop. I was regretting not having enough money. Looking at Barrby from bottom to top the keeper of the shop went for a gown a big one from the rack while Barrby was looking for one at the front which were actually too tight for her. Behind us there were 5 girls from our class, laughing at us. ‘Don’t expect too much Barrby it is not going to fit on you’. Barrby leaves the grasp of the piece. ‘Don’t hear them, they are just trying to influence you.’ They were still there, searching one for them. I gave Barrby the one to try, a red one and it was elastic too. I waited for her there, but even after 20 minutes she didn’t came outside. The girls who were mocking earlier again came there. ‘I saw Barrby going downstairs. Why are you here’ I went toward the changing room, it was empty for real. Why she went without asking me? I was filled with rage and went outside, toward the lift. The girls were looking at me going toward it. I smelled something fishy. But my only concern was finding Barrby and scolding her. I went inside the lift. I was in 20th floor and when it reached 18 the lift stopped. Light was gone too and a very irritating noise was coming from it. I was claustrophobic and caught on the lift. I cried for help, screamed my throat out but not even a single voice was heard just that irritating sound of lift was there. The oxygen in that lift was thinning slowly and I was out of breath. My heart start aching I fall down and my sight began to blur. I was still whispering for help and null. Sometimes my sight was conscious I don’t when after how long I saw the lift door open again null, I saw someone lifting me up again null. I wanted to see who was lifting me I could feel the heartbeat of his, his breath shortening due to fear. His voice hit me ‘open your eyes Aniya’, It was familier voice he was Swarez, my savior and again null. I was at car, when I woke up. Swarez was driving the car and I was held by a seatbelt. ‘Where am I?’ My head was still spinning ‘Don’t talk you are weak now’ ‘I was in lift and it stopped. BARRBY where is Barrby’ ‘Don’t worry about her she has gone home by now with your scooty. Someone messed up with your lift’ I knew who did that but I remained silent. ‘For how long have I been this way?’ ‘Why are you asking questions. Just rest’ ‘I have to know that. For how long have I been this way’ ‘less than an hour. Now rest I will drop you home’ ‘Wait, how did you know I was there’ ‘I didn’t know that, I just felt you were in danger and one thing led to another’ ‘Are you fooling me?’ ‘I am not, believe me’ ‘WE just know eachother for 2 month now and how can you feel I was in danger’ ‘I want to know that more than you. I am sired to you. My minds want other but my heart always led me to you’. I stay silent. There was no logic in his statement. He obviously was fooling around with me. We reached home and it was dark already. I had already texted my dad that I was going to be late and he didn’t mind that at all. ‘Thanks for the ride’, I said to him trying to open the seat belt. It was entangled such that I couldn’t move not even my hand. ‘How did you tie me up?’, I asked again He kneeled toward me without even speaking a word, his hand behind my back untying the belt and his face near my neck. That was a different feeling, even my heart seemed to like that it was tinkering. My even hesitated to breath. His moved his hand slowly from the back and to my thigh and pulling the belt through between my legs and finally undoing my hands. It was like a small butterfly trying to fly just above between my legs. I was liking that. ‘Done’, said he staring into my eyes. I tried to open the door and stand outside but he didn’t let me do that too. He came out of his car and opened the door for me, ‘You don’t need to do that’, it was awkward for me ‘Shutup’ He held my hands and pulled me out, I was feeling weak getting up myself would really had been difficult. ‘I can go from here, it’s late go to your house’ ‘I am not letting you go up alone’ He held me by my waist and help me walk. I couldn’t speak a word I knew speaking could make it more awkward for me. ‘Was Barrby okay?’ ‘Yes, she was just worried about you’ He took me inside the hallway and through the ladder. My room was at the corner near my dad’s room. ‘Be silence, I don’t want to wake my dad’, I whispered. He nodded his head in agreement. We were tip toeing toward my room. ‘I am good now, you can go’, I whispered going near to his ear ‘Don’t talk, I will go when I feel everything okay’ ‘Why are you doing this to me?’ ‘How many times I need to tell you. I just have to do it it’s like my every part wants you to be safe’ ‘You are again fooling around me’. I went to bed after undoing my jacket, Swarez was next to the bed standing staring at me , I felt creep but what could I do. Trying to avoid his eyes I went to the bed hoping he will be out any minute, but instead he came and tucked me in. I tried to close my eyes and sleep but how can I with a monster staring at me. I kept on changing sides may be he had noticed it. ‘Are you having problem sleeping?’ Yes, and you are the reason I wanted to say but he was my savior that day I didn’t want to be rude. ‘No, it’s okay. You should probably go now’ ‘I can’t, my heart says not too’ Silence again, I almost thought that event in the store room might had affected him mentally. I tried to sleep again but again no sleep was coming. ‘Should I tell you a story’ What? high school prince wanting to tell me goodnight story. I just wanted to know what type of story he would tell. ‘I think that would be okay’, I lied. He came in front and sat next to me in the bed. Wait , wait I wanted to tell him but I don’t know why I wanted him to sit there anyway. I was looking at him, why won’t I, I never thought one day he will be sitting next to me telling me the story. ‘Close your eyes’, he ordered I followed his order. ‘Long time ago, there was a family on the edge of a jungle. Father used to hunt animals for their living and mother used to make clothes for them with animal’s skin. They had a very beautiful four years old girl, she was very kind and loving in nature. Always curious about things.’ I was imagining characters with the flow of his voice, he continued ‘One day the father hunted down some forest hens and a bull along with that a small wolf may be just 1 week old or 2 gets trapped in the net. The hunter hadn’t noticed that. He was just happy for hunting bull which was gonna fill his family for other week. The small wolf between a dead hen and a dead bull, stayed quiet and afraid. At night when everyone were sleeping. Howling sound wakes the small girl. Without her parents noticing she follows the howling sound and reaches the net where animals were trapped. The wolf’s blue eyes were visible from far away on the moon light in that dark. She went toward it. Against the net the wolf was howling for help, he was hungry and restless. Poor girl didn’;t knowing what to do tried to open the net but it was not so easy for her. Even at that small age she went inside and brought a knife with her. Cutting one strand at a time she managed to cut the opening wide enough for the wolf to come out. ‘Are you okay little doggy?’ she asked tucking it’s grey fur on the ground. The wolf was so too hungry to stand. ‘Are you hungry doggy. Your mom most be waiting for you’ It was licking the girls toe by then. She went inside and brought a piece of cow’s meat which was hunted by her father the previous day. The hungry pup gobbles that at one shot. ‘Your momma must be waiting for you doggy, go to them’ She tries to carry the pup in her hand but it slids down. ‘Go doggy go’, she whispered. The pup jumped toward the forest looking back time to time. When ever it used to look back the girl used to smile her most beautiful and shake her hand telling him goodbye.’ As wolf went away deeper and deeper to the forest I went to sleep deeper and deeper. I was in the jungle. I heard water flowing somewhere far and followed the sound. While following it I heard someone crying, I diverted my way and went in the direction of howling. Infront of me there was a cave and inside cave the wolf. Grey wolf with blue eyes. But this time it wasn’t crying of pain. There was no blood or mark on his neck. Seeing me there it came outside and jumped on me, but I wasn’t afraid I somehow knew it won’t attack me. When I opened my eyes in the morning I wasn’t off anymore. I almost forgot what happened previous night, I roamed my eyes throughout the room, Swarez wasn’t there. He must had gone when I fell asleep. That night I felt a connection between him, yes he was still a monster, but a sweet monster.
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