Chapter 4

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Beta Jacob Knightly, Jade's neglectful father, has loathed her since she was born. Held no emotion towards her aside from hatred. He didn't hesitate to hurt Jade, whom another pack member imitated. He didn't even bother to care if he saw her being dragged or hurt by another. He refused to acknowledge her as his daughter. He only keeps Jade here as a reminder that she was the reason why their Mama died. "Shhhhh stop it, sis. Forget about our scumbag of a father. He doesn't deserve your tears. I'm sorry if I'm not always there for you." Julian tried to make her feel better. He lovingly kissed Jade's forehead, and they got into his car. Jade just nodded, she didn't realize she was crying again. Julian discreetly sighed. He made sure to block Jade from their connection so that she wouldn't feel the fury that was hidden towards their father. Even his wolf, Ross, is furious. They both wanted to help Jade but he is under his father's command. "I can't fetch you this morning, sis. Just stay in the locker room and sleep until morning, or maybe tell Theo Ried if he can take you back home after your shift," Julian said with worry in his voice. Jade smiled sadly at him with understanding in her eyes. "I will tell Reid to take me, brother. I'm sure, it's not too much for him to do that," Jade responded to him. "It's up to you as long as you don't go home alone, sis. It's dangerous now." Julian felt relaxed, knowing their cousin would take care of Jade. "By the way ... I have something for you. Happy birthday to you tomorrow! ” Julian took something from the glove compartment and handed it to Jade. Jade gladly accepted and immediately opened it. She was surprised to see the platinum bracelet with a sapphire stone. She can pair it with the necklace that was given her by Emerald. She immediately put it on. Jade leaned at his side to kiss her twin on the cheek. "Thank you, bro. I'm sorry, my gift to you is not that precious. That's all I can afford," Jade shyly said. "You can get it in my room at the top of the cabinet. Happy birthday to you too. " Jade bought him a pair of running shoes. It's Nike brand because that's all she can afford with the money she saved from the allowance he gave to her. "It's okay, sis. What is important to me is that you're safe. I can't lose you," Julian said lovingly to his sister. She deserves better than anyone else in this world. Jade felt sad hearing about it because she knew tomorrow the course of our lives would change. Her life depends on the necklace. 'I felt fear. What if I can't wake up? Am I going to be lost in this world forever?' Jade felt her twin put his hand on hers and squeezed it gently. She looked at him, at the same time Julian glanced at her. "Are you okay, sis?" Full of concern, he asked. She secretly calms herself and smiles at him. 'Crap! I forgot he could feel my emotion too,' Jade uttered to Freya. She scoffed and helped her block their connection. "I am fine, brother. Sorry about that. I just thought I had an exam I should take to maintain my scholarship," Jade lied to him. Julian frowned but nodded, even he could tell his sister was lying. He wouldn't push her further to explain. Jade knew it was a lame excuse and her brother wouldn't fall for that, but he just let her. Thankful that he is always very patient and understanding towards her. Hours passed, his brother dropped Jade off at the entrance of the hospital. Where the man she loves so dearly, like her older brother, is waiting. Their hybrid cousin, her best friend, and protector. Theo Reid Faulkner, half-witch and half-vampire. He is the second Prince of the Vampire Realm. His mother is their mother's eldest sister. Their Mama has three sisters who have changed the lives of the supernatural. The three siblings opened the possibility of accepting a mate from other realms. Once before them, it was frowned upon. Mated to another realm and having a hybrid child are condemned, forbidden especially in the Kingdom of Vampires. Reid's mother went through many trials, for the vampires to accept her as their Queen even though she is a witch. She was destined for the Vampire King. Their aunt suffered for a long time before the Vampire King accepted her as his wife. When Reid's father finally fell in love and accepted his wife, it was him who abolished that law especially and hybrid became their children. The same thing happened to Jade's mother and their aunt Jamie. They had pretended to be humans for their mate to accept them. They hid their ability to live normally until their mate learned to accept who they are. Now, Hybrid has its realm, where they can be themselves. They are now part of society and are part of their species. "Princess, I've been waiting for you." Jade's cousin opened the door immediately for me. Jade gave a quick hug to her twin and got out of the car. Reid quickly pulled her a hug and greeted her twin. They exchange some short conversation, knowing that Julian can't be late for his father's task for him in their pack. Like Emerald, Jade has known Reid for a long time. He pretended to be a teacher at the school she attended when she was in elementary school. It was then that Jade first found out that he was her cousin and that her mother sent him to their place to watch over her. Until now though, Jade still didn't know what he was referring to, but she let it go and is happy that her family cared for her. Julian waved to his cousin and sister before going back to his pack. Glad that in a few hours, his sister can be herself and away from those horrible creatures she called pack mates. He can't wait for her to leave the pack tomorrow. She went off as a lone wolf rather than stay in their pack. Meanwhile, Reid put his arms around his cousin's shoulder as they enter the hospital. Everyone knew they were cousins. Sometimes, others think they are siblings since their features are quite similar. Their white witch blood matches the dominant side of their other race... making them a powerful hybrid. "Hello to you too, Reid,"Jade sarcastically greeted him. Reid grinned towards his adorable little sister and kissed her forehead. She is his sister, all his female cousins are for him. He only has one elder brother, and the future King. He's a pediatrician, for now. He loves kids, so that's one of many professions he chose to study a long time ago. A look can be deceiving. He was already in his 50s but it looks like he is only twenty-five years old. A perk of being a vampire. "Hello, little sis! Glad you are here now. You are my assistant today," he exclaimed. Reid laughs at Jade's reaction. Jade's eyes widened as she turned to him. "Why me? You will only make me play with your patient," she complained to him. Jade loves kids, it's fun and tiring around them. That's why she can't learn anything from him, because he'll just make her the nanny of his patients while he cures them with his power. Reid pouted. "Please little sis, princess, my savior. I need your charm so I can cure them. I can't resist their cuteness so that I can't focus on my job," he said dramatically. Reid has healing abilities also, but is not abilities like Emerald, much stronger than Jade. This is what he uses freely with his patients when they are just the two of them together. Reid hypnotized them afterward so that the children would forget what he had done to heal them. Humans did not fully accept that their species is superior to them. To avoid chaos again, they discreetly use their abilities or powers in the human realm. Jade gasped. "Fine! You owe me a ride for this." Reid grinned broadly. "Ohhh ... I can take you anywhere you want, princess. I'm at your service in the first few hours of your birthday." Jade giggled. "Nice! I have a Prince of Vampire as a servant tomorrow. What are we waiting for? Let's go, bro." This is what Jade loves having around him. She can forget what kind of life she has inside the pack. Here, she feels like a normal person. Not the Omega, or a slave. But a person.
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