1906 Words

TALIA POV. “How are you feeling?” I hear Jane ask. It has been a couple of days since my heat started and I was currently sitting up in bed, staring out my window with my knees drawn up against my chest. Upon hearing her voice, I turned to look at her where she was standing in the doorway. Today was the second day that I couldn’t go to school with her which made my wolf uneasy, but I could feel Nera wagging her tail in happiness in seeing her. “Better.” I reply with a genuine smile on my face. “I still feel a little hot but no pain or ‘strange’ urges.” I say and emphasize on the word strange while motioning bending bunny ears in the air with my fingers. Jane giggles and comes further into the room to come and sit with me on the bed. I didn’t fully show it, but I was really happy to see

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