Chapter 7

1411 Words
Jade is happy for her brother, after all, he's going to be the new Beta of their pack, now that he reached 18. Unfortunately, her cousin took her here after their duty at the hospital. Julian called saying their father demanded her to go home immediately. When she told Theo Reid, he decided to celebrate her birthday with him during their break. He also gave her a birthday gift, diamond earrings. Something she needs to hide from her sister. Jade had three hours of sleep when some pack omega called her to help them in the packhouse, for the preparation of the ceremony tonight. She got dressed and immediately gone to the packhouse to help. People in the pack only acknowledged the birthday of her twin and disregard that it's her too. For them, Jade is nothing, doesn't have any privilege to celebrate her birthday. For years, Jade was able to accept their reaction especially from her father and eldest sister. Now, that her brother is becoming a Beta, they expect her to stay away from him. Something hard to do. Their twin bond is thicker and stronger than any normal bond. So it was hard to separate the two of them and they all knew that too. "Stay out on my way." A woman pushed Jade out of her way. She's one of a few unmated she-wolves in the pack that interested in Julian but he never bothers to pay attention to them. Usually, these women hurt Jade for fun. "Your brother is going to be Beta, but don't you ever think you have the privilege to outrank us. You will always and remain Omega. A runt of this pack. Tsk." They keep saying it over and over again. Jade simply ignore them. When Freya didn't appear in her mind before, she used to get hurt and cry over the hurtful words they said but now it's useless, knowing it was not true at all. She knows what to do, what she's capable of. Jade and Freya are one. She may not be able to shift but she allows Freya to surface and use her body. A practice and something they used to do when she was with Emerald in the Lovers tree. Freya and her are strong once they merge. Powerful enough to defeat five Alpha in the battle. But no one suspects anything even her twin. Freya and Emerald did something or put a spell for her brother, not to feel all her extra activities in their twin bond. She silently stands and moves in the corner of the crowd. Her aunt Jamie, sister of their mom is here to witness the new Alpha and Beta ceremony. She wants Jade to sit with her but she refused. Nor did she insist Jade join her. Jamie knows the pack members are abusing Jade but she can't do anything about it. She may be one of the powerful white witch but when it comes to werewolf law it's nothing. She can't interfere with what's happening to her niece before, especially since the son of the Alpha is one of Jade's tormentors. Now that Jade is at the right age, she can decide on her own. Jade had a plan already, she just waiting for her studies to end. As much as it's hard for her and their twin to separate, she knew he will accept her decision. He has been forcing her to leave this place for a long time, anyway. Then suddenly Jade remember what Emerald said. She cringed at that thought. Who will be happy knowing something bad happens to you before it happens? No one ... especially Jade, who doesn't know if she will live or die. She sadly sighed and touch the necklace. Trust. A loud sound of drums pull Jade out in her thought and made her focus on the incoming event. The top rank of Silver Arrow Pack comes outside the packhouse, onto the makeshift stage in the compound to begin the transfer of power and in charge of the Silver Arrow Pack. Jade is so proud of her brother that now standing next to their father on the stage. Their Alpha starts to speak but she can't focus on his words. Freya is on edge... like something is gonna happen. She's starting to get afraid. Is it time? Julian felt her emotion and turned to her. He tried to call her through their mind link but she's too focus on Freya. Jade tried to call Freya's attention but she keeps fidgeting inside her head. Freya is worried about something. Then all of a sudden, Jade feels the fire spreading inside her body, going to her heart and hit her hard. She collapsed. "Aaahhhhh!" Jade screams so loud. Loud that made the ceremony of her brother stop because the wave of pain strikes him too through their bond. "Aaaahhhhhh!" Jade feels her body burning. The fire spread in her whole body was like lava from the eruption. Jade scream and scream until she doesn't have a voice to scream anymore. It's so painful that she felt her heart rip into pieces. She's crying with too much pain. "JADE!" Julian shouted Jade's name and jump on the stage running towards her. Their aunt was behind him. Jade is too weak to say anything. She just held on to her chest. She feels like her heart will break with how much pain she feels right now. She can't feel Freya in her mind anymore but she can feel her pain. Like her, she is so weak too. "Sis, stay with me. I will take you to the hospital. What's happening to you?" Julian said worriedly. The pain and worry were on his face. He was also hurt because of her. Jade wishes she could block the bond but Jade is too weak to do it. She wishes he could block the bond but she know her twin will never do it. He always wants to feel every pain Jade feels. Her consciousness is pulling Jade into darkness. "Please, do something, aunt Jamie. Help her, please." Julian begged his Aunt Jamie. Their voices are fading away from Jade's ears. From the movement of her twin's lips, he is shouting. Jade only stare at him memorizing his face, his feature. " I ..i...l-love you....!" Jade gather the last strength in her body to say those words in their mindlink before allowing darkness to take over her. "No ... no ... no ... no ... nooooo! Please, Jade, stay with me! You can't die. Aunt Jamie, please, what's happening to her." Julian hysterically shouting, begging to do something to his twin. He doesn't know what's happening. Jade's pulse is too weak to feel. It's scaring him. The pain he felt from her is too much that almost knock him out on his feet. And now, she dying in his arms surrounded by this horrible person he called packmate. They don't even pity what is happening to his sister. Instead, they are irritated because the transfer of his position has stopped. Julian look at their aunt Jamie. She's crying but her feature is hard. "Please, Aunt Jamie. Do something! Why is this happening to her?" Julian hysterically said. Jamie composes herself. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath to calm herself. "Let's bring her to my home, Julian. Only there I can save her." Julian immediately carried his sister but his Alpha and their father blocked his way. "You can't leave, Julian. You needed here ... to be Silver Arrow Pack's Beta." His Alpha furiously said. "She can leave with your aunt but you remain here." His father commands but Julian is in too much pain to obey and submit to them. Julian look into his father's eyes, trying to see if for once he cared his sister... but found none. His father remains emotionless, careless, and pissed off. "No!" Julian coldly. "What?" Alpha Philip and his father asked angrily. "I will never be part of this pack anymore. You did nothing to me but hurt my twin. She did nothing to all of you but you hurt her and blame her for something she wasn't suppose to blame," Julian said angrily. He gave his sister to their Aunt Jamie. "Bring her to your home, aunt, and save my sister. I'll follow you." Jamie nodded and immediately leave using her teleportation spell before anyone can stop her.
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