Chapter 8

3744 Words

‘Swarez’, even the smaller sound heard louder in there. ‘Yes’, he whispered ‘Can you hear the sound of the stream?’ ‘Yes’ ‘But it wasn’t there when we came before’ ‘At night small noise becomes louder, last time when we were here it was 5 pm and now it’s almost 12’ ‘You are right’ ‘We reached the rock, it was different there, fireflies were lighting up the whole surrounding, reflecting the moon light the flowers were blooming like a diamond. It was a full moon and in that light, I could see Swarez face reflecting it’s light’ ‘Time’, I asked looking at him ‘10 second left to 12’ ‘10’, I started going closure to him ‘9’ ‘8’ ‘7’ closure and closure ‘6’ ‘5’ ‘4’ ‘3’ ‘2’ I was very close to him, our body against each other and his breath hitting my lips ‘Happy birthday Sware

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