Chapter 5

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"My Dear Queen, Princess Emerald just arrived." The warrior of the White Witch Clan that guarding the conference room informed his Queen. "You can let her in, Captain Marco," Queen Elena answered. Captain Marco bowed in respect. He immediately complied and opened the door for the Princess to enter. Princess Emerald sadly greeted those with her mother today. She kissed her mother and her father's cheeks before sitting down next to her siblings. "My dear Mother, I have done what you told me to do." Princess Emerald informed the Queen. Changing her dress into a beautiful gown and teleport her crown to her head. She comes straight to the conference room the moment she steps out in the portal. Queen Elena smiled fondly at her daughter and faced other Royal families from different kingdoms. "The prophecy is starting to happen. The Great War is going to happen so we should all be prepared." Queen Elena informed them. A while ago, they simply discussed how to strengthen their alliance but that was only a small part of this meeting. The women in the room couldn't help but gasp. While the men keep their features hard. Understanding is visible in their eyes for their race's future but still, they show determination to stop the evil. They knew this will happen sooner or later. The only people who didn't react much are the White Witch Royal family. They knew the problem and the task they are going to fulfill in this time of crisis. Queen Elena's husband holds her hand and gently caresses it with his thumb. Letting her know his presence and strength she can lean on always. "It's HER doing now, isn't it?" The highest elder of werewolves asked with worry. Alpha Robert was once Alpha of Dark Hollow Pack, but he soon stepped down from his position and was replaced by his eldest son after he reached the age of eighteen. He became High Elder of Werewolves Community "Darkness has already invaded your land, My Alpha Friend. Your son will make a mistake that will strengthen the dark witch to spread terror ..." Queen Elena hadn't finished her word yet, the Alpha couple stood up. "Then what are we doing here. I need to stop my son." Alpha Robert said in a panic. This is his fault. The curse of Nervana is still inside his son's heart. "You can not. Death is waiting for both of you once you go home now. " That word struck them in their place and stare with Queen Elena in shock when she uttered it. Queen Elena's vision was clear of their death, in what might happen. So before it could happen she took a step to prevent it. Her vision still gonna happen but things will change since she interfered. "The purpose of this meeting is to plan how to strengthen up our defenses and to save your life because you are the main obstacle to their plan. " Queen Elena continued while looking to Alpha Robert. "MY PACK IS IN DANGER! MY SON GOING TO MAKE A STUPID DECISION BECAUSE OF THE MISTAKE I DID, AND YOU WANT ME TO SIT HERE AND WAIT FOR IT TO HAPPEN ?" Alpha Robert shouted. His wife is trying to calm him down through their mind link despite her worries. "Yes." Queen Elena answered calmly. She can understand how he feels; the regret and guilt he is still feeling but this is the only way she can help them. Alpha Robert stares at Queen Elena with disbelief, while Luna is crying beside him. He pulled her Luna in a hug, to calm her too. "I know it's hard. But it must happen. Only the child of our Goddess will help us. They will make a mistake that will awaken the power of the Queen of Supernatural. She was born here on earth to lead and fight evil. She, her mate, and Guardians from different kingdoms will lead us to defeat the darkness, " Queen Elena stated. "What can we do, for now? "The King of Vampire calmly asked. Ignoring the furious but worried Alpha Robert. "For now, train your people. Always be alert. It won't happen right away but expect them to attack your kingdom from time to time. They aren't that strong yet. Nervana needs something to make her stronger." Queen Elena answered the King of Vampire. Queen Elena's eyes went to the King of Vampire's wife. Queen Juliette immediately nodded as their eyes met. She discreetly sighed of relief knowing that the task she gave her and her daughter were ready. "How about my son? What can we do to stop him?" Alpha Robert asked Queen Elena. He is starting to calm down. Thanks to his mate for that. The alliance between Alpha Robert and Queen Elena made almost 3 decades ago strengthened their bond as friends. It saddened Queen Elena that she can't help much for them. Queen Elena shook sadly. "We can't help anymore, my friend, but wait for this to happen because our Queen's awakening also depends on it. And I don't know what's happening inside your pack. It's dark." Queen Elena looked at Emerald. Her daughter immediately took a small box from her bag and handed it to Alpha. Using her power, the box now carefully lands in front of them. Luna Almira takes the box but confusion is all over their faces. "Give to your son, my friend. Tell him it's your gift for finding his mate. Open it." Queen Elena stated to Alpha Robert. "He will find his mate? The curse will disappear?" Alpha Robert asked in astonishment. Queen Elena shake my head. "The fake one, my friend. She will bring darkness into your pack, with the help of the person close to your life. She victim too, though. " Queen Elena explain to them. Alpha Robert and Luna Almira are lost in their deep thought. Worried are all other faces for the people in their pack. 'Let's trust our children, my love. They are strong. Our pack is strong. If the vision of Elena is right. We can't interfere.' Luna Almira said through their mind link. Alpha Robert squeezes her hand and brings it to his lips. 'I guess, you are right, love.' "How can we give it to him if we can't get back to our pack?" Luna Almira asked Queen Elena. "My son-in-law will deliver the letter from two of you, and greet your son on finding hid Luna. You both are going to stay in his pack as their guest and wait the right time to go home. Shadow Wolf Pack will be your allay to defeat the darkness one day. Alpha Russell just needs to wear that ring to control his emotion and to fight the darkness that is invading his mind. Right now, he was under the strong dark love spell. " Queen Elena replied. Queen Elena's eldest daughter is now happily married to her mate, the Alpha of Shadow Wolf Pack. The pack is settling in the northside territory of Dark Hollow Pack. Because they are just next to each other, her son-in-law can meet with Alpha Russel to give the ring. Alpha Robert deeply sighed and simply nodded. "Is there anything we can do to help them? ”The Queen of Mermaid asked. Queen Elena shakes her head. "It's too late, my friend. Nervana is one step ahead of us. I can't see the future of Alpha Russel because of the darkness." "How can the ring will help Alpha Russel on this?" The King of Hybrid confusedly asked. The Queen proudly smiles at him. "There's always a light in the dark, am I right? The light magic of the ring will help Alpha Russell to clear his mind and realize he's been tricked and betrayed. The ring will help him to get out under the love spell." I answered. "Who betrayed us?" Alpha Robert asked angrily. "I can't tell you that my friend. Everything is dark in my vision. All I can say he or she are been part of your family for a long time." Queen Elena answered him. That's a lie though. Queen Elena knew who. Even before this happened but she was not allowed to interfere on this one. Only the Moon Goddess can change the fate of everyone. The Great Luna trusted her daughter to balance the world and bring peace to all her creatures. And her job is only to warn them or pull some string to change it as she did with Alpha Robert and Luna Almira's fate Silent filled the room. They all fell into deep thought. In their mind, plan after plan is created. This is the start of either peace or destruction of their world. The safety of their races is in the hands of the Queen of Supernatural and her Royal Guardians. "You mention about the Guardians, who are they? " The King of Hybrids asked curiously. He's the first hybrid created with vampire, werewolf, and witch in his blood. Chosen as King of Hybrids by the Moon Goddess. "Yes, my friend, you heard me correctly. I don't know who they are, either. Only She can know them all." The Queen of White Witch answered. Which is true. It didn't appear in her vision. But she can feel that Princess Emerald is one of the Guardians, she's getting powerful every passing day. And Her twin is one to be her Guardian too. The Royals frowned. “How does She know that they are Her Guardians?” The Queen of Shifters asked. "A tattoo will be visible in Her eyes when She sees them. That's all I know. But we won't worry about that for now. We need a strong plan to keep our people's safety. Especially demons and other creatures of the dark are started roaming around," Queen Elena replied to them. They began to express their opinions to maintain the tight security of their respective kingdom. Who would have thought that this day will happen; where all supernatural in the different realm unite and be in one room. Decades ago, all of them were under each other throats. Watching each other's back. War is always present every time they cross each other's paths. Many innocents sacrifice their lives to have a peaceful living around them. Now, they have new enemies. The darkness created a new army to destroy the peace and order among them. More powerful that the Moon Goddess herself descended her daughter to restore the balance and lead them to defeat the darkness.
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