1583 Words

JANE POV. I didn’t understand what was going on, but I knew that Elaina was serious when she told me to get Jack away from Talia. She was in heat? What did she mean when she said that Talia was in heat? Could she mean in heat like as in when a dog goes into heat and then the neighborhood dogs all go crazy and want to mount her? I thought as I led a Trembling Jack through the house to his room. Oh dear God! Do werewolves go through the same thing? And why is it affecting Jack? He's a vampire. The thoughts run wild in my head as I got Jack into his room. I just managed to close the door behind me when I was pushed up hard against the door making me gasp in surprise. I stare in shock in front of me from over Jack’s shoulder. He had his entire body pressed hard against mine and I could feel

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