Chapter 8

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When Julian faces his leaders again. He can see in their eyes and face the anger at what he said. Julian ignore them and face the Elder who was here to witness their ceremony. "Elder Bennett I want to leave this pack and be an enforcer once I settle everything with my sister's condition. I have no purpose to serve in this pack anymore." Julian politely plead with him. Bennett is about to speak only got interrupted with a growl coming from Alpha Philip and Franklin. "How dare you to defy my command. Beta or not you will be punished for disrespecting us." Alpha Philip said angrily, his wolf surface to know he is serious. But for some odd reason, it doesn't affect Julian anymore. Julian didn't glance at him. His attention is towards their Elder. "Enough! I heard and witness enough!" Bennett said using his Alpha voice. He looked at Julian with understanding in his eyes. He knows what's happening since Jamie filled him with very important information when she found out he is coming here. "I grant your permission, Julian. From now on you are no longer bound in this pack. You will be a lone wolf, same fate with your sister. You are welcome to join, train, and become enforcers someday. For now, take care of your twin. I can feel her weak pulse and she needs you more than anyone else. " Bennett stated despite Beta Jacob's protest. Julian thanks the Goddess that they have Elder today. They have more power to allow anyone who wants to leave their pack to become lone wolf instead of going rogue. "Despite my teaching and discipline to you managed to disobey me. You are a disgrace like that woman. You and her go leave, I don't care." Jacob spat towards his son. He's very disappointed by Julian's decision. He chose that woman over him. Julian can feel the power and anger in his father's voice. The low-rank wolves step back because of it. But Julian only stare at him coldly. "Let them be, dad. We should celebrate because the runt won't be part of our pack anymore. She will only make our pack weak.," Jasmine interrupted. She's smirking, happy that our sister is dying. Julian can't believe she's my sister. "Besides, that woman's life won't last long either. Who wants to be her mate anyway. It's good that her mate marks someone before he meets her. Who wants a run for a mate. Noone." Julian's stand froze. 'Her mate mark someone else?' Julian asked himself and his wolf, Ross. They both whimper mentally. Julian turned to Elder Bennett. He looked at him with his unspoken question in his eyes if what his sister said was true. Bennett sadly nods. But Julian doesn't think that is the only reason. In his twin's condition, he feels more than that. He doesn't understand what's happening to her Julian turned his gaze back to Jasmine. For him, she's no longer his sister. She's not worthy of his respect. "At least she's not a b***h like you. Rejecting her mate just because of his rank. A social climber. You and Franklin are meant to be together. I won't be shocked one day if this pack will fall for having a brainless Alpha and b***h Luna," Julian angrily said. Now that he is no longer part of this pack it is easy to taunt them as they did to his twin. Seeing their mad face, caused him to smirk. "You bastard!" Jasmine furiously exclaimed. How dare he to speak like that to her. She tried to charge me but Franklin hold her. Franklin knows better than to mess up in front of the elder. He is furious too but he can't do anything for now. Julian will for insulting him. He only growls at Julian. His wolf, Gregory is trying to shift, wanted Julian's blood from insulting them, but he holds him back with difficulty. " Because of her, your mother died. She deserves every pain ... that's not even enough." Jasmine spat bitterly. Glaring to her insolent brother. "Well, pretty sure our mother looking down and witness you bring shame to her family. I bet, she saw how cruel you and her mate keep hurting her daughter. " Julian has been meaning to say those words for a long time now. He turned and looked at his furious father. " I can't believe you're my father. For 18 years, you make the life of my sister miserable for the sin she did not commit. Her father leads her to hurt, blame and neglect her. If you want me to choose your position or my twin. You already know the answer. I will never abandon her like you two dif. Goodbye, father. " Julian said to him coldly. He stares at his ex Alpha next. "I, Julian Aivan Knightly cut the bond from this pack, Silver Arrow Pack, for my father's family and blood." Julian feels the invisible cord in his mind that links into this pack cut painfully. The Silver Arrow Pack symbol in his left arm disappeared. And ancient writing tattooed in his right arms was replace, Lone Wolf in its English translation. Julian was sure Jade have received the new mark. She's now free on this pack. Julian could see in the faces of Alpha Philip and the beta family the pain of him severing ties with them. From now on, they will only know my mother's family. The rest of the pack became hysterical. Julian knew the lack of this pack when he left and he didn’t care. His twin needs him more than anyone else, and even though he is from her side right now, she's still alive. He can feel Jade's weak connection. Seeing Jacob's furious expression towards Julian, it's enough for Elder Bennett's enforcer to surround them, especially when he tried to reach him. "It's done. Let's go, Julian. I'll come with you, I want to talk to you with your aunt about your sister's situation, now." Elder Bennett commanded. Julian nodded. Elder Bennett walks past the high-ranking official of Silver Arrow Pack. Julian followed him surrounded by enforcers. When Bennett passes in front of Alpha Franklin. He whispered something that would make Alpha's face pale. "Enjoy your position, for now, because of one day. The Queen will strip those in you and your bloodline." Bennett discreetly smirks, seeing his reaction, and continues walking towards his vehicle. Julian followed him with his head high. Bennett is very proud of the boy. He stands with his decision and Bennett is only glad to help him. Julian ignored the sharp looks of the people around me. Elder Bennett motioned for me to accompany him to the car. "I'll leave 2 of my enforcers to order someone to pick up your siblings' belongings and take them to your aunt's house," Bennett informed the confused boy. He will understand soon. Julian immediately thanked him. He is still lost in all this and worried about his twin. Elder Bennett just smiled at her. The long ride going to his aunt's place is quiet and on high alert. Having Elder visit a pack gives the rogue a reason to attack them. 5 black bulletproof SUVs and convoys to his aunt Jamie's residence is seemed normal. Their car is in the middle of the convoy. An hour and a few minutes passed when they reach the house of his aunt in the human city. His aunt's family belongs to the wealthiest clan in the human world. Julian's cousins ​​are a few years younger than him. The door automatically opens when they reach the gate. Enforcers immediately scan the area and post in front and at the backyard of his aunt's house while Julian and Elder Bennett walk to the door. One of his cousins ​​opened the door before they could knock. "Hello, big brother, Elder Bennett." Aunt Jamie's eldest daughter greeted politely and opened the door widely for them to enter. "Hello, Vanessa! How are you, little sis? Can you take us to your mom and Jade?" Julian anxiously said. " I am fine, big bro." She shyly answered and nodded. Vanessa walked first towards the second floor of their home. They followed her. Elder Bennett was quietly beside her cousin's side. "Royal Vampire," Bennett murmured when he smelled his scent and a Royal Witch? Their cousin and who? 'Theo is here?' Julian asked his wolf. 'He is, Julian.' Ross replied, eager to see Jade as I am. Julian sniffs the air and he smells his cousins' ​​scent in the air. He sniff again and the intoxicating scent of rose and cinnamon? Ross recognizes the scent, and now more to find the owner of the scent. He wants Julian to follow the fragrant smell but Julian calms his wolf. "Vann, who's here?" Julian simply asks his cousin. She turned to Julian and gave him a soft smile. "Cousin Theo and Emerald are here, big brother. The moment Mama brings cousin Jade here they appeared too." Julian frowned. How did they know? Emerald? Beautiful name. Who is she to Jade? While Julian's mind was full of questions. Elder Bennett didn't say anything. His face is calm as if he knows everything that is happening like his aunt, and if Julian is not mistaken, so does Theo. Yet he remains clueless. The moment they step on the second floor, the amazing smell hit Julian hard. Ross is howling happily in his mind. "Mate! Mate! Go to our mate !" Ross happily shouting. Julian knows he will act disrespectful in his action but he follows his wolf. He run to the source of the amazing smell, passing Vanessa, and open the door where she was in. The moment Julian opened the door, his eyes immediately searched for her. He immediately found her next to his sister's bed. When she met his eyes, it almost knocked Julian where he stood. All Julian sees is her beautiful, mesmerizing green eyes. She's so beautiful white witch and all his. Ross is screaming to go with her already. "Mate," Julian uttered. He thinks the whole world stop when she smiles at him. "Hello, mate!"
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