2214 Words

TALIA POV. I was shivering from the cold but at least the pain in my abdomen was bearable now. It still hurt like a b***h, but at least it wasn’t the crippling pain from before. And the strange aching feeling between my legs also seemed to have calmed down, although it left a strange unknown and unfulfilled feeling in its place. Luckily, the cold shower was a good distraction. My head was full of questions. What was happening to me? Did I catch some werewolf disease that I wasn’t aware of because Jane seemed to be okay, but it couldn’t be that because mom was alright. She must know what it is though… she knew what to do. At least it looks like she does. She got my fever down and she looked like she knew what she was doing. I felt her hands on me, pulling on my clothes and I got the hint

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