3 Breaking Point

1777 Words
Haley’s POV “Bug!” I heard Nate’s voice behind me. I turned around and a huge smile spread across my face. “Nate!” I exclaimed happily as he finally reached me. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. “Oh, I missed you Haleybug,” he mumbled as he placed a small kiss on my temple. “You saw me yesterday,” I chuckled as I ran my fingers through his short hair. “And I still missed you,” he said as he let me go and took my hand in his. “I will be happiest when you marry me and I can see you every day.” I smiled and looked up at him. “You are sure that I will marry you?” I asked teasingly. Of course I would marry him. He was the love of my life. “Of course I am, Bug,” he said, smirking. “You are mine and I am never letting you go.” My heart fluttered and my knees buckled. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Nate was my best friend. He was the love of my life. He was the family I never had. “I love you, Nate,” I said softly. He stopped walking and looked down at me. He tangled his fingers into my hair and pulled my head back. He bent down to place a soft kiss on my lips. My whole body tingled. I could have sworn that my heart was jumping up and down in my chest. “I love you too, Bug,” he mumbled against my lips. “I love you the most in this world.” I smiled and took a deep breath. His familiar scent filled my lungs, making me feel like I was flying on a cloud. “We will be late for class,” I mumbled as he lowered his lips to my jaw. Nate placed another soft kiss on my lips and lifted his head. He smiled at me and started walking again. “Come on, Haleybug,” he said. “We have to get you to class. You need to become the best doctor in the world.” I smiled and shook my head. I loved him so much it hurt. The ringing of my phone pulled me out of my memories. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and picked up the call. I didn’t even look at the caller ID. “Haley, sweetie?” Molly said as soon as I answered. Her caring voice was like fuel to a fire. I couldn't hold back a sob anymore. “Oh, sweetie,” Molly said. “Do you want me to come over?” I took a deep breath and shook my head, forgetting that she couldn't see me over the phone. “No, Molly, it’s okay,” I said, taking a deep breath. “I am okay.” Molly was silent for a few seconds. “I just talked to Nate,” she said. “Why is he going to the hospital? He said that he wouldn't go to his appointment.” Fresh tears fell on my cheeks. “Lidia had an accident,” I said, my voice breaking. “He went to see her.” “That little b***h,” Molly mumbled angrily. It actually made me chuckle a little. It was weird to hear her curse. She was an elegant lady who cared about appearances and manners. I took a deep breath and looked at the suitcase on my bed. “I can’t do this anymore, Molly,” I mumbled quietly. The lump in my throat grew, making it impossible for me to breathe. My heart couldn't even break anymore. I was done. I fought for him. I tried everything that I could. I stayed as long as I could. I lived through multiple heartbreaks and had my soul shattered a thousand times. I couldn't do it anymore. I had to leave if I wanted to heal and continue. I had to let him go. “Haley, no!” Molly exclaimed. “You can’t go, honey! Nate will remember. He will remember, sweetie. I promise!” I heard that a million times. Every time I saw that familiar spark in his eyes I hoped that my Nate was coming back. Every time I saw him smile I hoped that he remembered something and that he would lift his head and look at me. I hoped that he would call me Bug and tell me that he remembered everything. I couldn't hope anymore. The last bit of hope I had left died. I had to leave before I died too. The pain in my heart would kill me. “I can’t do it anymore, Molly,” I cried out. “I can’t hear him say her name again. I can’t look at the smile on his face when he gets a text from her. I can’t stand by the front door and watch him leave to go to her. I can’t do it again, Molly. It is killing me.” Molly sobbed quietly. “I am so sorry, sweetie,” she said and I heard her sniffle. “I am so sorry.” I gulped and tried to take a deep breath. “I know,” I mumbled. “I am sorry too.” I wished that I had more strength in me. I wished that I was braver. I wished that there was something else I could do, but there wasn’t. He wanted me gone. He didn’t love me anymore. “I loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you, Haley,” I remembered his wedding vows. “You are my best friend and there is no life for me without you. I will love you and cherish you till the day I take my last breath.” A quiet sob escaped my lips again. “Where will you go, honey?” Molly asked. I didn’t know that yet. I bought a plane ticket to Seattle, but I wouldn't stay there. I wanted to find a small town somewhere in Washington and settle there. I wanted to be as far away from here as possible. “I will let you know when I find a place, Molly,” I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks. “I am not sure yet.” Molly sobbed again. “I have a favor to ask,” I said quietly. “Anything, Haley,” Molly mumbled. “You are my daughter. I would do anything for you.” “Don’t tell him where I am,” I mumbled. “Not even if he remembers.” Molly was silent for a few moments. “But everything will be okay once he remembers, Haley,” Molly said quietly. “Why wouldn't you want him to know where you are if he remembers you?” My heart clenched painfully. I doubted that he would ever remember. He didn’t want to remember. He didn’t want me. “Promise me, Molly, please,” I mumbled instead of answering her. She was silent again. I could hear her breathing. “Okay, Haley,” she mumbled after a few moments of silence. “I promise.” “Thank you,” I said quietly. Molly sniffled again. “Do you need money?” she asked me. “Tell me how I can help.” “It’s okay, Molly,” I said. “I have some money saved up. It should be enough until I get a job.” I wasn’t going to take anything from Nate. Everything here belonged to him. I didn’t need anything. I didn’t need his money. The only thing I wanted and needed was his heart, but he took that away from me. “I love you, honey,” Molly cried out. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I love you too, Molly,” I said. “You were a wonderful mother-in-law. Thank you for taking me in. Thank you for loving me all of these years. Thank you for giving me a family I never had.” Molly sobbed loudly. “I will text you when I settle somewhere,” I continued. “Thank you for everything.” “Okay, honey,” Molly mumbled. “I will talk to you soon.” I gulped and hung up. I placed the phone on the floor next to me and buried my face in my hands. I sobbed and started rocking back and forth. “I will call you Haleybug,” Nate said. “Why?” I asked, frowning at him. He was my friend, but he was so weird. “You bring luck, just like a ladybug,” Nate said, grinning at me. “But since your name is Haley, I will call you Haleybug.” I had to hold back a chuckle. “Or, Bug, for short,” Nate added, making me shake my head. The pain spread from my heart to my lungs. It felt like a hand was squeezing them. I couldn't breathe. “Will you be my girlfriend, Bug?” he asked, smiling brightly. The pain spread from my lungs to my stomach. “Will you marry me, Haley?” he asked, his eyes filled with unshed tears. The pain spread to my limbs. Every part of my body hurt, and it felt like I was dying. It felt like life was leaving my body and draining my soul. I moved my hands from my face and tried to take a deep breath. It was impossible. The hand around my lungs wouldn't stop squeezing till I was a gasping mess. But I forced myself to stand up. I had to pack. I had to leave. I couldn't stay here anymore. The pain would kill me. I looked at the desk in my room. I started writing him a letter. I decided to leave tomorrow morning after he left the house, with the note and the signed divorce papers on the bed. I approached my desk and sat down. I picked up the pen and continued writing my last words to my husband and the love of my life. The pain was so bad that it made my hands shake. I had to focus hard to make the words readable. The mixed flashes of our sweet memories and my pain were making my soul burn. Nothing I had ever done before hurt like this. Nothing compared to signing my name off on the piece of paper in front of me. You won, Nate. I will let you go...
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